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Your age and difficulty setting when or if you completed Doom Eternal?

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This is kind of a sequel to that thread I started months ago asking about everyone's age, which I asked back then in relation to Doom Eternal, but was far too early from release so it was seen as Off-Topic (fair enough).


So, now I'm asking everyone's age that they were when they played (and/or completed) Doom Eternal, and what difficulty setting you started off with and did you have to lower it?


I'll go first:

- I was (am) 47 when I played Doom Eternal.

- I didn't complete it yet (and may not).

- I started at ITYTD.

- Couldn't lower it further.


Your turn :)


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I was 32 years old when I first played Doom Eternal. I am now 33 as of the 22nd March.
I haven't finished the game, one of the boss fights was proving a bit too tricky the last time I tried advancing.
I have been playing at Hurt Me Plenty since the very beginning, with no adjustments made to difficulty yet.
I found the game challenging at first, but I think I'm reaching the point where I might be able to handle non-boss encounters on Ultra-Violence. But I will probably complete the game on HMP first, and then do a UV playthrough. Probably after my Extra Lives run, I want that sweet Phobos skin.

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Age 50. Completed HMP and UV, on Normal and Extra Lives, and UV Master Levels.

Got as far as Cultist Base on Nightmare Extra Lives. I think I mostly died to Gargoyles.


(On my first run I turned down the difficulty to ITYTD for Marauders, Khan Maker and Icon of Sin.)

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Was 20. Turned 21 on the 6th of April. Beat the campaign on UV extra lives mode. I haven't completed the master levels. Game crashed a bunch of times when I tried to load the final mission, but thankfully that's been patched out by now.

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I'm 37, i completed it on UV 100% start to finish on ps4, currently replaying it on nightmare.

Edited by Deimos

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30, UV.


Getting ready to take on the Master Levels, followed by a NM run soon!  (I doubt I'll ever have the patience for UNM.)

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22 for about an hour and a half longer.


Completed the game on UV first, then re-did on NM. Recently finished UV Extra Lives. Planning on NM Extra Lives next.


I did ITYTD for unlocking the Phobos skin, back before I did a NM run.

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31 when I started. Began on UV, finished on HMP, been replaying levels on UV. Only reason I bumped it down was because  I didn't have a handle on the mechanics though. Going through UV isn't being so weird since I figured stuff out. 

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Hurt me Plenty

Completed the campaign a little less then 2 weeks after starting the game.


I'm currently doing a 2nd play through, this time doing all the Slayer Gates and Time trials.

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I am 30.

I played through the game on Hurt Me Plenty on PC.

I was tempted at a few points to lower it (since I played every other Doom on ITYTD)

But I made it through and really enjoyed the experience.


I tried to skip straight to Nightmare for my second playthrough after watching ZeroMaster vids, but I ended up turning it down to UV lol.

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I was 36 when I started and completed it on UV. Since then, I've turned 37 on April 15th, and have completed it on Nightmare two times, and on Nightmare Extra Life Mode two times too with 27 lives at the end on the 2nd time. Tried a couple of Ultra-Nightmare runs so far and made it halfway through the 2nd half of Exultia (Hell). But will complete the game on UNM eventually for sure too as I've developed good strategies for different fights.


Funny to have noticed on different playthroughs how the IoS seems to randomly be more or less difficult each time. My last one in the 2nd part it dominantly spawned Cacodemons, Pinkies and sometimes Revenants or Hell Knights which was very easy to manage (on Nightmare) where as in the time before that it was much more insane as the monsters that spawned were only Barons, Carcasses, Pain Elementals and Arachnotrons. And Cyber Mancubi too, which was also on Nightmare (Extra Life Mode).


EDIT. And no adjustments on skill levels. I was always playing DOOM 2016 on Nightmare, so trying first run with UV was nice to have for a more relaxed but still tense at times-gameplay experience.

Edited by Kristian Nebula

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29. Ultra Violence on XBox one. Two playthroughs. Did extra life challenge with one mod and suit for the achievements. Started an Ultra Violence extra life mode this morning.











SPOILERS: First playthrough I had to go sentinel armor for Gladiator and Khan Maykr. One shot the Icon of Sin though. Weird. But second playthrough, I didn't trigger the sentinel armor. Finished with 20 lives or something.

Edited by Castle Dreadful

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  On 4/17/2020 at 9:22 PM, NoXion said:

I was 32 years old when I first played Doom Eternal. I am now 33 as of the 22nd March.
I haven't finished the game, one of the boss fights was proving a bit too tricky the last time I tried advancing.
I have been playing at Hurt Me Plenty since the very beginning, with no adjustments made to difficulty yet.
I found the game challenging at first, but I think I'm reaching the point where I might be able to handle non-boss encounters on Ultra-Violence. But I will probably complete the game on HMP first, and then do a UV playthrough. Probably after my Extra Lives run, I want that sweet Phobos skin.


Since a few people are mentioning the platform, I'm playing on PC with a mouse and keyboard.

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I'm asking the age because I'm wondering if one's reflexes and hand-eye co-ordination severely decline by age, and are most obvious on such a demanding game like DE. I was not surprised that most of the people here are younger than me, but Urthar was quite a surprise, the only one older than me and he did better than I have so far. I can only imagine he's a hardcore gamer, whereas I'm not anywhere near that much at all. In fact, I played very few games in the last decade alone, although I have played many more in my youth.


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My reactions aren't great, but I've learnt to anticipate opponents and control encounters. Possibly due to playing Quake in the dial-up era and Left4Dead over a dodgy wifi connection.


I adapted to most of the monsters in Eternal fairly quickly, but the Marauder took a couple of play throughs to get comfortable with, in part because he's not a particularly intuitive monster to response to. For example, he can instant block an attack even when his shield isn't visible. He spawns a dog if his shield has been hit recently. He's effectively immune to BFG and Crucible attacks. His shield isn't overloaded by Plasma Rifle fire. You can generally force his vulnerable attack by dashing backwards away from him. This is all pretty arbitary stuff that runs counter to what the game has been teaching you, and it doesn't surprise me in the least that it throws a lot of people off.

Edited by Urthar

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- 23

- Completed.

- First in UV, then in NM and the last in extra life mode

- Didn't lower


I'm really really used to play FPSs, but I must say that this game requiers specific learning to quickly switch between many tools; thing that no FPS that I've ever played has. Once I got used to all the tools and bound them correctly, now it just flows.


P.S.: And yes, I'd say that is a combination of: normal reflexes decline by aging and amount of time spent in FPSs in the past and in the present. And you can add talent maybe, but that's not easily mesurable.

Edited by Martin-CAI

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- Started 1st run on UV, bumped down to HMP

- 2nd run on HMP to test out a UN type run (avoiding some Gates, Secret Encounters) to see if upgrading the good mods was manageable (they are)

- 3rd run on UV - 100% completion (all Gates, Encounters, etc)

- 4th run on Nightmare - 100% completion (all Gates, Encounters, etc)

- (current) 5th run on Nightmare - UN prep (skipping some Gates, Encounters, refining upgrade path, etc)

Edited by Mattatsu

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20, Nightmare difficulty first time through.


UV onwards to take on the different challenges.


Still attempting my Ultra Nightmare run with my farthest being Sentinel Prime before getting destroyed by Gladiator.


In total, I made 5 different completed playthroughs, 2 on Nightmare, 3 on UV.

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37, Hurt Me Plenty, PC. for replays I start HMP and switch to easy thru the game, centered weapons, no tutors, no bullet-time runes for max flow (no save/load, no Max Payne effects)

Edited by Jaromir Bergmann

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