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Old versions of Doom Legacy


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I actually remember that version, or at least the version where you couldn't get out of the water unless it was at least 4 units from the outside ground/edge.

If the water level was any lower, then you couldn't jump out heh.


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Ok, here's a copy of drowned.wad in which I lowered three sectors' floor from 512 to 506 and now you get out in that Legacy28.zip windows doom3.exe.   At 508 I could sometimes get out with some difficulty rapidly jumping while looking up.


Edited by Gokuma

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I remember when they added the slower movement underwater, it was a real WAT moment for me. It made it un-fun to be underwater.


I wonder if @SoM or anyone else has his old legacy test builds? IIRC he added DDF to Legacy (unless I'm remembering wrong) as well as some other cool things, in particular a room-over-room trick

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32 minutes ago, Jon said:

as well as some other cool things, in particular a room-over-room trick

It is likely not related (well, only in the sense that SoM has been part of the team now) but rorEternity is perhaps something to check out. It has nothing to do with Legacy though.

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My archives only go back to 1.42.  That is when I started working on the 1.4x branch.

There was a previous time when I had worked on the code, but that machine had a disastrous adventure with the PCTools defragmentor, where it got stuck and just thrashed, and I finally exited the program, only to find out it did not write back the allocation tables, therefore scrambled hard drive.  Those were the days when all my backups were on floppy, and it took just too many floppies.  I still got some of those old backup floppies, but they should only contain work that I did.


Had a look through all my 5 1/4" floppies, did not find anything.  Would not do much good as I realized I don't have a machine with a 5 1/4" floppy drive anymore.

I think the drive is packed away in some old hardware box somewhere.

I don't think there would be anything on any of the 3 1/2 " floppies, seems like the wrong time period.

Edited by wesleyjohnson

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On 4/15/2020 at 4:18 AM, Jon said:

I remember when they added the slower movement underwater, it was a real WAT moment for me. It made it un-fun to be underwater.

Yeah, it confused me why they just didn't use Quake's swim speed as a model.

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