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Your personal ranking of Doom monsters from the most to least dangerous/troublesome?


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Lost Souls consistently manage to hit me a lot more than they have any right to. I used to have a HUGE problem dealing with Revenants but now they're easy-peasy, with the exception of when they DO hit me and it's somehow always a large damage roll.

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playing Double Impact, F**k the Seargeant. those guys take away so much health if you aren't careful. the Arch-viles are easy if you have cover.

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  • 1 month later...

My tier list:

S Arch-vile
A Cyberdemon, Mastermind
B Chaingunner, Revenant, Mancubus, Arachnotron, Pain Elemental
C Cacodemon, Hell Knight, Baron of Hell, Spectre
D Shotgunners, Demon, Lost Soul, Nazi
E Zombiemen, Imp

Edited by DOEL

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You missed an enemy that makes you die with almost one shot. It also makes the dead come into life again and again.


3rd should have been that.


How did you miss that monster?

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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Ok my current one (in general, same monster can fit in multiple tiers, Doesn't need to be the one dealing damage, just causing death):


1) Chaingun zombies, they don't even need a reasoning.

2)1) Barons\Mancubi who lock you in their bedroom. No where to dodge and very annoying especially on -fast.

3) Arch-viles unless they have a shitty position. Sometimes even that doesn't matter if they have monsters around and you are locked from killing him 5 seconds after he wakes up.


4) Revenants \ Shotgun zombies. Both very weak but can cheese in a hit from time to time.

5) Pain Elementals : F tier if they have no other monsters around to stop you from cheesing their only attack. Generally ignored by me since I just use them to distract everything else. Always cheaper to kill lost souls than whatever they were distracting.


6) Arachnotrons : Only because their attack is the same as everything below it except zombieman but stronger.

7) All the worthless wimps with line pattern projectiles.


8) Zombieman : Not even a hitscan attack can carry him since armor exists. 


Bosses don't fit as they are generally an arena set piece and either do nothing or burn the place down. [ But they'd probably fall with Arachnotrons tier otherwise ]. I think I forgot something but it is probably too weak to remember.


@Nine Inch Heels don't forget to add all the hot close encounters with barons! 

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Pain Elemental.





Edited by seed

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18 minutes ago, seed said:




Pain Elemental.






Where are revenants? Too high to see them? :P

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The only monster that regularly annoys me or that I find to be genuinely troublesome is the Revenant.

I literally hate eveything about them. Fastest way for me to rage-quit, delete and forget about a WAD forever is to spam Revenants.
Being chased around an arena with 20 homing missiles trying to eviscerate my butthole isn't my idea of enjoyment.

Lost Souls can be a pain in the arse too... especially when you finally manage to wipe out a horde of monsters with only 10% health left, walk around a corner and a lone Lost Soul that escaped screams in your face and you're dead. Frustration to the max.

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5 minutes ago, Pegg said:

Where are revenants? Too high to see them? :P


Ah damn, I forgot about them.


Also Mancubus.

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Extremely situation dependant, but generally:

1. Arch-Vile (a lot of troubles, because of the way the attack works)

2. Cyber Demon (you have to be very aware of the cyber demon's actions)

3. Revenant (you have to be aware of the homing missiles)

4. Spider Mastermind (extreme damage from close range, however the spread is so big that most of the time it ends up dying due to infighting)

5. Mancubus (random spam with potential high damage)

6. Chaingunner (constant undodgeable damage, a bit like mini-arch-vile)

7. Arachnotron (have to be aware of the extreme damage 'beam')

8. Goose Waffle (similar to chaingunners)

9. Shotgunner (extremely weak but has a sudden undodgeable damage. most of the time deals more damage than the median mancubus to the player)

10. Baron of Hell (blocks your path, bullet sponge)

Edited by Looper

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16 minutes ago, Looper said:

8. Goose Waffle (similar to chaingunners)

Who? Aaa, nazis.

Edited by Dimon12321

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10 minutes ago, Looper said:

Goose Waffle

That is the most hilarious mishearing of the nazi voice clip I've heard ever lol


Hard to make a list of my own because like people said, very situation dependent. 

If I made a list, I'd base it on how consistently dangerous the monsters are in the wads I play, but that'd require me having a good long-term memory lol

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Depends on the map. Arch-viles are generally considered tougher than Shotgun Guys, but an archie in a room with tons of cover is much less dangerous than a legion of Shotgun Guys surrounding you in a football field.

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