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Your "OMG HOW DID I SURVIVE THAT" Doom moments

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Has it ever happened to you that while playing Doom, you were in a situation where you thought that you were screwed, but then, out of nowhere, you survived?

This thread is to share these type of moments.

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I was once playing Dis from pistol start and killed the Mastermind with my last pistol shot.

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I'm not that great of a player, but I recently survived the first arena fight of Eviternity MAP 14 in a blind run on UV.

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8 minutes ago, Chopkinsca said:

I can't remember any, but I know they are always followed by running into 4 imp fireballs in a row.

I like taking a map with 700 imps in one room, turn IDDQD on, run into as many imp fireballs in a row that I can, then try to break that record.

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I don't remember exactly how I got to this point, but I once finished Doom 64's Level 24:  No Escape with exactly 1% Health left (pretty sure some Lost Souls did a lot of the damage...those damned things are brutal in D64, especially when there's several of them).  Good thing that the next level starts you off with a Megasphere.    

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Live footage of various cases, last one is incredible


Two years ago:




This one is from last year:




This one is recent:




This is even more recent:




This is from yesterday:




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I remember I was playing No End In Sight. It was at E1M7. I'm outside the base and there's these two Pinkies. I make quick work of those two and begin to progress through the area when I see a horde of Pinkies stampeding at me. To quote an over-saturated meme: "So I started blasting".

One of my favorite doom sessions by far.

This pretty much sums the moment up:


Edited by neuromantic

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I first played E4M2 back in 1996, had killed pretty much everything except the cyberdemon and was wondering how to get a good shot at it. Then I stepped on a teleporter and realised "Oh SHIT, this is the cyberdemon's lair!". But before getting as far as 'I'm dead meat!", the cyberdemon death sound played. My immediate reaction was "What the hell was that? Who killed the cyberdemon? Not me!"


After a bit of thought I figured the engine must do something if one thing teleports in on the other and killing the other would be a cool special effect, so they probably didn't bother to code around that and it may even have been intentional. Never having done multiplayer, I didn't know about telefragging back then - had to figure it out myself :)

Edited by Martin Howe

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In DOOM 64, I was facing the Mother Demon, and I wanted to see what her attacks were like and she totally destroyed me down to like 10 hp. I took out my BFG, and I died right as she died, I was trying so hard no to hit my last save, and I noticed her death from the ground!

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