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Hell Breach (original release)

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Been playing with making a level for the first time in many years and this is the first cut of the first level.


It can be found on my github site


It's a mini episode for Doom2, tested with GZDoom 4.2 on Windows and Ubuntu. I have not implemented difficulty settings/different monsters but I have implemented a 2 key required route and an optional key secret area, as well as a hidden secret area. It's quite short - 5 minutes or so? It's probably not that hard in the scheme of things.


There is no requirement for jumping or freelook, but I always use freelook anyway.


** UPDATE **

Version 2 released, addressing feedback from the replies below. I have updated the screenshots as well. Available on my github site when the Cloudflare cache expires and refreshes...


** UPDATE 2 **

Part 2 released - see my reply lower down.



Anyway - some screenshots:



Start position:




Main corridor:Screenshot%20from%202020-06-13%2013-04-0



Funky lights:



Main exit area:



The breach...





Edited by smeghammer
updated links

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Don't spoil the whole map by posting a screenshot of every single room? Including a spoiler for a fake exit.


Screenshots look decent, I like the lighting. But the hell section in the last 2 screenshots looks ugly and garish because of the texture.

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Thanks. Fair point re too many screenshots.


On 4/24/2020 at 5:10 PM, joe-ilya said:

But the hell section in the last 2 screenshots looks ugly and garish because of the texture.


I am looking to improve this and I struggled with the outside area - I couldn't decide whether it was an actual hell area, or just an earthly volcanic one. I couldn't work out what textures would work best. I will definitely revisit this.


I am attempting to create a 4 or 5 level miniwad with this one somewhere in the middle. Here is a taster of a new secret level for this - I think I made better use of textures and floor levels:



Edited by smeghammer

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Hi, played your map.

In the first part of the map where you wade through the waste tunnels I would have loved to find any medikit, after fighting the monsters earlier it might not be possible to get back through the tunnels alive...


And most of the time I did not know what all the switches do. Obviously they are important, but the player can't see or know which switch does what.


There is a problem in the map here:


That little door can't be opened from the inside so you could get trapped.


And why is this door marked as yellow door (Sector 271)? You don't need any key for it:


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@Loomis, thanks for the feedback. to answer the points you raised:


55 minutes ago, Loomis said:

I would have loved to find any medikit, after fighting the monsters earlier it might not be possible to get back through the tunnels alive


Agreed. I obviously know where everything goes, and judicious use of the rad suit is sufficient. Adding a medkit is a good idea.


57 minutes ago, Loomis said:

And most of the time I did not know what all the switches do.


Yeah, I tried to indicate by the colour of the door what each switch released. Agreed that the use of colour-coded door surround is used normally for indicating the key. I have tried to use to indicate the switch that opens the door for that colour key. Will try to re-work the colour scheme.


1 hour ago, Loomis said:

There is a problem in the map here:


Thanks. Missed that one on my playthroughs.


1 hour ago, Loomis said:

And why is this door marked as yellow door (Sector 271)? You don't need any key for it:


See comment above. Will re-work colour schemes.


Thanks again for the feedback.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just released as standalone version
Here is the second map - Breach Scars:



I just played though from pistol start in vanilla GZDoom, so it is entirely playable standalone, but you probably need to tool up first. All secret areas can be seen from afar.


Eventually I'll release Hellbreach as a 4-5 level mini wad, but for now I just want feedback and for people to see what I am up to.


Nice. My first attempt at a wad for about 20 years...


** Edit ** 

@Clippy I just watched the full YT vid. Very cool thank you.  It did highlight a couple of things:


 - I fixed the unpegged doortrak at the end of the dark tunnel from the rocky secret rocket area (missed that in testing)

 - I made the switch in the imp cage room repeatable

 - I could not repeat the lamp rising with the door you you saw right at the start - what sourceport are you using? I'd like to fix this. I tried dropping the rez right down to 640x480 in case it was a pixel width thing. I did see a *very* slight overlap at the bottom, but this does not cause a problem with GZDoom (4.3, Ubuntu and Windows), but this may well be the cause of what you saw.

 - I also thought I saw a couple of places in th esewer where the fence textures seemed not properly pegged (a weird visual artefact where it seemed to extend into the floor). You did not comment on these, but just wondering if you saw them. Again, I do not see these on GZDoom.


 You made a couple of comments about the sewers and also the blue key (for the secret arachnotron area) where the pinkies are caged... The switch for these bars is in the sewers. You noticed the blue and red stripe on the floor by the door to the sewers. This motif continues IN the sewers - look up in the big hallway towards where the three entrances are...




And yes, I have added a bonus item in the LH branch.


I will export a new map with these updates shortly.


Edited by smeghammer

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@smeghammeri have a crappy computer and can only run zdoom


Getting new computer soon so you can probably ignore glitches that weren't present to you

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20 hours ago, smeghammer said:

I will export a new map with these updates shortly.


It should now be uploaded here if you want to have a crack at the next one...

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