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How often do play Classic Doom and how does it affect your game in modern fps?

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Hey all 


I am mostly a console player nowadays, with two kids and all, it's just easier and more affordable (time and money wise) to buy consoles. We can easily and affordable play together in split screen etc, the whole family can enjoy games without spending over 1000 dollars every four years in order to be able to play games as intended. 


I do have and old laptop and my wife as well. Mine is a ROG with 670mx and i7 and a whopping 16gb of ram, and I use it to play single player classic Doom! I rarely have time and energy but it feels good being able to play it every once in a while. I also started some classic quake and I noticed that my aim is totally off. I used to be a really good fps gamer but I'm lagging behind now of course due to consoles and lack of gaming overall. 


I'm sure that single player doom won't help me the least with the aim in multiplayer games with freelook. 


That got me thinking : how often do you play Classic Doom and how does it affect your aim in other more modern fps games?

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Just now, Old-Doomguy said:

a ROG with 670mx and i7 and a whopping 16gb of ram, and I use it to play single player classic Doom!


Damn! That's like overkill for Classic Doom. I play mostly on a laptop with a dual-core Pentium, 8GB RAM & 32MB onboard graphics. I play using the keyboard only, but not because I think I am an elite gamer, it's just laziness if I'm being honest because I mostly play either sitting or lying down and to use a mouse would require additional movement on my part and I want to move as little as possible. I also play Quake with the keyboard but Quake 2 is just a little tricky without a mouse.

I play several times a week, mostly at night with headphones for maximum immersion. Doom 64 also.


I was actually thinking of making videos on YT where I play classic shooters using the keyboard only but I'm too lazy to commit to it seriously.

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I play quite often, actually I've come to like classic, no jumping nor crouching Doom gameplay over more modern kinds of shooter

I don't think it's affecting my overall performance on modern shooters tho, well, I wouldn't exactly call TF2 modern, but still

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I don't play much classic Doom these days as I feel I'm getting burnt out on it (Been Dooming since '93 lol) so it's expected. I still play Doom 64 pretty religiously as well as the new fangled Doom games. Although I think it's time for a break and maybe focus on another series for awhile.

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8 minutes ago, User Name said:

I don't play much classic Doom these days as I feel I'm getting burnt out on it (Been Dooming since '93 lol) so it's expected. I still play Doom 64 pretty religiously as well as the new fangled Doom games. Although I think it's time for a break and maybe focus on another series for awhile.


D64 has really grown me this time around (though it also did back in the N64, all those years ago).  60 fps and the Switch screen do wonders for it.  Also much more fun when you remember how to solve some of the more obscure puzzles.  


Last "new" FPS I played through was Bioshock.  Was fun, but once I completed it, I never felt much of an urge to go back.  Tried Turok and Quake way back when and just didn't get into them.  Doom 3 never felt right.  I might have been better off starting with a FPS that wasn't Doom, because that just feels so much like home to me...maybe too much so.  


Admittedly, I do like the simpler controls that Doom I/II and 64 offer...sure, D64 can feel a bit floaty/imprecise, but I like not having to mess around with crouching and jumping.  And those Dooms just have an atmosphere and feel all their own.  

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Well, i always play the classic Doom games (they're the only Doom games i have) but i also like Valve games (Half Life, Portal, heck, my profile picture is from a screenshot i took from GMod, a game that uses Half Life 2 assets) so i play with crouch binded to CTRL, jump binded to SPACEBAR, interact binded to E and freelook.

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Classic Doom are the games I play the most, I always have a problem aiming in other games but I don't think it's because of Doom, I'm just slow with reaction times, this usually makes me tired of playing those other games so I do some "exercise":

I sometimes play wads that are designed to be played with modern controls (freelook, jumping, etc.) and I disable the autoaim and don't put on the crosshair, I think this has helped my aim especially from afar, but I still have to figure out how to react faster in a game like say, Quake, where if you blink you missed it.

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i play doom classic almost every day but not only doom also the other doom engine games like Heretic Hexen and Strife (the later being my favorite). how it affect my game in moders fps? is hard to say because i havent played any modern FPS since ummm dunno i cant remember as new FPS dont really get me into. however i can tell when i used to play quake3 arena and quake live it really have some effect in my games.


since doom can tell me where monsters are thanks to sound and got used into that, in quake3  and quake live that its way better if you put some attention from pickups to weapon, everything in that game make sound and most important: the exact position where the sound plays. and playing doom helped me to tell where they are by sound... well lets say people start thinking in some of my matches i was wall hacking (they were already suspecting because i used to play with max Sensibility in quake3 arena nowadays i cant play with max sens...) but boy everything in quake3 is noising, carrying any energy weapon: Railgun, Plasmagun, BFG, Lighting Gun, the "hum" sound from the energy was literally a thing saying "hey im here im coming trough this door", footstep is easy to tell, but they though were smart enough just camping in a corner with the railgun out... if it werent for the humming from the weapon.  i used to play in a railfreeze tag server with the razer mod (which later i owned), and i knew some of the players used hacks, i cant remember the name of one of them but he was just a sure cheater specially walling he was the last one to freeze and i was the last in my team since i knew he guy was walling i have to used gauntlet and walk around to try to hear his railgun out once i found his humming from his weapon getting louder i just waiting him in a corner with the gauntlet out. he saw me in that corner trough wall since his weapon sound werent getting any louder anymore. and then his foostep stopped he saw me there and boy even weapon swichting make sound! so as soon i hear him swicting yo gauntlet i just quickly come out and punched all his face... yeah he was crying i was walling, but no boy all pure ear skill.



but of course this skill also have a downside... any arena with a lot of stuff that make sound  made me go crazy by everything sound around, jumpads, doors opening and closing, shards pickup etc. so sometimes was hard to tell were players coming trough.


up to this day when i play quake live sometimes this still help me to get away from more skilled players or try to ambush them to get a chance. also helps to tell who is cheating as some legit players always look for you by sound and by just walking and carrying a shotgun or rocket launcher you are invisible to them.


Sadly this dont work with TF2  which is the game i play most, since footsteps are almost silent, pick ups dont make sounds, only for the player who use it, voices, weapons fired, sentries, dispensers, make sounds and spies decloaks too. i guess they made it like that to help spy stealth into enemy lines otherwise would be imposible for them.

Edited by Z0k

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I rarely play Doom, actually, save for playtesting my own levels.  When I want to play an old FPS, I usually turn to Quake, and it's always on a PC since I kinda stopped playing consoles a number of years ago.


That being said, I don't really notice either one making much of a difference.  I use freelook in both, but notice no difference compared to modern FPSes.  If anything it's kind of the reverse, where playing modern FPSes has led to me useing cover in Doom and Quake more than I did as a kid.

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I play OG Doom engine games most days along with pretty frequent outings on Quake.  Every so often I try out modern shooters but I just don't enjoy many of them.  They just tend to be filled with a lot of garbage - too many tutorials, explanations, "story content" and game-play gimmicks that get in the way of the flow...


Jeez, half the time, it takes a full minute just to get past all the copyright shite that's spewed onto my screen before the game even reaches a menu! On top of that I get tired of games trying to up-sell their loot boxes, DLC and expansions or being harrassed to create new accounts (looking at Bethesda!).  So, as a result, my play style never really needs to develop.


As an example, I bought Doom Eternal on launch day.  I found myself getting bored (in a DOOM game!?).  Cutscenes fleshing out Doom Guy and too much jumping put me off.  I've played a total of a couple of hours.  Instead, I've ended up putting an easy 11 hours into Doom 64.

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I play classic Doom from time to time and I don't think it has any major impact in the way I play modern FPS. I don't have too much issue adapting back and forth. I no longer play multiplayer FPS though.

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about once every two months i'll play through doom episode 1 without going in any of the secrets, it's really fun and still placid but without the massive amount of blue armor yr used to


now and again I boot up doom 2 to visit doxylamine moon or various ALT and sunlust maps, or test midis i've written by dragging them into zones of fear or something


i have never played doom 64 or doom eternal in my life and i probably never will lol. i got to the first hell section in doom 2016 before noticing i probably needed to restart the game and pay more attention to the capabilities of my weapons and skills cos i couldn't proceed at all. im bad at modern gaming, i can't see the pixels and just flail about and panic and watch myself die to every new enemy :)))))

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I play relatively infrequently so the reverse is true - I sometimes reflexively hit R to reload even in the modern Doom games.

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Doom is pretty much the only single player game I play, almost all of my other gaming is multiplayer

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I guess I'm kinda used to maps having good amounts of health and ammo that some DooM/DooM II maps have (though that may be down to me knowing quite a few secret locations). As for affecting my modern FPS skills, DooM mostly focuses on the horizontal plane you're on whilst a lotta modern games have enemies attacking from above AND below. (Yeah caco's fly upwards but they always fly down to be level with me, often landing on my head in the process .-.).

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I play Doom 2 Deathmatch pretty often still and haven’t touched a modern FPS for a few years now. Not actively, just by coincidence. Since I usually use freelook in DM, I doubt it would have all that much impact. I only have freelook turned off when the server forces it off, which I don’t mind of course.

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I don't really play that much. And only single player.


But when I do, I usually play classic DOOM under DOSBox (using MBF for the high-res) with keyboard only and the default control scheme. I play modern FPSs (including Doom 2016) with the standard mouse+WASD scheme. So it's like two completely different control methods and I don't think they affect one another.

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Not that often these days as I've finished most of the megaWADs which don't change weapons/enemies.


And no, it does not affect my game. Every FPS that is full 3D I play on mouse+keyboard but I will keep playing Doom on keyboard only.

Edited by idbeholdME

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Not as much as I used to, admittedly, but it doesn't affect my experience in other games by much, minus the initial adjusting I need to do when transitioning to true 3D.


All games I play are singleplayer, and I ignore the multiplayer component in the games that do have it completely.

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I play classic Doom pretty frequently, but since I play with freelook enabled (and unlike jumping or crouching, I've never seen it disabled by the map author) and have auto-aim disabled, as well as playing more modern FPS games, I don't think it affects me much.

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I play classic doom very often though i don't really play modern shooters often enough to know really know if it affects me or not

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I play a bit of doom and pubg every day.  Neither game seems to interfere with the other.  Sometimes I'll wish i could autorun in doom, though.

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On 5/2/2020 at 4:09 AM, loveless said:

Sometimes I'll wish i could autorun in doom, though.

What source port are you using? I believe most of them have an auto-run option... At least the one I use does.

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13 minutes ago, DSC said:

What source port are you using? I believe most of them have an auto-run option... At least the one I use does.


Prboom+, using GLboom+ executable.  I've tried using GZDoom off/on throughout the years but consistent performance problems, sheer number of menus, compatibility problems, and lack of proper demo support has put me off.

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9 minutes ago, loveless said:


Prboom+, using GLboom+ executable.  I've tried using GZDoom off/on throughout the years but consistent performance problems, sheer number of menus, compatibility problems, and lack of proper demo support has put me off.

I'm quite surprised that the Boom based source ports don't allow for anything like that... Oh, well, I guess the next best thing to do is just to map the run key to one you don't use often and just put a small pile of coins on it...

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I find that, after long Doom sensations, I try to treat any game like its combat is movement-based. That will end poorly with how many modern games are cover shooters.

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1 hour ago, DSC said:

I'm quite surprised that the Boom based source ports don't allow for anything like that...

Strange indeed; the original DOS versions of Boom have autorun support.

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I forget to reload regularly. When I play COD: Black ops 2 I forget to reload after firing from 30 mag to only 10 in a magazine. Gets me killed alot.

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19 hours ago, loveless said:


Prboom+, using GLboom+ executable.  I've tried using GZDoom off/on throughout the years but consistent performance problems, sheer number of menus, compatibility problems, and lack of proper demo support has put me off.

There is actually autorun in PrBoom+, it even comes with it on as default if I'm not mistaken. You might have toggled it off by accident, check your key bindings:



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