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DBP23: Evil Egypt

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On 5/2/2020 at 10:09 AM, dmdr said:

Episode length sets are way better.


Truer words were never spoken.

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hei there, i got some problems with the supercharge secret in map12. how to get it? in my first glance at map i found BFG but not the RL, was fucked with all enemies around.. eheh got puzzled badly but the level

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1 hour ago, blob1024 said:

hei there, i got some problems with the supercharge secret in map12. how to get it?


It takes a little bit of fancy footwork/platforming. No teleportation involved, though, so take a look around and see how you might find a path that will let you jump and grab it. ;)

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I found the best secret.




For the most part this was a lot like Epic 2's earlier levels. Layouts could be a little bit simpler maybe as the progression is pretty random throughout. Oddly enough I liked the more slaughtery map the most this time around, Map07. The invul is pretty tempting and it's really wise to not be fooled by it. I absolutely hated map10, the progression there seemed VERY random and not obvious especially after the Cyberdemon fight. I spent like 20 minutes looking around and just noclipped to exit after. Should be looked upon IMO. The last map for all its visuals felt very underwhelming as well. I was expecting a more troubling and intimidating set of encounters. My first run through the wad itself was deathless actually.

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3 hours ago, IvanDobrovski said:

I absolutely hated map10, the progression there seemed VERY random and not obvious especially after the Cyberdemon fight. I spent like 20 minutes looking around and just noclipped to exit after. Should be looked upon IMO.

Were you playing in GZDoom, and did the exit platform raise back up before you got to it, after you'd killed the Cyberdemon?

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1 hour ago, Phobus said:

Were you playing in GZDoom, and did the exit platform raise back up before you got to it, after you'd killed the Cyberdemon?

Yes that's indeed what happened. I assume that's not intended?

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Indeed - it's happened to one or two of us as well, but seems to have been introduced after the first round of testing, just in time for the release, so we didn't catch it. Billy's been made aware of the issue, as has 40oz, but we're not sure if we'll do a "GZDoom patch" or a re-release to fix this. Basically, the platform has redundant lines to ensure it works in ports like prboom+, where it's possible to skip lines. GZDoom not only doesn't have that problem, but seems to not activate the lines if the platform is in motion either, hence the blockage. Seems to happen in Zandronum too, according to the co-op test that was done recently.

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28 minutes ago, Phobus said:

Indeed - it's happened to one or two of us as well, but seems to have been introduced after the first round of testing, just in time for the release, so we didn't catch it. Billy's been made aware of the issue, as has 40oz, but we're not sure if we'll do a "GZDoom patch" or a re-release to fix this. Basically, the platform has redundant lines to ensure it works in ports like prboom+, where it's possible to skip lines. GZDoom not only doesn't have that problem, but seems to not activate the lines if the platform is in motion either, hence the blockage. Seems to happen in Zandronum too, according to the co-op test that was done recently.

Can the setup not be changed to be a little different, to perhaps employ a voodoo doll at the beginning to not even wait for player to trigger it? You start off facing there anyway I don't think it'd affect that much.

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It's a limit-removing set, so no conveyor belts or anything like that are allowed as it wouldn't be compatible. We could set it up to use one diagonal line that would be much harder to skip, or alter the effect some other way as it's apparently actually blocked at the map start even if you are quick enough to catch the moving floor. The fix isn't the problem, really, more the release.

Edited by Phobus

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On 5/2/2020 at 2:09 AM, dmdr said:

Episode length sets are way better.

That position may be debatable, but I will say that as I'm playing through the DBP back catalog, it's really easy to blaze through a WAD or two in a weekend, and they usually seem to hit that sweet spot between leaving you wanting more and overstaying their welcome.

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One day, the mysteries of the Tomato will be revealed...


Until then, keep an eye out for thematic Tomatos in DBP projects... King Tomatankhamun is not alone!

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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Just a quick warning,
MAP01 (at least) seems to be broken in lower settings, the skull keys don't spawn (playing on GZDoom), I was about to give up until I saw Rex705's video. Restarted in UV and keys are there.

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Thanks for the warning @kalaeth - we're working on a v2 release now that adds a lot of polish and fixes the bugs that have been reported.

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V2 is up! Includes automap map names, text screens, credits map and other miscellaneous changes.

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Out of curiousity what did you use to do the Dehacked patch?

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OK, just wondering because if I try and edit them (with Whacked4) then it crashes on me.


Was trying to set some Death states to 60(to make them disappear) because my PrBoom on PS3 is crawling to a slideshow everytime I look in the general direction of a massacre! ;)

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On 5/4/2020 at 1:15 AM, Big Ol Billy said:


It takes a little bit of fancy footwork/platforming. No teleportation involved, though, so take a look around and see how you might find a path that will let you jump and grab it. ;)

got it, nice one!


on map6 Ican't figure out again about supercharge lol my secret-weakness seems...

btw Im posting demos here


played only a few levels so far :)

is lvl1 broken or working btw? i was stuck in my FDA

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Map10 was too much for me. I liked the rest though.

Edit: Ahh shit, I just noticed the fix for map10 a few posts back. Oh well. And for what it's worth, I played map01 on HMP and the keys showed up fine. I haven't updated to v2.

Edited by Bryan T

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Turns out the bug was specific to HNTR and ITYTD, although we've fixed it in v2 - thanks for confirming with us, though!

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I just finished playing this wad on co-op and enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere and gameplay were both pretty great.


The midi of map10 sounded very familiar to me, but in the credits it says that it's an original piece by @Big Ol Billy. Was it inspired by any popular songs or maybe it was used in some other wads? I'd really like to find out where I know it from lol

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Believe it or not, you're listening to a MIDI rendition of "Ass Like That" by Eminem, off of Encore.

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12 minutes ago, Phobus said:

Believe it or not, you're listening to a MIDI rendition of "Ass Like That" by Eminem, off of Encore. 

Oh my god

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Yep it’s a remix/edit of the Eminem song, definitely not an original composition! I thought it was kind of hilarious how appropriately “Egyptian Doom map midi” it sounded divorced from its original context. I missed that it was credited as an original, though, another fix we’ll need to slide in.

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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WEW map 01 is stressful! I can't believe I beat it on my first try (skill 2). I didn't know my way around so I ended up in the chainsaw room with no ammo. I didn't even know it was possible to chainsaw two revenants to death with only 5% health!

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hello! just my 2 cents so far.

keep an eye on high pillars where you put monsters if they can fall down.

map7 and map9 (ending pillars with imps) are a good example.

using rockets to clear may turn a demo into a failure for a missing enemy.

im sure there are easy ways to avoid them falling in unreachable areas (beside not using RL i mean, lol)

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@blob1024 Interesting, it was my understanding that this behavior doesn't happen if you're playing the set in its target (limit-removing) compatibility, i.e. PrB+ -cl2 / Crispy / EE -vanilla. I know Boom supposedly introduced the possibility of monsters getting knocked off ledges but not killed as a consequence of some other technical stuff like conveyor belts. I notice that you've posted in a few demos using PrB+ -cl2, though, so is it the case that you can still knock enemies off with the RL but not kill them in -cl2? If we're talking imps vs. rockets, that seems like an unusual situation, but I'm guessing not *so* unusual after all, based on your feedback. Hmmm...

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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