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The DWIronman League dies to: Bloody Rust

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May, 2020




The yearly leader board


Standard Leaderboard:

  1. 2 - SURVIVED (31:47): Bdubzzz - Color me surprised. Gambles a lot on MAP05, but rolls straight sixes even with 24 HP. Masterful.
  2. 2 - SURVIVED (34:32): NaZa - Gonna put "got within three minutes of Bdubzzz" on my CV. Might make me look good idk.
  3. 1 - SURVIVED (52:06): Arbys550 - Even the revenant on MAP02 after the red door took pity on your 2 HP. Pulled through nonetheless.
  4. 1 - SURVIVED (59:58): joe-ilya - Proves ability on blind runs too. I've not seen any heart-stopping moment while watching.
  5. 1 - SURVIVED (1:18:41): Roofi - I think Roofi's started redefining the word "comfortable" in DWIronman this year.
  6. 1 - MAP05: ReaperAA - Perfect timing. What a sandwich that was.
  7. 1 - MAP05: Anima Zero - After catching two sniper baron fireballs, Anima of course picked up the armor. 
  8. 1 - MAP05: Dragonfly - Might have been caged in with a key (and showered by a spider), but how did you get hit by those archviles?
  9. 1 - MAP05: Beginner - From 1 HP to killing 20 more monsters, what a recove- oh. Picked up the armor.
  10. 1 - MAP04: leodoom85 - Real cause of death - taking the rad suit so early. Not sure whether you would have been able to make it later on.
  11. 2 - MAP02: Jaws In Space - It's great to watch the author do a demo. Still not enough familiarity to make it through That Map.
  12. 1 - MAP02: SSGmaster - The infinitely tall spectre is to blame for the death itself, but cor blimey, that rocket hit at 6:46! 
  13. 1 - MAP02: Coincident - Watching blind runs is immense fun. As is watching a shotgunner jumpscare at 11 HP.
  14. 1 - MAP02: loveless - The culprit was really the imp, but showed one more time why having less than 30 HP on this map is hazardous.
  15. 1 - MAP02: NoisyVelvet - Never quite recovers from the chaingunners of MAP01.
  16. 1 - MAP02: Vince Vega - I'm running out of obituaries to cover the whole of MAP02's deaths. Partly because 90% of them are in the Room.
  17. 1 - MAP02: Daerik - Feels like watching a carbon copy of Noisy's MAP02 runabout.
  18. 1 - MAP02: Austinado - A neglected cacodemon lets Austinado know its feelings... not in the most polite way, but you behave so in fury.
  19. 3 - MAP02: I_Punch_Demons - What a clutch save in the nukage room on MAP01 - perseverance indeed! The Room bites again, though.
  20. 1 - MAP02: Horus - After so much effort to survive having less than 40 HP through all of MAP02, I was sad to see this The Room death. 
  21. 1 - MAP02: ozy - Gets too ambitious fighting a revenant. 
  22. 1 - MAP02: Suitepee - You might have had a more successful run of Hell Revealed 2 after all.
  23. 1 - MAP02: TravyB - This is what I call respect - survive MAP01 with 8 HP and still call it incredible. No love lost for MAP02 however.
  24. 1 - MAP02: RjY - Only one death to the Ninja Revenant - and it's this one, which shouldn't have happened. It would have been a clutch moment had you survived. And you were so close. I'm actually sad.
  25. 1 - MAP01: Dieting Hippo - Damned be the secrets which just open and reveal enemies!
  26. 1 - MAP01: seed - You underestimate yourself; good job on avoiding that carnage on 7 HP. Lost soul can suck it.
  27. 1 - MAP01: Pegleg - A peg leg - I think that's what is dragging you down. No other explanation for the speed of your movement.
  28. 1 - MAP01: Crusader No Regret - Takes the meaning of the word 'pacifist' to a whole new level. 
  29. 1 - MAP01: dt_ - Bashes head and pistol against wall. Dies. Repeats the process for an hour. Some say he survived nonetheless. (desync / illegal WAD version)


Prepared Leaderboard:

  1. # - SURVIVED (1:06:54) dt_ - Finds the soulsphere on MAP02 - this is where the run was truly won.
  2. # - SURVIVED (1:30:15): Crusader No Regret - I don't think you were ever too close to death, except that freak rocket on MAP04.
  3. # - MAP04: Horus - Steers into a fireball. Indeed, unlucky - you did well at the hot start.
  4. # - MAP01: Pegleg - Nearly forgot about this run! So close. I agree about the secret, however; that rad suit is criminally badly placed.


What is the Doomworld Ironman League?


The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom!


In May the DWIronman League dies to Bloody Rust, -complevel 2. After two marathon challenges, taking three and four hours respectively, it has come to my mind we have to refresh a bit - and what better way to do so than with a six-map WAD! I don't think it should take longer than an hour for the quickest. Anyway, Bloody Rust offers exactly what it promises - rusty, aging techbases filled to the brim with monsters, guaranteeing blood spills at one point or another. Health and armor are at a premium while scouring through these expansive techbases guarded by hitscanners and pain elementals. Sounds like a recipe for disaster? You betcha. At least it doesn't last long enough for our Doomguy to lose his sanity... at least not until MAP04, that is. 


Essential Info

  • Doom II: Hell on Earth as the IWAD selected.
  • Compatibility level 2, or "(Doom (strict))" for ZDoom derivative ports.
  • 6 levels.


Download Bloody Rust

prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file bludrust.wad -complevel 2 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp




  • There are two competitions: Standard and Prepared:

    • To compete successfully in the Standard competition: your first play of the selected WAD(s) constitutes your one and only attempt for the month.

    • To compete successfully in the Prepared competition: your one and only attempt for the month is determined BY YOU immediately before play and may follow any prior number of active (playing the set) and/or passive (watching demos/streams/videos) preparation that are strictly for practice/inspection purposes only. You cannot compete in the Standard competition after submitting a run to the Prepared competition. You may submit the first of your practice attempts to the Standard competition.

  • UV only (excepting 1CC format), continuous recording. No pistol-starting each level.
  • Demos (PrBoom+, GLBoom, Eternity or Chocolate), stream highlights and video recordings are the only accepted proofs. You must link to these runs in the thread. 
  • No additional WADs may be loaded.
  • No inspection of the WAD(s)'s content in an editor if you are submitting a Standard run.
  • No cheat codes and no features that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). This includes dynamic lights and brightmaps. If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatibility options, you must display these settings on-screen before your run. In ZDoom derivative ports, "Doom/Boom(strict)" will suffice.
  • If you choose to stream/record your run for video rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on the first map of a set OR because a single level was selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels than his/her competitors will rank higher than them.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point.
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details.
  • If the recording of your official run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be used to register a DNF result.
  • Accidentally restarting a level before a death exit takes you to the tally screen will disqualify your run.
  • If you are competing in the Standard competition, you are required to affix one of three numbers to your run informing the League of your degree of familiarity with the map/set played. Note that your evaluation should only take into consideration the content covered in your run (e.g. if you remember only one part of a level in a set you haven't played before but never reach that level, you should list your run as a [1] instead of [2]):


  1. This is a blind run. If I have played or watched any of the level/set being played before, I cannot remember any details that would offer a reasonable advantage over truly blind players. *
  2. This is not a blind run. I have familiarity with the set - played the level/set before, or watched it being played, and can remember some details that would offer a reasonable advantage over blind players.
  3. This is not a blind run. I have passively prepared for the competition - watched the level/set being played via stream, demo or video after it was announced as this month's challenge.


* "Reasonable" in this instance asks you to consider whether the details in question are worth committing to memory. As in, you would thank the person who gave you this information with a straight face and not expect to be laughed at for being an utter berk.



Previous threads:








Edited by NaZa
Leaderboard update. YAY

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Congratulations to @joe-ilya for the victory last month - a very unexpected return (I mean, when you think about it, it's rather expected that joe would participate in a DBP challenge, and probably win as well... but still)! I will, however, be allowing submissions for April's challenge until in 7 hours from now, when it's 12 AM in my timezone. Just needed to bring that up as well.

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1 hour ago, NaZa said:


7 of the 8 names in this list are unique. Only Bdubzzz appears more than once. The variability at the top is nice, and I hope it continues.


As for the selection, should be a nice choice.

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Survived in 1:18:41 , Category 1.




Slow but successful run due to meticulous secrets searching as usual. :) Cool mapset , the use of pain elementals remind me of Doom PSX


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Decided to get this one done early.


Category 1, survived in 52:06. I really thought I was gonna die on map02. I spent most of that map at 2% health. Good maps overall.





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Another brief one for me :P


Dead Map 02

Category 1

Monsters killed: 46/75


Yeah my health situation really sucked that map


EDIT: Now includes prepared run, in which I died on Map 04. Which was a shame as I was on a roll for a while there





Edited by Horus

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Category 1 demo. Dead on map05, I've walked away from chaingunners with 20 health only to die to shotgunners who were teleported into melee a little bit later.

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Well, there ya go boyz, another MAP01 death to the collection. Now I know for sure I'm getting progressively worse as Doom but that's fine, I really don't care anymore :p .


Funny, I managed to end up at the very bottom of the list last month. I'm gonna be a champ in no time.



Edited by seed

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Demo: Rustdemo.zip (Category 1)

Progress: Dead on Map5 (Reached at around 29 minutes)


I tried to play a bit aggressive this time. I did pretty well on first 3 maps (minus the part where I almost got crushed by crusher in map 3). Then map 4's tough start gave me quite some trouble, but I managed to survive it as well.


However, on map 5 I really screwed up. A hit from revenant, a splash damage from my rocket and ultimately getting destroyed by pinky+chaingunner ambush. In short, I f**ked up.

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Here is my Category 1 submission.




Dead on Map 01.

Kills: 45/72

Time: 8:51


I played pretty cautiously, although you wouldn't necessarily know it in spots when I backed up into an imp or a chaingunner. I probably spent about one or two minutes of that time wandering around the map wondering where to go before figuring out where to go -- and then dying when I got there to a group of chaingunners who managed to do their kind proud. The first map seemed like a pretty good opener. There seemed to be plenty of shells to be had, and the enemies didn't seem oppressively packed. There was plenty of room to maneuver, I just didn't do it well. I would've liked to see more health in the map, although perhaps had my poor play not led to me spending most of time below 50%, I wouldn't have minded the sparse health.

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naza_ironman_may19.zip - Category 2.




I remember downloading Bloody Rust somewhere around February 2016... don't think I've ever played it, though. Sure as hell remember a cringy and unrelated comment I made in that thread though. That was about it until December last year, when Alfonzo contacted me about continuing Ironman. The few of the sets I actually had downloaded and that weren't played in DWIronman (read: Hell Revealed and about ten other sets), I played a bit of. This includes BR1 (until the end of MAP03) to get the feel. However, I felt as if it were a bit too short on its own, thinking how all the maps are as short as MAP02 is and that MAP03 is an outlier. Then I downloaded and played BR2, which I immediately dismissed as being more difficult and ending most runs if it were a double header. Somewhere around February this year I did a continuous, casual playthrough of BR to see its full scope, and I realized it could well be a feature on its own, something like Abcess was in November last year - and I've duly marked it as a feature for April. However, when BR3 came out in March, I of course downloaded it, thinking it could be a good one to pair with Bloody Rust 1 - the first level seemed a like a run-ender but a fiery beginning that could potentially work, but when I clev'd to the sixth level I knew I can't really select it. That's why I chose DBP21 and 22 as a surprise choice, and ended up moving BR1 to May.


tl;dr - I've played the full length of this set while considering it for Ironman three months ago. 



Had a hairy moment near the end of MAP06 because I attempted to speedrun a couple of things which should have gotten me killed. Otherwise fairly smooth. Decided to be a bit more risky on fairly familiar ground and luckily it paid out.

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Died on MAP02 with a stupid Cacodemon  - CAT1.

I want to apologize because i did a mess confusion about the league...its written on the video record,  IronEagle...and bloody rust is mispelled (CRINGE X2). Sorry again.



STARTS AT 1:24:43






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Very pleased to have more streamers on board - welcome, both of you! It's great to see live reactions - gives it a more "Ironman"-ish vibe, as well. You did everything correctly - no compatibility issues. Don't worry about the little mistakes like misspelling the WAD name - that'd be petty of me beyond understanding to disqualify a run because of that. Even if you're unhappy with your results, Ironman isn't inherently about winning or being the very best - the spreadsheet linked in the OP is optional, if anything, and doesn't bear much significance; it's just here because I am kinda married to stats, I guess. There's no prize for winning either; it's just testing the skills and potentially helping one become better at Doom. If you do come back next month, I'll be sure to watch the runs live and cheer on!

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Category 2 Survived in 31:47.. played this wad somewhat recently. Still got lost a bit in Map 06 and well the target was to beat Naza's time so started running past the monsters until  i hit a dead end.. I swear this map played differently then I remember, don't know if i skipped a line/switch or something but anyway a decent wad/good Ironman pick (not to easy not to hard).


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Type 1 - blind  Took schmuck bait and died on map 1.  28 kills.  I don't know why I bothered attaching proof but it's there.


Pegleg gets a respite from last place this month.


Will be preparing an attempt for later in the month.


PrBoom+  -complevel 9 (oops)


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Leaderboard updated.


@I_Punch_Demons, just a clarification - after looking at the runs more thoroughly, I'd kindly ask you not to use the health bar in further Ironman competitions. The advantage it provides is quite insignificant, yes, but there's still a small advantage when saving ammo in a few specific situations. I hope it's okay with you; I've heard you bring it up during the run anway.

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2 hours ago, NaZa said:

Leaderboard updated.


@I_Punch_Demons, just a clarification - after looking at the runs more thoroughly, I'd kindly ask you not to use the health bar in further Ironman competitions. The advantage it provides is quite insignificant, yes, but there's still a small advantage when saving ammo in a few specific situations. I hope it's okay with you; I've heard you bring it up during the run anway.

Okay you are talking about the OTEX Status bar? Sure, or are you talking about the advanced status bar that PRboom+ has. 

EDIT: Nope I get it the health bar over the enemies. Loud and clear I wasn't sure as it doesn't affect the compatibility options so I thought meh what's the harm. But now I see how it could be a slight advantage. 

Edited by I_Punch_Demons

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@dt_ This might suck to hear but your demo desyncs on my end, the only one which does so. Can you verify it works on your end?

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Worrying, I actually downloaded bloody rust a couple of years ago with the intention of playing it but never got round to it.  There may have been a slight update to the wad at some point maybe, failing that ill have to go prepared this month maybe, will take a look later

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