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The DWIronman League dies to: Bloody Rust

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32 minutes ago, dt_ said:

Worrying, I actually downloaded bloody rust a couple of years ago with the intention of playing it but never got round to it.  There may have been a slight update to the wad at some point maybe, failing that ill have to go prepared this month maybe, will take a look later

There was an update, I added the music to the wad & did a bit of bug fixing on the last 2 maps.

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On my end it desyncs immediately, cca 10 seconds in, after killing the first zombieman. 

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8 hours ago, dt_ said:

Worrying, I actually downloaded bloody rust a couple of years ago with the intention of playing it but never got round to it.  There may have been a slight update to the wad at some point maybe, failing that ill have to go prepared this month maybe, will take a look later


OR if Naza accepts it, you can provide the version of the wad so that Naza can playback the demo.

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Yeah, unfortunately I'll have to disqualify the survival. The changes are noticeable because some maps have been reordered (02 -> 03 and 05 -> 06), which can lead to better scenarios (MAP03 in particular becomes a breeze if the plasma gun on MAP02 is found). Some maps have fewer monsters than in the final version as well, even though Smelting actually has less. I can put it on the leaderboard it as a desync, as you do actually manage 4 kills, but you'd rank last. (Putting you on the board, though, would give you points on the [optional] standings) Nevertheless, you can of course still do a run for the prepared leaderboard.

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52 minutes ago, dt_ said:

Heh, it was a 2016 version I used, here it is for your consideration:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/ytmpofopr94pqsh/BludRust2016.wad?dl=1

Wow that's neat. This must be the original Beta. I don't remember ever ordering the maps like this, but I just looked at the dev thread & yep they were ordered like that for a few days.

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What a numpty.  I will always dl the wad linked here in future, lesson learned!   Chalk me down for the 4 kills, beat that @Pegleg

Edited by dt_

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I forgot how much I hate playing while recording demos, the mouse movement suckksssssss.




Long run, bad result. Interesting wad, enjoyable for the most part; but good lord do I not agree with that sky texture :P


Demo attached to post.


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7 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

I forgot how much I hate playing while recording demos, the mouse movement suckksssssss.


I find mouse movement in demos much better when I have Enhanced Pointer Precision unticked in mouse settings, and the Use Extended Format menu option in prBoom+ set to No (in General -> Demos)

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rdwpa reminded me that -longtics is a thing and I feel stupid for forgetting it. :P

Edited by Dragonfly

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Heh to add salt to my wound, that demo cannot even be classed as blind, as on the bloody rust dev thread, there is a screenshot that covers the area travelled during my 'run', so it's technically a class 2?

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3 hours ago, dt_ said:

Heh to add salt to my wound, that demo cannot even be classed as blind, as on the bloody rust dev thread, there is a screenshot that covers the area travelled during my 'run', so it's technically a class 2?

Technically. But you'd not played through it and no way just looking at a single room with basically no opposition gives you very valuable intel, so it's still category 1.

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Prepared run done.  We live.  1:30:15  A much better demonstration of my ability.


     Played it very safe.  For the first 3 maps, this worked out.  For the first time ever, finished map 1 at 112/200 and maintained blue armor throughout once I had it.  Things went sour on map 4 taking too many hits in the opening and a near Good At Doom later on but was able to recover from my wounds before leaving.  Map 5 trolled me with mancubi that didn't pain chance under plasma.  Came close to biting it and only made it due to some cheap tricks.  Those 'effing chaingunners ended an unrecorded practice attempt on map 6 and I did worry about losing after coming so far but was lucky to pull through without getting too chewed up.  Hitscan luck was on my side for the final dash and I even got to exit at 200% health.


     Fun choice for an Ironman set with plenty of optional areas to skip if one desires.





Edited by Crusader No Regret
Uploaded wrong demo. Fixed

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Hello. I'm curious to try this Ironman competition which seems fun, and I might do it during my first ever livestream, tomorrow.
However, I still want to record a demo; in case there's any problems with the livestream, I feel the demo is more reliable for a proper submission.

Before I do this, I have two questions:
1) Is it OK to submit a demo that was recorded with "-longtics"?
2) Imagine that I die on MAP02, but I decide to continue just for fun; so I press "use" and do a pistol-restart that map, and then I eventually reach the end of the wad. Can I still upload that demo here, so it counts as a "Death at MAP02" submission?

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1 minute ago, Coincident said:

Hello. I'm curious to try this Ironman competition which seems fun, and I might do it during my first ever livestream, tomorrow.
However, I still want to record a demo; in case there's any problems with the livestream, I feel the demo is more reliable for a proper submission.

Before I do this, I have two questions:
1) Is it OK to submit a demo that was recorded with "-longtics"?
2) Imagine that I die on MAP02, but I decide to continue just for fun; so I press "use" and do a pistol-restart that map, and then I eventually reach the end of the wad. Can I still upload that demo here, so it counts as a "Death at MAP02" submission?

1) Others have done it in the past so I don't see an issue with that. I never bring it up as a necessity and I don't use it myself, but it's for sure not disallowed. (Besides, some streamers and video users in the past used ZDoom to play, or pr/glBoom+ without recording a demo, so.)

2) It sounds okay to me, but if I were you, I'd exit the game and just pistol start from MAP02 onwards :P There's no problem with it per se, but as you can't save in a -cl2 demo, it might become overly long. Again, it would be slapped on the leaderboard and counted as a MAP02 death anyway.


By all means, welcome! Glad to have you on board.

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Thank you NaZa. Looking forward to trying Bloody Rust :)

2) I understand - I think I will do that. It makes sense to exit the game to have a clean demo recorded until the first death. Then I can restart the game with "-warp X" to continue wherever I died, with pistol-start.

For anyone interested, you can join the stream here - live in about 22h from now.

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Ran a prepared run on the correct wad, survival, but not much quicker than blind


Yea there are quite a few significant changes along the way, the first 2 maps seem way way harder this time, but the last 2 seem much easier, suppose with foreknowledge it's hard to be sure though



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That was quite an enjoyable run, despite ending so early: death on MAP02 due to being reckless in MAP01. Continued until the end anyway (in the video, not in the demo).


Demo: bludrust-blindironman-map02.zip

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8yT8o0AJHg&t=306

Attempting to "speedrun" MAP01 was a VERY bad idea. An unlucky revenant missile brought me down to 11% health. Many close calls after that, but thankfully I survived MAP01. But starting MAP02 with 11% health; that was a death sentence.
Running Bloody Rust was a very enjoyable experience. The very difficult start is contrasted by the ending on larger maps that have big fights, and feel more "epic". The level design is great and the music sounds really good. Definitely would recommend others to try this wad; and I might just consider speedrunning this in the future.


Edited by Coincident

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh damn, I could have had MAP02 but I got greedy and went back for pickups on MAP01.


Turns out they added some surprises to the starting area!


Category I


M: 63/72
S: 0/2
I: 10/13
Time: 00:09:05


Edited by Dieting Hippo
added spoiler jsut in case

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Well I did do a run. I died early in map 2 after getting cornered by a spectre. I didn't practice at all for this ironman & I haven't played the wad in 4 years so honestly I'm kinda happy I was able to make it past map 1, I guess it helps that I did a bit of work on that map so I know where everything is :P



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Here is the post for my Category 1 submission.


And this is the post for my Category 3 submission.




Dead on Map 01

Kills: 57/72

Time: 7:35


I did better than my blind run, although not as well as I would have liked, but getting down to 1% health will do that to you. Still, I'd like to think I handled the situation well enough. I figured I would have trouble with the last room, but I didn't even make it there, having fallen victim to a rocket from a revenant that someone survived 4 or 5 SSG blasts (I guess the imp helped him a bit there), and finally being finished off by his buddy who someone got a rocket off despite being hit by continuous chaingun fire. I inadvertently re-started quickly, but there should be enough time for you, NaZa, to confirm that these numbers are accurate (especially considering why would I lie about a prepared performance that would still stick me well in last place in the prepared column).


Still a fun level. I think it was a good opening level, but the final room did strike me as a step up from the rest of the map. And, I'm all for secret encounters, or encounters triggered by finding secrets, but the encounter around that secret mega-armor and rocket launcher seemed disproportionate to me, hence I ignored it. Regardless, it was an enjoyable map.

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blind, died on map02

MAP01  EXIT  72/72   0  13/13  2/2  13:08+17  13:08
MAP02  DEAD  44/75  31  35/64  2/3   5:27+17  13:08

A revenant missile on map01 left me with 22% health; unfortunately I had already consumed the map's supply of healing items when it happened. I was even worse off at exit, due to the nukage around the blue armour. Still I didn't expect map02 to be so completely devoid of health. I crawled around for some time, somehow being extremely lucky avoiding damage (at least from monsters, if not the floor). My eventual death came as late as opening the red door; up to which, the map had healed me with no more than seven health bottles. Nevertheless I felt the death was not the fault of my mercilessly depleted health, but simply, another miserable failure to react quickly enough to a trap easily avoided if known in advance.

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What a month this was, a lot of newcomers, the absence of a veteran, but there's only one winner....




What a sensational performance, truly untouchable! Killing off 48% of all Ironman attempts this month! Great stuff. Hopefully we see you back next month as well, MAP02: Outpost! (however, the next set has quite a tricky second installment...)

Next thread should be up soon. Too bad pretty much the only other winner except Bdubzzz who participated regularly otherwise this year got banned (again) but oh well, it happens sometimes. Sucks nonetheless. Maybe their runs will still end up on the board somehow? (like glenzinho's run of BoG in April? betcha didn't even acknowledge that one.)


Either way, the next set is guaranteed to wreck everythink we've faced so far in Ironman and rack up loads of deaths once more. Hopefully not on one map, though.

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