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Pandemonium Speed Mapping Event!(Compilation wad Available + Contest Results!)

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Well guys here it is - more like 5-6 hours of build time


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Author: Clippy Clippington

Music: Well of Souls theme from a game you never heard of

Sky: none
Port Designed For/ Tested: Zdoom / Gzdoom

Multiplayer: yes and all difficulties and deathmatch supported


GET IT HERE -- http://www.levelgame.net/doom/dinospasm.wad



Edited by Clippy

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NAME - PanDYNAmonium [Alt name: Black & Blue]

Author - DynamiteKaitorn / Heich

Music - Jazz Jackrabbit E3L3 Mega Air Base

Sky - Default ep 1 sky

Port Designed For - GZDooM [May work with ZDooM, QZDooM and/or LZDooM]

Multiplayer - No multiplayer elements added at all

Gimmicks Attempted - Seeing the exit from the start


"Personally... I really tried my hardest to made this map. As of late though I've not really been in that creative of a mood which has kinda killed off most of the projects I am working on. My TMoD stuff is delayed, the D2 project I posted a couple days ago is barely on MAP03 and I just barely scraped by making this. I know this is probably one of my weaker maps, and by the latter half you can see I slowly lost interest (which is odd for me since I usually lose interest in something after a month or so).


With that being said, I tried to mostly stick to a black and blue theme throughout the map so as to give it a bit of a unique style to it. I think I did an okay job on that front. :)


Also, this map has a tiny 'choose your own adventure' style to it (though both paths quickly merge together) as you can choose which gun you can pick from first! I've tested with both weapons multiple times so HOPEFULLY there's enough ammo... :l"


Screensies! ^w^

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Updated the link to version 2 since I forgot to tag one of the doors in the map, thus making it impossible to find all the plasma ammo (doesn't effect item % since plasma ammo doesn't count towards it).

Edited by DynamiteKaitorn
Fixed map error

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Sounds interesting! Never before in this forum participated in speedmapping. I'll try to make it in all 8 hours.

I’ll set a timer to make it easier for you to judge me.

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Map Name: Barrels O' Whoop Ass

Author: TravyB

Music: Bye Bye American Pie

Sky: SKY3
Port Designed For/ Tested: GZDoom

Multiplayer: No

Gimmicks attempted: ID level re-imagined, 100 barrels minimum, Exit visible from start

Author Comments: This one is very short because I spent an aggravating amount of time trying to get the big battle working the way I wanted it to. It was mostly inspired by replaying Barrels O' Fun for this and chaingunning the 4 or 5 Hell Knights that are left over after the Chaingunner/barrel trap in one small burst, which felt pretty cool. The name of the map is Barrels O' Whoop Ass because it occurred to me that map23's music sounds a little like the Stone Cold Steve Austin theme, but maybe I'm just crazy. This one took me upwards of 7 hours.


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https://www.dropbox.com/s/0k9v62l215qkmpp/SpeedBarrel.wad?dl=0 final version, changes in spoiler


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Edited by TravyB

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This is very tempting :P Haven't decided on what gimmicks to use yet but I know it won't be the 100 barrels minimum one because my last map had hundreds of the fuckers.

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@Horus You can do some other gimmicks.... or you could use all that barrel experience to make the ULTIMATE BARELLPOLALOOZA!


Edited by Steve88

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  On 5/2/2020 at 11:32 PM, Steve88 said:

@TravyB Is there a download link for your map? I seem to have trouble locating it :P


Usually helps to actually include that, I guess. Consider that a blooper on my end lol I updated the original post to keep it simple

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Playthrough of Your map :), i played through it 3 times before i got it recorded correctly XD

Obviously this has a few spoilers, so don't watch it if you want the surprises.

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Edited by Steve88

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@Austinado You should definitely make one! I am sure a lot of us would be excited to see what you cook up :)

Edited by Steve88

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Gimmick List
-ID level re-imagine (any doom 1 or doom 2 level, but redone)

-Minimum 100 Barrels

-Max 25 Monsters

-Ode to FireBlu, Must use Fire in a significant manner

-Exit Visible from Start

-Integration of a puzzle element



This means i have to have only one or more of this gimmick list? 

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Yes, you must do at minimum one gimmick, but i would encourage everyone to do more than one.
Personally, i am working on a map that uses the exit visible from start + id level re-imagined, I also might add in some fireblu flair as well.



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Ok, im in!...i already started it...and will probably finish it today. Lets see how it goes...

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I almost finishing one, but not sure of the quality. Still have to survive the map and see if is decent enough.


Just my little contribution:


Map Name: Barrel Hideout

Author: Soulless

Music: default

Sky: default
Port Designed For/ Tested: GZDoom

Multiplayer: No 

Gimmicks attempted: 
-100 barrels
- Ode to Fireblu
-Exit visible from start 

Author Comments: 
6 hours approx spent. 
Combat Driven / Speedrun approach (expect a very short level, 5 min gameplay approx)


Final Version: https://mega.nz/file/AhIWgSaZ#XzM0j8KaCmhlvrWHXRfgSM3IXcfAQg5QkF7KqQ8FJXE





Edited by Soulless

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Map Name: Breave Thin Focus

Author: Austinado

Music: Always Watching by Lippeth

Sky: default SKY1
Port Designed For/ Tested:  Doom Format /GZdoom

Multiplayer: No

Gimmicks attempted:

 - ID level re-imagine (any doom 1 or doom 2 level, but redone) - Well it was inspired by THE FOCUS (Doom2) but it just reminds it.

 - Max25 Monsters (at least at the starting point)

 - Ode to Fireblu

 - Exit visible from start 

 - Integration of a puzzle element (i think tried that..)
= = DOWNLOAD HERE = = (3rd version (with authorization of Steve88) 

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Author Comments:


- It took me about 8h + about 15 minutes to fix some missalignments or textures. So yeah, i tought i could do it in time...but i excedeed for about 15 or 18 minutes in that matter. I understand if im disqualified or if you guys dont accept it because its not good.

- It was a first time speedmapping, and man the pressure was on...but i enjoyed, for the experience at least.


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Edited by Austinado
Some small changes on the map.

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@Austinado haha do not worry, we will not stress if you went over a little bit.
I'll give it a play through later today if I have time :) Glad to see you participate.

Edited by Steve88

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@Austinado I'm very sad buddy. Did a first play recording of your map and my mic died right off the start :;(


I had the best commentary and it's lost forever


I need a better wireless mic setup. I sit on recliner and play from TV across the room and use an app called Wo Mic to turn my phone into a mic but did it ever let me down today. I ordered a proper mic from Amazon and still not here yet


Hope you get something out of my silent play anyway but without the commentary there is a lot of me looking at things


Pretty upset about that tbh




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@Clippy thanks for playing, but since you could not hear you, i would like to know what you think about it? Liked? Hated? Meh? I dont understand , if you found the first secret, why did you not got the plasma gun after you died and started over? Yes the pit is no escapable...give me your thoughts...i would like to know.

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  On 5/4/2020 at 7:39 PM, Austinado said:

@Clippy thanks for playing, but since you could not hear you, i would like to know what you think about it? Liked? Hated? Meh? I dont understand , if you found the first secret, why did you not got the plasma gun after you died and started over? Yes the pit is no escapable...give me your thoughts...i would like to know.



I'll have to try to make another video for you. 

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  On 5/4/2020 at 7:39 PM, Austinado said:

@Clippy thanks for playing, but since you could not hear you, i would like to know what you think about it? Liked? Hated? Meh? I dont understand , if you found the first secret, why did you not got the plasma gun after you died and started over? Yes the pit is no escapable...give me your thoughts...i would like to know.



I'll have to try to make another video for you. 

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Anyone know anything about wireless microphone


I need to invest in something that works. Majorly bummed to finish my recording and see it didn't take

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