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Has anyone released cleaned-up texture materials files?


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Doom 3 comes with lots of texture materials files (akin to ZDoom's TEXTURES lumps) which contain references to inexistent textures, presumably pruned by id before release. Has anyone gone through the trouble of cleaning up those files so they only reference actual textures?

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Yes, Eutectic released cleaned material files as an addon pk4 in 2004.

I have those files on my harddrive. Should I upload them for you?

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3 hours ago, Tetzlaff said:

I have those files on my harddrive. Should I upload them for you?

Are they lost from the web? Only available locally? Sure, I'd appreciate a lot to have them, provided they're legal to distribute (don't have warez). 

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3 hours ago, printz said:

Are they lost from the web? Only available locally? Sure, I'd appreciate a lot to have them, provided they're legal to distribute (don't have warez). 


Seems they are lost from the web. I made a quick Google search and only found dead links https://www.iddevnet.com/doom3/downloads.html

They were released by Eutectic in the doom3world.org forums back in the day.

You can do a search if you want, the file is called DoomEdit_CleanMaterialsV5.zip


Other files by the same author with a similar purpose:






I am confused, what would that have to do with warez? I will not upload anything if I will be accused of distributing warez.


@Pankrat They make using the Doom3 editor more convenient because you won't see missing entries in the texture overview.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately the modification linked above is either flawed or not compatible with RoE. It removes several definitions, such as the imp fireball light effect, or causes the huge skulls near the end of the RoE Hell look weird. Since I found out about this, I wrote a Python script to cleanup original materials automatically. I may post them later when I'm sure they don't break anything.

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  • 5 weeks later...

OP, why are you so concerned with cleaned-up materials? Do you not like clutter? Is your HDD space really at that much of a premium?


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Is this a serious question? Answer: because it clutters the texture browser. When looking for textures, I need to go past lots of invalid entries, and this wastes my time. 

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7 hours ago, printz said:

Is this a serious question? Answer: because it clutters the texture browser. When looking for textures, I need to go past lots of invalid entries, and this wastes my time. 


Sorry, I did not know that. I've never dabbled with Doom 3 level editing.


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