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RAD: Source port of "RADIX: Beyond the void" using id-tech1

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3 minutes ago, MrFlibble said:

JIC, if it's the English registered version but not v2.0, you can patch it to v2.0 using the registered version patch from Epic MegaGames -- available here among other places (you'll probably need DOSBox to run it though).


I knew, thanks ;)

I have this box since 2008 and all patches / versions of Radix.

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8 hours ago, i440bx said:

V2.0 Radix.dat (20.474.683 Bytes) - is running good


Now i rememeber something!


All 3 Radix versions have sligthly differernt headers at the end of Radix.dat. I made 3 small programms each fileversion to extract the stuff

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New version v1.0.17.750.r961 is out: 



Executable (win32): https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD%201.0/RAD_1.0.17.750.r961_win32.zip/download

Source code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD%201.0/RAD_1.0.17.750.r961_src.zip/download


This is a maintenance release with minor fixes to improve stability.


What's new:

  • Holds up to 2047 bytes for environment variables.
  • Fixed potential memory corruption problem in R_MakeSpans(). This problem could rarely happen in software rendering mode in 4k resolution.
  • Fixed ddmodel rendering when the game is paused.
  • Fixed UTF16 loading problem.
  • Overlay functions can be used as mobj codepointers. ***
  • Fixed bug in A_PlayerMessage() ACTORDEF function.


*** New overlay functions:

  •   A_OverlayClear;
  •   A_OverlayDrawPatch(ticks: Integer; patchname: string; x, y: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawPatchStretched(ticks: Integer; patchname: string; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawPixel(ticks: Integer; red, green, blue: byte; x, y: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawRect(ticks: Integer; red, green, blue: byte; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawLine(ticks: Integer; red, green, blue: byte; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawText(ticks: Integer; txt: string; align: Integer; x, y: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawLeftText(ticks: Integer; txt: string; x, y: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawRightText(ticks: Integer; txt: string; x, y: Integer);
  •   A_OverlayDrawCenterText(ticks: Integer; txt: string; x, y: Integer);

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/30/2021 at 7:25 PM, jval said:

RadCad can run on WindowsXP (and probably  to any modern 32 bit version of Windows)


Win XP is the topmost version of Windows it can run on.

The reason is that RADCAD is a Win16 application (i.e. 16-bit GUI app) and 16-bit subsystem was removed after XP





You can however easily run RADCAD in DOSBox running Win3.1, that's what I did to avoid setting up an entire VM like VirtualBox :)

It's painful to use it like that though.


Also: are mission briefings planned?

Edited by ZZYZX

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On 11/16/2021 at 4:48 PM, ZZYZX said:

You can however easily run RADCAD in DOSBox running Win3.1, that's what I did to avoid setting up an entire VM like VirtualBox :)

It's painful to use it like that though.

I've tried it but I couldn't make Win 3.1 to work in high screen resolutions. On the other hand I already had available an XP VM.


On 11/16/2021 at 4:48 PM, ZZYZX said:

Also: are mission briefings planned?

It's in TODO list :)


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  • 1 month later...

New version is out.



Executable (win32): https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD%201.1/RAD_1.1.18.751.r1037_win32.zip/download

Source code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD%201.1/RAD_1.1.18.751.r1037_src.zip/download


There is also an updated version of the RAD2WAD tool (convert resources from RADIX.DAT into a WAD file):
RAD2WAD: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD%201.1/RAD2WAD_1.1.18.751.r1037_win32.zip/download


What's new:

  • The most important new feature in this update is the support of briefing screens. The support is limited only to forward progression.
  • Improvements to wall bouncing code, now the Plasma Spreader shots are bouncing the walls using correct calculations.
  • A lot of other tiny small fixes and improvements borrowed by the in-progress development of DelphiDoom 2.0.7, like corrections to the MF2_EX_CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC flag behavior, A_ChangeVelocity() function corrections, fix for the uncapped framerate bug for floor & ceiling offsets etc...


More about the briefing screens:

The briefing screens are defined as a script inside RADIX.DAT file under the name MissionBrief[x][y]. The WAD equivalent name for editing/overwrite purposes is BRIEF_xy. (x is the episode and y is the map). The layout has been slightly modified, since there is no support for backward playback and buttons that can respond to mouse click.

Briefing screens are displayed every time you run the map. It can be enabled/disabled via the "showbriefingscreen" console variable, or from the menu (Options/Gameplay). They are not displayed while loading a saved game.


Screenshot (briefing screen for E1M1)



Screenshot of the Menu (Options/Gameplay)



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  • 1 month later...

New version is out.



Executable: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD 1.1/RAD_1.1.19.752.r1097_win32.zip/download

Source code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD 1.1/RAD_1.1.19.752.r1097_src.zip/download

RAD2WAD tool: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD 1.1/RAD2WAD_1.1.19.752.r1097_win32.zip/download



What's new:

  • Speed optimization & glitches fixes in voxel rendering (software mode).
  • Emulates correctly the ripple effect in OpenGL mode.
  • Fixed finale rendering in OpenGL mode.
  • Corrected flat scale in OpenGL mode.
  • Fixed the "floating" sprite of the alien head in OpenGL mode.
  • etc....


Complete change log since previous release:

  • Faster and safer thread de-allocation.
  • Fix gravity field inheritance in ACTORDEF declarations.
  • String and boolean evaluation in parameters of ACTORDEF functions.
  • Evaluate actor flags in ACTORDEF functions parameters with the FLAG() function.
  • New ACTORDEF functions:
  1.  -A_SetTracerCustomParam(param: string, value: integer)
  2.  -A_AddTracerCustomParam(param: string, value: integer)
  3.  -A_SubtractTracerCustomParam(param: string, value: integer)
  4.  -A_JumpIfTracerCustomParam(param: string, value: integer, offset: integer)
  5.  -A_JumpIfTracerCustomParamLess(param: string, value: integer, offset: integer)
  6.  -A_JumpIfTracerCustomParamGreater(param: string, value: integer, offset: integer)
  7.  -A_GoToIfTracerCustomParam(param: string, value: integer, state: state_t)
  8.  -A_GoToIfTracerCustomParamLess(param: string, value: integer, state: state_t)
  9.  -A_GoToIfTracerCustomParamGreater(param: string, value: integer, state: state_t)
  • 3D floor logic corrections.
  • Auto fix interpolation for instant changes in sectors heights and texture offsets.
  • Added full_sounds console variable. When true, the mobjs will finish their sounds when removed.
  • Added MF4_EX_ALWAYSFINISHSOUND & MF4_EX_NEVERFINISHSOUND mobj flags to overwrite the full_sounds console variable.
  • Added A_ChangeSpriteFlip(propability: integer) ACTORDEF function.
  • Correct evaluation of angle in functions parameter's evaluation.
  • Voxel glitches fix and optimization in software rendering.
  • "RADIUS" alias for "WIDTH" DEHACKED field.
  • Emulates correctly the ripple effect in OpenGL mode.
  • Fixed finale rendering in OpenGL mode.
  • Fixed the "floating" sprite of the alien head in OpenGL mode.
  • Corrected flat scale in OpenGL mode.
  • Speed optimizations in string manipulation.




Fixed texture scale in OpenGL mode - E2M1 start area:





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Tried RADIX and cant say thatr loked a lot, but the fact it uses the same patches for wall and floor textures is good - can delphidoom too just load textures in 32bit (with first time lauinch converting them into paleted and storing in the game cache in the png or any internal format) from the textures folder in zip, and then use them on the maps? I understant that it is offtop a bit, but i use png textures stored into the folder in zip file - for my zdoom projects. And zdoom project, and this is very usefull. I really want to move my projects to delphidoom but it needs some options first, especially - some udmf compatibility.


As for radix - i really had an idea to create voxel models of aircrafts looking an the images, but i saw that there is a little enemies of the same type on the map and a few explosive barrels.. From this side MARS looks more interesting))


Anyway - thank you, Jval, for this sourceport!

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35 minutes ago, GRAU said:

Tried RADIX and cant say thatr loked a lot, but the fact it uses the same patches for wall and floor textures is good - can delphidoom too just load textures in 32bit (with first time lauinch converting them into paleted and storing in the game cache in the png or any internal format) from the textures folder in zip, and then use them on the maps?

Actually, RAD is doing something like that for the textures in RADIX.DAT file, it loads the textures at startup and holds everything in memory. But note that RADIX hasn't got transparent middle textures, only opaque textures. This makes a huge difference to the complexity of the implementation.


35 minutes ago, GRAU said:

I understant that it is offtop a bit, but i use png textures stored into the folder in zip file - for my zdoom projects. And zdoom project, and this is very usefull. I really want to move my projects to delphidoom but it needs some options first, especially - some udmf compatibility. 

UDMF is not that simple, at least if I must maintain a minimum base compatibility with ZDoom, Vavoom & Eternity. This feature was dormant for years inside DelphiDoom's code, but without taking any advantage of it. The absolute base for me to claim official UDMF support is the implementation of all Hexen specials, polyobjects support (even the limited Hexen version of them) an acs script compiler (it's done, but not merged to the engine) and a node builder (not done).


35 minutes ago, GRAU said:

As for radix - i really had an idea to create voxel models of aircrafts looking an the images, but i saw that there is a little enemies of the same type on the map and a few explosive barrels.. From this side MARS looks more interesting)) 

Indeed, RADIX has a limited set of enemies.


35 minutes ago, GRAU said:

Anyway - thank you, Jval, for this sourceport!

You're welcome !

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On 2/6/2022 at 8:05 PM, jval said:

UDMF is not that simple, at least if I must maintain a minimum base compatibility with ZDoom


That is not needed. GZDoom implements new actions (usualy not too needed) too often. Really needed only:


1) texture offsets (any - higher/lower/middle differentiated offsets)

2) floor/ceiling rotations and offsets

3) at least 2-3 extra 3d floors per sector

4) slopes for normal sectors (done)

5) line horizon, line mirror

6) skybox viewpoint (for creating non-playable areas on maps that render outside the other geometry as a skybox, using the fixed position of the player inside the "skybox" sector)


Those are the basics i really use, for example. I belive - you do not need to copy all the action logics from zdoom - sometimes it is better to create your own analog, anyway delphidoom has not 100% compatibility with ZDoom, that is why i create 2 versions of RDVOX/RDDVOX))

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16 hours ago, GRAU said:


That is not needed. GZDoom implements new actions (usualy not too needed) too often. Really needed only:


16 hours ago, GRAU said:

Those are the basics i really use, for example. I belive - you do not need to copy all the action logics from zdoom - sometimes it is better to create your own analog, anyway delphidoom has not 100% compatibility with ZDoom, that is why i create 2 versions of RDVOX/RDDVOX))


On 2/6/2022 at 8:05 PM, jval said:

UDMF is not that simple, at least if I must maintain a minimum base compatibility with ZDoom, Vavoom & Eternity. This feature was dormant for years inside DelphiDoom's code, but without taking any advantage of it. The absolute base for me to claim official UDMF support is the implementation of all Hexen specials, polyobjects support (even the limited Hexen version of them) an acs script compiler (it's done, but not merged to the engine) and a node builder (not done).


What I mean is that the last years UDMF support was limited actually to the "Doom" namespace, without taking advantage of the flexibility of Hexen specials (using args and activators) or use additional fields for other features (eg slopes, texture offset & rotialion etc). When I'm talking for other ports compatibility I'm talking about features that the engine already has, e.g. zfloor, zceiling fields for vertexes for defining slopes, which was not supported, even the engine is able to handle slopes. Also I'm still in research of the way to manage to merge Hexen specials with the classic Doom ones, in order to define the 'DelphiDoom' UDMF namespace.

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  • 2 months later...

New version is out.



Executablehttps://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD 1.2/RAD_1.2.20.753.r1230_win32.zip/download

Source code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD 1.2/RAD_1.2.20.753.r1230_src.zip/download

RAD2WAD tool: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rad-x/files/RAD 1.2/RAD2WAD_1.2.20.753.r1230_win32.zip/download


What's new:

  • Speed optimizations to the software rendering.
  • Proper windowed mode (Software & OpenGL).
  • The player can choose to use CAPS LOCK for autorun.
  • Other small fixes and improvements.

Complete change log since previous release:


Use 64 characters long string for short names in PK3.
Added "DROPPED ITEM" alias for "DROPITEM" DEHACKED field.
Fix wrong coordinates check in sight check.
Fixed missileheight ACTORDEF export.
Fix of OPENARRAYOFU16 and OPENARRAYOFS16 declarations (PascalScript).
Fix ReadParameters not setting parameter parser positions even though ValidateParameters does use them (PascalScript).
Fixed masked middle texture bleeding when player was exactly placed on the line.
Small optimization to masked middle textute rendering.
Fixed misspelled of "joystick" in the menus.
Speed optimizations in R_PointToAngleEx().
Speed optimizations to sofrware rendering.
Improved priority logic for sound channel selection.
Added support for tall patches in PNG format.
Use general purpose threads in 8 bit software rendering blit.
Optimizations to voxel software rendering.
Fixes to 3d colissions of actors moving up or down other actors.
Player movement collisions.
Small optimizations to plane rendering (software mode).
Added SPIN field in VOXELDEF lumps, it compines DROPPEDSPIN & PLACEDSPIN behavior.
If depthbuffer is active will draw sprites from front to back to avoid overdraw.
Fixed some glitches in software rendering regarding voxels and 3d floors.
Speed optimizations to slope software rendering.
Small optimizations to software depthbuffer.
Speed optimizations to voxel software rendering.
Proper windowed mode (Software & OpenGL).
The player can choose to use CAPS LOCK for autorun.


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  • 6 months later...

A guy who goes by the name James via his channel GET OFF MY LAWN (sic) made a video on your RAD source port a while ago.



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  • 3 weeks later...

After quite a while, I'd like to report a few bugs that I think are still present as of the most recent version.

  • This area in E1M2 has a visual bug that results in pitch black from certain angles.886217310_Screenshot2022-11-01161735.png.0ba725353083c303762cc129793bc65b.png1967467768_Screenshot2022-11-01161851.png.c7c1599caca83a444dfbb0e375504b20.png
  • A few typos in the intermission screen. ("Crtl" instead of "Ctrl", "existance" instead of "existence" in E1M3).657151088_Screenshot2022-11-01161805.png.d99c0641c64ba66bc5df4428824b4b82.png613271620_Screenshot2022-11-01164429.png.01bdbc883bd0fa78e24a65a08cedfb54.png


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, what do we have here now? Some more bug reports, it seems.


I'm currently at E2M9, and a few but rather glaring bugs are noticeable here.


  • The enemy missile turret has a wrong texture here.


  • There is no way of proceeding here, as the door that should automatically open by simply approaching it remains unopenable, effectively softlocking you in the level.
  • I noticed that the black, invisible areas from several spots happen not just in E1M2, but also many other maps. While they're not necessarily game-breaking, they can be very hard and annoying to explore into.
  • Is it just me, or is there no missile launcher (weapon slot 4) to be found at all? I've gone through all of Episode 1 and am halfway at Episode 2, and I don't recall ever getting one on RAD.
  • Also, more of a suggestion, but would an actual 6DoF-based movement be possible to be implemented here?


Edited by taufan99

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/20/2023 at 1:56 AM, THEBaratusII said:

Quick question this source port, is there any plans to implement multiplayer support?


Can't test it, but theoretically there is multiplayer support. You must run it from cmd line like this:

rad -net PLAYER_NO [-deathmatch]



PLAYER_NO -> 1, 2, 3 or 4


Player #1 is the host


Also some other options:

-dup 2

-dup 3


-dup 9


Tick update every 2, 3, ... 9 ticks


-port XXXXX

Specify an extra port XXXXX


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Seeing this lead me to a simple question.

Have you considered doing this to other games, for example: the 2 Ultima Underworld?

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9 hours ago, Herr Dethnout said:

Seeing this lead me to a simple question.

Have you considered doing this to other games, for example: the 2 Ultima Underworld?

jval has made ports based on his own DelphiDoom source port for both Mars3D and even Speed Haste (a racing game of all things!). There's also xGreed for In Pursuit of Greed, although that one is based on the original code, with practically little to no borrowing from DelphiDoom as far as I'm aware of.

Edited by taufan99

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1 minute ago, WhiteMagicRaven said:

xGreed an In Pursuit of Greed was based directly in its source code. A true source port, not reverse engineer/recreating.

I stand corrected. Thanks for reminding me!

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  • 1 month later...

Pardon the necrobump, but I wonder if we can have the original Radix maps converted into a format readable by any Doom Builder iteration. The thing about how slopes work at certain angles etc. just confuses me to no end, which ultimately makes me want to refer to the maps to serve as such a guide.

Edited by taufan99

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  • 1 month later...

I've been messing with this and wanted to mention a couple issues I'm having. (Note to self: There are others too, but I just want to hit the high points.)


The first is that your craft tends to stick to slopes, and you can only freely move once you've managed to move to the edge of the slope.


Second, I think the secret mission in Episode 2: Vengeance could be bugged. I've checked the map and pumped countless rounds into all the suspicious linedefs, but apart from a secret area behind your starting position, I can't find a way to progress in the stage. The automated voice guidance suggests you need to kill enemies to proceed, which I do, but the dual doors ahead just don't want to open. I don't think any enemies are failing to spawn. There's a disguised defense wall in one spot which I also have killed. Am I missing something here? I'd investigate this further but I don't think any of the usual tools work - I don't know any noclip or position cheat for the console and it sounds like the maps can't be investigated in Doom Builder for clues, as taufan99 says.


The entrance to the second episode's secret level is around the middle of Mission 4.

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21 hours ago, Big Frauds said:

The first is that your craft tends to stick to slopes, and you can only freely move once you've managed to move to the edge of the slope.

You can try the "E" & "Q" keys (in WASD keyboard mode), or, any other keys you've assigned for up/down. Still this behavior is noticeable but at least you don't stuck "glued" in the slope surface. 




Second, I think the secret mission in Episode 2: Vengeance could be bugged. I've checked the map and pumped countless rounds into all the suspicious linedefs, but apart from a secret area behind your starting position, I can't find a way to progress in the stage. The automated voice guidance suggests you need to kill enemies to proceed, which I do, but the dual doors ahead just don't want to open. I don't think any enemies are failing to spawn. There's a disguised defense wall in one spot which I also have killed. Am I missing something here? I'd investigate this further but I don't think any of the usual tools work - I don't know any noclip or position cheat for the console and it sounds like the maps can't be investigated in Doom Builder for clues, as taufan99 says.


The entrance to the second episode's secret level is around the middle of Mission 4.


I've managed to enter secret level without problems, please make sure to kill all enemies. The walls don't count as enemies (but the mines do).

There are 2 enemies behind the doors, kill them too (notice the 89/89 kill count in hud):





Then return to the middle of the map and enter the secret exit: 





And for cheats.....


all Doom cheats work, and in addition they all can be typed in the console too!


You can find useful the iddt cheat when you are in automap mode. Type it once to display the whole map and twice to see where the enemies and pickups are. Enemies are in yellow color, pickups in white, missiles in orange and helper drones (if enabled) in blue.


Edited by jval

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On 3/19/2023 at 3:43 PM, taufan99 said:

Pardon the necrobump, but I wonder if we can have the original Radix maps converted into a format readable by any Doom Builder iteration. The thing about how slopes work at certain angles etc. just confuses me to no end, which ultimately makes me want to refer to the maps to serve as such a guide.


Exporting the maps from RAD2WAD tool has been done, but.... unfortunately without the slopes part. For slopes RAD uses additional structures than can not be exported in Doom format, they work a bit different than DelphiDoom's slopes.


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Thanks for the quick reply. First issue sorted: I didn't realize that the craft will stick for just a second or more on a slope. I was expecting to be unstuck more quickly.


Second issue still unsolved - I'm actually stuck in the secret level, not finding it. I'm playing difficulty three of four in Radix 2.05 (console reporting no demos found) and I've got saves right at the entrance. My problem is that *inside* the secret level I can't progress past 24 kills. I see enemies on the radar, on the other side of the wall in the secret area behind the start point, but I can't find any triggers or other obvious progression points. Things tried: "Using" walls, trying to find switched activated by hovering low over them, treating the walls as illusory walls, firing at them, even tried to nuke the enemies on the other side of the wall. No dice so far.


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15 hours ago, Big Frauds said:

Second issue still unsolved - I'm actually stuck in the secret level, not finding it. I'm playing difficulty three of four in Radix 2.05 (console reporting no demos found) and I've got saves right at the entrance. My problem is that *inside* the secret level I can't progress past 24 kills. I see enemies on the radar, on the other side of the wall in the secret area behind the start point, but I can't find any triggers or other obvious progression points. Things tried: "Using" walls, trying to find switched activated by hovering low over them, treating the walls as illusory walls, firing at them, even tried to nuke the enemies on the other side of the wall. No dice so far.


Ohh, sorry, I thought you couldn't enter the secret level. I'll try to see if all the map triggers work ok....

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1 hour ago, jval said:


Ohh, sorry, I thought you couldn't enter the secret level. I'll try to see if all the map triggers work ok....

Also, don't forget another bug where there is no missile launcher at all while playing the game with RAD. I still find that one weird as well.

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  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

Necrobump, but RADCAD, the original Radix: Beyond the Void map editor, has recently been rediscovered as early as September 13 last year. I also managed to find this RADCAD text guide with the Wayback Machine via this Reverse Engineering StackExchange thread I stumbled upon while Googling through. Not sure if this would be beneficial for the project, but just in case.


Note: in order to run the editor, you can use winevdm instead of having to install the entire Windows 3.1x on DOSBox. Just make sure to put both radcad and radix folders on the same place to get it running correctly (e.g. if your radix directory is on C:\, put the separate radcad folder on the same directory, therefore you have both C:\radix and C:\radcad).

Edited by taufan99

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