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Warnings on Doomworld. (now suspensions)

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Hey everyone! I joined Doomworld about a month ago, and I am basically a noob here. I have already gotten 3 warning points! One was for trying to revive an old topic, and I got 2 for spamming! I love Doomworld, and would hate to be banned from it, so could somebody out there help me figure out some of the ways you can get warned and possibly banned. Thank you. also, could you avoid the obvious like, if you don't have DOOM, and spamming. also, for anyone that is new, if you post things that are meaningless (for example, I posted a topic called Hell, and it was caught for spamming because it had no point to it) that is spam, or if you try to make a topic that is almost a rhetorical question (I posted a topic where I asked that if a pistol was going to be a pickup, then would the fist be the starting weapon). And obviously reviving an old topic is writing an answer to a question posted years or months ago, which is totally meaningless (I answered someone's question from 2003 and it did not go so well). But other than those things, what can get you in trouble on Doomworld?

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You know, your OP could easily be a warning aswell.


That said:

  • Spamming can come in many ways. Making a thread that contains no point of discussion is often seen as spamming. Making oneliner responses in quick succession is another.
  • Necroing an old thread only makes any sense if something significant happens that requires necroing. Responding to a 15 year old post or asking for ''updates''.

Also, don't sweat on the warning points. They serve to warn you that what you were doing ain't good. They are reminders to ease things.


In general, ask yourself the following: ''Is what i am about to post insightful, necessary or adds to the discussion?'' Then by all means post.

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3 minutes ago, fraggle said:

The usual advice I'd give...


2 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

You know, your OP could easily be a warning aswell.

''Is what i am about to post insightful, necessary or adds to the discussion?'' 

thank you very much! I really wanted to just post things for fun, but now I won't. Also, I am not that great with abbreviations. I searched up OP online and there are like a million definitions. what does that mean? 

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OP means "original post", usually referring to the first post that starts a thread.


One other thing -

20 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

I have already gotten 3 warning points

Warning points are basically meaningless. The forum software adds them automatically when a warning is issued but the Doomworld staff pay no attention to them and they aren't visible to anyone else.

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6 minutes ago, fraggle said:

OP means "original post", usually referring to the first post that starts a thread.


One other thing -

Warning points are basically meaningless. The forum software adds them automatically when a warning is issued but the Doomworld staff pay no attention to them and they aren't visible to anyone else.

oh, okay. So nothing to worry about. thank you for all the help!

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You gotta learn how to read a crowd. If you have to, lurk first and see what kinds of topics and comments are posted. Posting for posting's sake (or double/triple posting when you can put them all in one post) will earn you a reputation as a spammer with nothing signficant to say. There are other places more suited to mindless drivel than here. You don't have to write an essay for each post, but put some thought into what you wanna say.


At the very least, it's good you now have a bit of self-awareness and a willingness to improve.

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I would say, don't post memes because you'll get a warning, but I'm the only one who got in trouble for it. Selective adminning.

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46 minutes ago, GoatLord said:

I would say, don't post memes because you'll get a warning, but I'm the only one who got in trouble for it. Selective adminning.


Nah count me there as well fam, I got one too for shitposting in a bait topic from back when Foebane was furiously spitting his anger at Doom Eternal :p.


I would say, shitposting is okay as long as it is done only once in a while, and not completely mindlessly - no-one wants DW to turn into the average subreddit or worse, the Doom subreddit after all, and for good reason too.

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Somehow the only warning I got here was in March 25th of 2017, I have no clue how I survived this long rsz-1happythink.png

Edited by sluggard

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I know I got a warning for shitposting once. Can't remember for what, though the moderator made sure to tell me Doomworld isn't 4chan, though I doubt it was even to that level.

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I got a warning point (which has expired now) back in January for spamming during the tons of "versus threads" period.

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10 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

I know I got a warning for shitposting once. Can't remember for what, though the moderator made sure to tell me Doomworld isn't 4chan, though I doubt it was even to that level.


No, that's the generic message for warnings issued for "Shitposting" actually.


12 hours ago, sluggard said:

Somehow the only warning I got here was in March 25th of 2017, I have no clue how I survived this long rsz-1happythink.png


Well it's not that hard to apply common sense, unless you allow yourself to get baited into doing something stupid 1.0 .

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12 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

I know I got a warning for shitposting once. Can't remember for what, though the moderator made sure to tell me Doomworld isn't 4chan, though I doubt it was even to that level.

Yeah i received that same warning once to. I did actually post an image but it was in a topic with a ton of other posts, mainly joking ones, so...yeah. After that i didn't post anything for a while even though pretty much the next day i noticed dumb comments being made that were meme like and/or joking and they ending up staying so...idk. I did message someone to see if they got a warning for doing the same thing that i did and they responded back to me and said that they didn't so it seems to be random i guess.


1 hour ago, seed said:

No, that's the generic message for warnings issued for "Shitposting" actually.

Ah gotcha. I didn't know that. TBH i had no idea 4chan was even still big. I rarely if ever visit/visited that place lol. Same with reddit. I can't stand the place tbh.

Edited by CyberDreams
spelling errors

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On 5/11/2020 at 3:37 PM, fraggle said:

Warning points are basically meaningless. The forum software adds them automatically when a warning is issued but the Doomworld staff pay no attention to them and they aren't visible to anyone else.


I just read this. So now i don't feel so bad about having a warning. Also i can't figure out how to edit the quote itself into my original post so please don't mind the double post (especially since this is in a topic about warnings lol).


Edited by CyberDreams

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44 minutes ago, CyberDreams said:


I just read this. So now i don't feel so bad about having a warning.

Felt the same thing at first. I have a duo of 0 point warnings and one 1 point warning that wore off after a week.


So i reckon its all cool. In general, i feel adding something of merit is a good primer whether one should post or not. An oneliner, for instance, hardly has merit, unless its exceptionally witty (But that's very few and inbetween).

Basically TLDR: Post how you post, just don't act like toast.

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How can I see my warning points?


Seriously, I loved new Doomworld layout's early gamification with reputation points (and ranking) and visible status updates. It was pretty clear that you'd get good reputation if you deserved it (you couldn't just spam crap) and status updates were useful for quick questions that didn't deserve threads. Why did you have to remove them?...

Edited by printz

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"Warning points" mean nothing as an absolute number because they have no expiration date. So a ten year old account has more warning points than a one year old account... OK? Obviously? Same with reputation points. There is a leaderboard by the way

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16 minutes ago, Linguica said:

There is a leaderboard by the way

....Somehow i am not surprised by who's on the list. Some notorious posters right there, ill tell you.

Thanks by the way for this :)

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1 hour ago, printz said:

How can I see my warning points?


You simply go to your profile under Warning Points.


41 minutes ago, Linguica said:

There is a leaderboard by the way


Woah there, I'm in top 3 somehow. That's actually uh, not bad I suppose, lol.

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55 minutes ago, Linguica said:

There is a leaderboard by the way


That page seems a little more comprehensive than it used to be!


Out of interest, how does the "Popular content" calculation work? When set to "All time" it shows the most top most popular content as having 88 reputation points, but plenty of posts have a far higher score than that?

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No idea. I recently had to reset the search index so I don't know if it's done re-indexing. I might also have to see if I can have it recalculate counters.

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On 5/11/2020 at 11:19 PM, LiT_gam3r said:

But other than those things, what can get you in trouble on Doomworld?

anything. even using a slur, with pure sarcastic background and in friendly tone, is considered trouble. all thanks to a little reality intruding on them.

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16 minutes ago, Teabλg_Johnson said:

 anything. even using a slur, with pure sarcastic background and in friendly tone, is considered trouble. all thanks to a little reality intruding on them.

Is cursing not allowed on Doomworld? 

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Just now, LiT_gam3r said:

Is cursing not allowed on Doomworld? 

with things like this, i'm unsure. i do see alot of posts being "clever" with the way you insult someone, but i think the occasional FUCK is acceptable atleast. or should be

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Cursing is fine. Rudeness isn't. What is absolutely not tolerated are slurs, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. If you're going to make other people feel unwelcome, you're not going to be welcome here.

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2 minutes ago, lazy91geek said:

No Cacodemon Pepe avatars.

Now I know what avatar I'm gonna use next time I'm changing this one... *giggles*

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