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Warnings on Doomworld. (now suspensions)

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35 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

@Redneckerz Are you aware that you're still inserting what you think makes something "playable", "purposeful", "worthwhile" as arbitrary standards?

Sure. But i didn't feel like i had to explain the concept for you to understand what i mean by it.


If you want to be purely technical then yeah the map is playable as in, it runs and you can finish it.


I think we can all agree that the intended effort here is not on the standards seen Mock or Lilith.



People are well within their rights to upload "low effort" maps, and trying to somehow impose arbitrary standards on newcomers is a sure fire way to alienate mappers while they're still in the cradle.

Sure. But the author itself makes no mistake into telling what it is, even you yourself state similar. The standard is literally self-suggested, so i am not going to suddenly suggest otherwise.


I can't make an impression on the WAD if i have not seen what it sets out to do - Hence i looked it up. If not, that would be given scrutiny in a response from you.



And to be perfectly clear, not living up to WADs like mock2 most certainly doesn't make for a very good reason to simply oust an entire thread that merely suffered from getting shat up.

I am just addressing the author of the map. You responded to it, a discussion ensues. Hardly ousting an entire thread, but if any percieved impression is problematic to your eyes, then i can imagine it is.


I think everything has been said and done about this particular WAD and it will just evolve into too much meta-commentary about eachother's points anyway, and it wouldn't add anything new to the table.


3 minutes ago, seed said:

Got an even better idea: Can we close this, actually?


At this point I think the topic's truly outlived its usefulness and going forward will just result only in more circlejerking and repeating the same points ad nauseam.


Edited by Redneckerz

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4 minutes ago, seed said:

Got an even better idea: Can we close this, actually?


At this point I think the topic's truly outlived its usefulness and going forward will just result only in more circlejerking and repeating the same points ad nauseam.


6 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

Can we not derail this thread over a really dumb wad, please and thanks?

I think I'll go with @Major Arlene's post. there is still some information out there that might be useful. I mean, we just found the rules for Doomworld. So there could be more info out there. I just want to make sure that new members don't shitpost, too. 

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