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Do you ever play Doom on I'm too young to die?

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I play on UV. If a map is too hard, then I will attempt it endlessly until I beat it, even if lower difficulties would have been more enjoyable.

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I find Double ammo and Half player damage often completely trivialises any remaining challenge a level may have had on the easy setting (provided skill settings were implemented), which means I'm not really the target audience for that skill setting. I'd rather choose HNTR instead, if I wanted to go for the easy mode.

I usually play wads on UV or HMP anyway.

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No, i'm not a scrub, like a sane person i started on HMP.

Edited by DRMman

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SNES Doom.

ITYTD on all episodes first.

Never came back for that difficulty to step up until I got stuck to UV since that same year...

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No, i don't usually play on ITYTD. I'm sure i did when i first started playing Doom sometime in the 00's on Xbox and then PC when i was a teen. The lowest i play on is HNTR and that's usually for newer WADs as the balancing is a bit different. Older WADS it's either HMP or UV. Real old-school ones that are balanced around UV play or have no difficulty setting at all, well then i select UV anyways (for the latter it obviously doesn't matter).

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someone probably already suggested it, but i should start designing my mods to be nightmare-level hard on the easiest setting since people rarely use it. as kind of an annoying easter egg.

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I finished all 4 episodes of Doom and Doom 2 on UV difficulty 100 times but still, I may want to have a fast play on I am too young to die or hey, not too rough difficulties at times.


I skip hurt me plenty. I directly go to ultra violence after the first 2 difficulties.




Can't play on Nightmare.

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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Yes, I did it when I was 8 years old, I used to use cheats too just for fun. Years later I re-discovered Doom and finished it the way it should have been.

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I play slaughter maps on ITYTD, the double ammo and less damage makes those types of maps more accessible/fun to me. Most other maps I play on HNTR/HMP.

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11 hours ago, IvanDobrovski said:

Thankfully I have a fully functional brain and perfectly able limbs so I don't play on anything but UV.

Oh hey, I've also got a fully functional brain but still play on HNTR a lot of the time. There's no reason to act like you're much better than other people just because you play on UV. And some people like to have fun when they play. :)
There's other reasons to play on UV- balance testing, for starts. If you ever map it's important to know what difficulties should look like at each stage so that people who do play on other difficulties have the ability to do so. Just sayin'.

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No idea what I started at but for as far back as I can remember, it's been Ultra-Violence and I transferred to UV -fast shortly after I started using ZDoom many years ago.


Default speed is no longer an option to me. Everything feels so sluggish without -fast... And enemies just promenading around instead of trying to murder you while occasionally shooting out snail speed projectiles :/


Can't enjoy Doom like that anymore.

Edited by idbeholdME

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As a small kid (10 and less years) I always played only on the easiest difficulty setting in every game. As I grew up, I became more skilled and tried with harder difficulties, nowadays I play Doom on UV exclusively and almost never play on any easier difficulty. In other games, where "Hard" skill is really insanely hard, I still choose one of the lower difficulties.

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I play on Ultra-Violence, simply put, the only time i don't play on UV is Dark Tartarus with a randomizer mod (complex doom, CF, LSD, LCA)

Edited by Anonymous777

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22 hours ago, Scrabbs said:

no i'm not 6

Change is good at times, though. I finished on UV difficulty 100 or 200 times but I still play on I am too young to die just for fun at times (change is fun). It doesnt mean I cannot play on UV.


The only difficulty I cannot play on is Nightmare.


Plus, my 8 year old step sister (mother is different) cannot even play it on I am too young to die. She could come to level 2 even with my help (I say go there, do this). It takes a lot of time for her to open a door let alone shoot a monster.

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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15 hours ago, Anonymous777 said:

I play on Ultra-Violence, simply put, the only time i don't play on UV is Dark Tartarus with a randomizer mod (complex doom, CF, LSD, LCA)


I will hurt you plenty if you are not too young to die.

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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I'm currently playing a megawad on ITYTD. It's called "Arch-Vile Jump", so y'all may know what it's about and why I'm playing it on this difficulty level.

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I only really started playing Doom fairly recently (the end of last year), but no. I have never played on a difficulty lower than Hurt me Plenty. I've played the first two episodes of the first game on Ultra-Violence after I had finished the game, but for whatever reason never got around to playing the remaining ones.


Whenever the game gets too challenging for my tastes, I just start quick-saving more often, which makes it pretty easy.

Edited by QuotePilgrim

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On ITYTD, with -nomonsters, and still covering my eyes every 5 minutes.


Now, seriously. Starting to play as a kid, I did choose ITYTD first. Finished all of DOOM II like this but realized it was too easy at some point. The challenge wasn't surviving, but more like not letting health drop under 190%. Hardly see the point. Never went to HMP, jumped straight to UV and replayed all IWADs this way (with shameless mid-level saves though).

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