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Alpha Centauri now on Idgames!!!

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16 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Map 8: Very confusing progression, especially with regards to the blue key. Took me a while to find that drop. Six chaingunners didn't teleport in from the closet - not sure what's up with that. Couldn't find the way to open the door to the megaarmor, you hide secrets too well nowadays :p

In general, the map was pretty straightforward bar the yk fight which was pure evil. Without the bfg, I would've been toast.


Did you got the Rocket Launcher?

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Just now, Austinado said:


Did you got the Rocket Launcher?

I think I did. I am playing continuous, mind. 

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Hummm i did it pistol start...i was wondering if it was on a secret...i screamed for that RL..never answered me...(sigh)

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13 minutes ago, Austinado said:

Hummm i did it pistol start...i was wondering if it was on a secret...i screamed for that RL..never answered me...(sigh)

There was tons of rocket ammo lying around, so it definitely must be somewhere. The final encounter is pretty much undoable without it.


I beat the whole thing! Thank you for yet another wonderful mapset! Your experiments with lighting have really paid off - the locales seemed very imposing at times despite the low enemy count. Looking forward to the final release :)



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@Firedust i actually managed to finish that map with the BFG and machinegun...without rocket launcher. Yes...alot of rockets...but never found the RL.


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12 minutes ago, Austinado said:

@Firedust i actually managed to finish that map with the BFG and machinegun...without rocket launcher. Yes...alot of rockets...but never found the RL.


OMG lol


You poor man xD

I can imagine the pain you had to go through, scavenging for every cellpack in the area...

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3 minutes ago, Deadwing said:

That final cyberdemon encounter, I've definitely died more than 300 times lol


Lol...same here...killed one and managed switch hunt to exit ;D...love the idea with the portals.

Edited by Austinado

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Yes, I did. I had enough BFG ammo. I think that's because I only used it on viles and for cramped encounters. I was constantly overstocked on cells, so I had plenty.


The way to do it I think is: two-shot one (it's not facing you anyways, so the first bfg ball is a giveaway), then go inside the teleporter behind it - you'll end up behind another cyb. Two-shot that one too. You are only left with three (I think?), so wait for one to come your way - it'll block the others' path anyways. Kill it and run for the teleporter behind you. Rinse and repeat.

Edited by Firedust

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24 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Yes, I did. I had enough BFG ammo. I think that's because I only used it on viles and for cramped encounters. I was constantly overstocked on cells, so I had plenty.


The way to do it I think is: two-shot one (it's not facing you anyways, so the first bfg ball is a giveaway), then go inside the teleporter behind it - you'll end up behind another cyb. Two-shot that one too. You are only left with three (I think?), so wait for one to come your way - it'll block the others' path anyways. Kill it and run for the teleporter behind you. Rinse and repeat.


Sure teleports are key for the encounter -not saying that trivializes it but make things easier- also the first shot is guaranteed so you have 4 and a half cybers to kill :p


EDIT: also aware of those chaingunners that don't teleport at map08, fixed in the next revision!


1 hour ago, Austinado said:

@Firedust i actually managed to finish that map with the BFG and machinegun...without rocket launcher. Yes...alot of rockets...but never found the RL.



The rocket launcher is free, you have to go downstairs in the SE section where there is a big window that shows the exit portal and a fenced passage with two symmetrical circular staircases going down at its end.

Edited by nicolas monti

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The thing is that I suck badly at the two shots lmao


I'll upload the last maps videos tomorrow

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10 minutes ago, Deadwing said:

The thing is that I suck badly at the two shots lmao


I'll upload the last maps videos tomorrow

It can be hard if you don't have the cyber isolated, over the time I quite mastered it (it's kind of adiction now) but killing it with 3 shots is also fine for me in terms of balance.

I try to balance my maps with cyberdemons thinking of 3 shots or at least with other supplementary ammo if the players miss.

That map09 has plenty of ammo for that final fight anyway, but yeah, ending up using the rockets is sort of punishment.

Edited by nicolas monti

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Oh yeah, you don't have to do the two shots, but it's still really, really difficult due to the tight space + 4 ou 5 cybers.


Even with 3 I was dying constantly because I had no BFG and I had to "learn" to use the layout + teleport to survive. I also had to save for each cyber dead or I would be trying until now haha


It would be a lot easier if wasn't for my sloppiness >.<

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Videos for maps 8 and 9. 


8 was a really cool non-linear map. I took a while to progress in the beginning because of the beserk pack lol There's also one hidden passage that is required to progress, but if the player takes a look at the minimap it shouldn't be a problem to find. (although there are lots of players who won't do this >.<). The YK mini-quest was pretty cool and the lighting is superb.


9 is what a finale should be: Epic and hard. I mean, the level itself is not that hard, but that final battle was really, really tough for me. Once you get there, I don't recommend watching due to the number of deaths which is probably > 300. A more experienced player shouldn't have as much problem, though.


In general, the wad was amazing and it was great to see you mixing new stuff in your formula.


The visuals, while remaining chaotic, are as consistent as ever and the robust lighting is a great improvement, enhancing the mood and making the textures work better together. There's also a larger approach to give this a bigger sense of "place" with all these tables, chairs, lockers, etc, which is really cool because somehow they work really well with the high level of abstracity of everything else.


Regarding monster placement, I haven't played yet Mass Extinction, but this is by far your hardest wad. Some traps will require the player to die to figure out how to progress, but I don't think it's a wrong design choice. Loved your Baron/Hell Knight usage, which are monsters that weren't used that much before and it definitely made a difference.


Due to the harder setpieces, I wish some of the levels had more health, especially after some of the setpieces. Also, many of these encounters envolved one or more arch-ville which by the end of the mapset made things get a bit repetitive, but still far from being bad hehe There's still a good portion of incidental combat which makes things pace well.


Anyway, loved the whole thing. Although Mano Laikas is still my favorite wad, Alpha Centauri was definitely a refreshing experience. I need now to play Mass Extinction which has been in my backlog for some months >.<

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MAP05: when I hit the button to go up this lift, I walked off of it and couldn't find a way to lower it again.



edit: The title screen music doesn't play under fluidsynth, which is what some ports use for music especially on Linux. Opening and resaving it in a midi editor fixes this, here's a fixed version.


Edited by plums

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12 hours ago, Deadwing said:


Videos for maps 8 and 9. 


8 was a really cool non-linear map. I took a while to progress in the beginning because of the beserk pack lol There's also one hidden passage that is required to progress, but if the player takes a look at the minimap it shouldn't be a problem to find. (although there are lots of players who won't do this >.<). The YK mini-quest was pretty cool and the lighting is superb.


9 is what a finale should be: Epic and hard. I mean, the level itself is not that hard, but that final battle was really, really tough for me. Once you get there, I don't recommend watching due to the number of deaths which is probably > 300. A more experienced player shouldn't have as much problem, though.


In general, the wad was amazing and it was great to see you mixing new stuff in your formula.


The visuals, while remaining chaotic, are as consistent as ever and the robust lighting is a great improvement, enhancing the mood and making the textures work better together. There's also a larger approach to give this a bigger sense of "place" with all these tables, chairs, lockers, etc, which is really cool because somehow they work really well with the high level of abstracity of everything else.


Regarding monster placement, I haven't played yet Mass Extinction, but this is by far your hardest wad. Some traps will require the player to die to figure out how to progress, but I don't think it's a wrong design choice. Loved your Baron/Hell Knight usage, which are monsters that weren't used that much before and it definitely made a difference.


Due to the harder setpieces, I wish some of the levels had more health, especially after some of the setpieces. Also, many of these encounters envolved one or more arch-ville which by the end of the mapset made things get a bit repetitive, but still far from being bad hehe There's still a good portion of incidental combat which makes things pace well.


Anyway, loved the whole thing. Although Mano Laikas is still my favorite wad, Alpha Centauri was definitely a refreshing experience. I need now to play Mass Extinction which has been in my backlog for some months >.<


Thanks a lot for playing it and glad you enjoyed the episode, as you pointed out I lile to used the mix of real place with abstractness, that's the feeling I've got when I played doom1 back in the days.

Also more use of hell knights and tight space, just adding some ingredients to the gameplay stuff, nothing new, just elements I didn't exploit before.


I'm planning something weird for the next wad. Some will appreciate it, some may even hate it.

8 hours ago, plums said:

MAP05: when I hit the button to go up this lift, I walked off of it and couldn't find a way to lower it again.



edit: The title screen music doesn't play under fluidsynth, which is what some ports use for music especially on Linux. Opening and resaving it in a midi editor fixes this, here's a fixed version.



Thanks so much for the midi, I was aware and going to take care of it (not sire how, I guees look a midi editor and try) but now you did!

On the elevator, I've thankfully thought on that possibility, you have to enter the blue key area again and turn the switch again like thhe first time (in the forest with revenants) the switch is repeatable. I know is not the best way but the possibilities of the player deciding to jump down instead entering the new area while ascending are scarse, if he does he can return but at that looping cost.

Edited by nicolas monti

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11 hours ago, nicolas monti said:

Thanks so much for the midi, I was aware and going to take care of it (not sire how, I guees look a midi editor and try) but now you did! 



11 hours ago, nicolas monti said:

On the elevator, I've thankfully thought on that possibility, you have to enter the blue key area again and turn the switch again like thhe first time (in the forest with revenants) the switch is repeatable.

How do you get back into that section though? As far as I can tell, the only way is through the teleporter, but it's blocked off after using it the first time.



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5 hours ago, plums said:



How do you get back into that section though? As far as I can tell, the only way is through the teleporter, but it's blocked off after using it the first time.




My mistake, I blocked it to avoid the player cheesing the fight after he lowers the lift and teleport into the main area, the teleport is available again for secret hunting but after you return with the yellow key.

I'm going to make it reusable as soon you step into the elevator.

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IMO you might as well change the switch that lowers that elevator into one that opens another switch near the elevator that can be used to lower it, without the elevator needing to be lowered already. But it's fine as long as I know it wasn't just me getting lost ;)


Anyhow I finished the wad, no major errors other than that one in MAP05. The 5-cyber last fight in MAP09 was a bit much though I got it eventually. I would recommend a berserk pack in the lift up to there, the map is quite low on health in general and being at less than 100% means you could easily die from splash damage even if you never get directly hit.


Enjoyable set overall, good challenge without being too crazy other than the end. The texturing style wasn't always my thing but it was definitely better than standard-but-boring texture use. Some of the alpha textures are pretty cool too and it's nice to see them get used, and even the uglier/more basic ones worked fine with how you used them.


edit: I really liked the work you put into the wall shading too, well done there. There were a few parts where I thought the shaded wall sections should have pointed in instead of out or vice-versa: the alcove near MAP01 comes to mind, it points out which is both visible to the player and blocks movement along that wall a little bit. But it's not really a big deal.

Edited by plums

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4 hours ago, plums said:

IMO you might as well change the switch that lowers that elevator into one that opens another switch near the elevator that can be used to lower it, without the elevator needing to be lowered already. But it's fine as long as I know it wasn't just me getting lost ;)


Anyhow I finished the wad, no major errors other than that one in MAP05. The 5-cyber last fight in MAP09 was a bit much though I got it eventually. I would recommend a berserk pack in the lift up to there, the map is quite low on health in general and being at less than 100% means you could easily die from splash damage even if you never get directly hit.


Enjoyable set overall, good challenge without being too crazy other than the end. The texturing style wasn't always my thing but it was definitely better than standard-but-boring texture use. Some of the alpha textures are pretty cool too and it's nice to see them get used, and even the uglier/more basic ones worked fine with how you used them.


edit: I really liked the work you put into the wall shading too, well done there. There were a few parts where I thought the shaded wall sections should have pointed in instead of out or vice-versa: the alcove near MAP01 comes to mind, it points out which is both visible to the player and blocks movement along that wall a little bit. But it's not really a big deal.


Thanks man for pointing out these kind of details, I'll add a supercharge in the last arena and also make that shadow pointing out in map 01 shotgun room!


About map05s big elevator I wanted to make a slow one, that's why the actions lower and raise floor instead of lift, you're suggestion would work nontheless but I'll leave it as it is.

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A supercharge in that last arena would reduce a lot the numbers of my deaths lol (but I would still die too much haha)


Gotta practice to do the 2 shots more consistently

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1 hour ago, Deadwing said:

A supercharge in that last arena would reduce a lot the numbers of my deaths lol (but I would still die too much haha)


Gotta practice to do the 2 shots more consistently


Oops, I meant soulsphere, the blue one 😀

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On the brutal finale, I had 440 cells, which is one shot more than two-shotting all of them. I believe there are only 300 in the arena, which means I saved 140. I definitely thought it was exponentially harder than anything else in the entire wad (unlike @Deadwing, I cut out most of my vain death runs - props to you for owning it, haha). I should certainly like to see at least a megasphere to start out that encounter. There's no health in the entire thing! I also wonder if you thought about setting the teleporters up differently. My initial assumption is that each teleporter would take you to the next one clockwise or some other sequence that would allow you to travel all the areas via the teleporters. It seems the way that it is set up currently is strange with an odd number.


One thing I failed to consider in my first run(s) is keeping the cyberdemons asleep for as long as possible. I explored this strategy and found it fairly reliable if you can get past the first obstacle, which is killing one cyberdemon quickly deep in his own corner. Video below:




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Updated version:



This will be the last before the definitive on idgames, changes below:


*Song title fixed for some ports
*title pic updated.


Fixed protruding shadow wall near the shotgun.


Teleport at south available again when you step into the big elevator at the East just if the player decides to drop instead to going north making it possible for him to access the switch that lowers the elevator again.


*specters at east more effective
*8 unit narrowing of passage leading to the YK to make AV less likely to target the player effectively if revenants enter the area.
*added a delayer if player wants to escape the YK trap without fighting every enemy.
*wrong texture at BFG corrected
*some geometry tweaking at gray passages at East.
*enemies teleport after you leave the room behind the yellow door instead of teleporting when you press the switch to open the door that leads you out.
*player now able to revisit the kitchen from the gray vents.


*lava damage 20>10% (leak tears :p)
*acid now does damage
*damaging tracks indicated by voltage textures.
*more health before chaingunner trap at South.
*straightening of fence portion at the Cyberdemon fight area to prevent the player getting stuck so easily.
*Cyberdemon now is able to teleport into the starting area is you dare to by-pass it.
*now chapel closes both sides even if you revisit it twice from the same side dissabling the possibility of camping when you enter from the opossite side.
*chapel fight do not repeat the same way the second time.
*HK fight at south changed, now it doesn't rely on preknoledge and encourages SS in tight space, RL would be dangerous there.
*monsters now unable to activate super armor secret accidentaly.
*removed a shell box at the crate area and removed some rockets towards the end.
*some little marble and alpha graytall alignment.


*regular armor instead of mega armor for final fight, added a couple of stimpacks before the exit.
*fixed chaingunners not teleporting at west near the AV /3 HK room.


*added 3 stimpacks after the first fight.
*added 4 shells near the YK wing entrance.
*medkit instead of stimpack at 3 caco room.
*3 cacos now face away from the player in their respective after-lift tight rooms to give better chances to the unaware player.
*former human no longer activates secret at BK wing.
*added soulsphere in final room.

Edited by nicolas monti

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2 hours ago, HAK3180 said:

On the brutal finale, I had 440 cells, which is one shot more than two-shotting all of them. I believe there are only 300 in the arena, which means I saved 140. I definitely thought it was exponentially harder than anything else in the entire wad (unlike @Deadwing, I cut out most of my vain death runs - props to you for owning it, haha). I should certainly like to see at least a megasphere to start out that encounter. There's no health in the entire thing! I also wonder if you thought about setting the teleporters up differently. My initial assumption is that each teleporter would take you to the next one clockwise or some other sequence that would allow you to travel all the areas via the teleporters. It seems the way that it is set up currently is strange with an odd number.


One thing I failed to consider in my first run(s) is keeping the cyberdemons asleep for as long as possible. I explored this strategy and found it fairly reliable if you can get past the first obstacle, which is killing one cyberdemon quickly deep in his own corner. Video below:

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Well that a way to do it I guess lol, I made them dormant for a reason, at least to give the player the opportunity to kill the first one easily, anyway I've added a soulsphere now, not much but it covers some possible splash damage.

On what you've said about the teleport sequence on your thread, yes, the first sequence was an intricated loop through the 5 tips from one extreme to another of the star, but guess what... cheesable switch sequence that way without the need of crossing the arena until the exit is open.

I'll be watching your entire video!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check for iwad texture duplicates in slade. Open wad in slade, go to>archive>maintenance and check duplicated entry names and content. Then use "remove entries duplicated from iwad". 

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