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New DOOM Comic script! DOOM: Hell on Earth |10 pages so far|

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So I learned after reading the DOOM comic (1996) that it sort of left off on a cliffhanger that would be resolved in DOOM 2. so I wanted to make a sequel to it and post it on Doomworld, but I just don't have great artwork. And I know a lot of people disliked the book, but wouldn't it be fun to make a sequel to it and show off all of our artistic talents? So I wrote the first 10 pages of the book, and I hope you enjoy. please help me make this (I'm sure you've got a lot of time on your hands :P), and in a couple of months we could create a whole extra chapter in the excellent saga of DOOMguy's adventures. This is also my first comic script, so it might be a bit rusty.


DOOM Comic book: Hell on Earth

|Page 1|

Panel 1:

Open on a blood-drenched DOOMguy with a scruffy beard and no helmet, holding a rocket launcher in his right hand, and looking down at the bloody remains of a horrific beast’s body. It looks like the remains of robotic spider legs with a giant brain. The background is a bit dim.

Text Box at top right corner in red:

Hoo boy, where the hell do I begin?

Text box at bottom left corner in red:

This S.O.B. deserved it.

Panel 2:

DOOMguy front view from chest up, he has clearly dropped his giant gun and spit is seen flying out of his mouth, presumably on the being. 

Action word:


Panel 3:

The spider being’s leg moves slightly, while DOOMguy has a cigar in his mouth. DOOMguy is just a shadow and he has a lighter up to his cigar.

Text box at the top in red:

boring, and boring, and more boring work calls for a smoke. 

Action word:


Panel 4:

Split into two. Closeup of doomguy again, his eyes closed while he lights his cigar, then after a loud robotic noise, he looks up with his eyes widened, and you see the lighter in his hand drop.

Text box at bottom in red:

I guess you could call me a cat… 

Action word:


Panel 5:

Whole bottom with little space to spell DOOM with writing credits. The being is on fire and the fire lights up the whole room, to show hundreds of dead demons and other horrific beasts from hell, while DOOMguy is walking away. His hand has a rocket launcher in it, and he could care less of what he sees.

Text box at the bottom left in red:

… cuz’ I’ve got nine more lives, baby!


|Page 2|

Panel 1:

City landscape with futuristic buildings with tubes and flying beams all around it. No people are seen, but it is obvious people are there.

Text box in the top right corner in yellow:

Several months earlier

Panel 2:

A red outlined portal with a black middle appears from thin air. The city rumbles and materials are seen falling from buildings.

Text bubble from a person in a building:

What the hell is that?!?

Action word:


Panel 3:

Same as P. 2 but with ships and Cacodemons and lost souls flying from the portals.

Text box at bottom left corner in red:

That would be hell… 

Panel 4:

Directly under the third panel. Split into 4 with lightning lines separating each. The first is a woman running from a cacodemon. The next is a businessman getting shot with an imp fireball out of a building. The third is a zombieman holding another man at gunpoint, and the man’s head behind his head as a hostage, the background shows another zombieman with a bunch of more hostages. The final is a Baron of Hell consuming the head of a cell-mate at a prison. 

Text box in the middle in red:

But the craziest thing is that these Demonic A-holes aren’t the Hell that I’m talking about.

Panel 5:

under the 2nd panel, but as long in length as 2 panels on top one another. DOOMguy is seen tall and mighty in one of the alien ships entrances, he holds a BFG in his hand, and behind him are demon carcasses. He has a large grin on his face.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Looks like today I’m the Bad Guy!

Action word: 


Panel 6:

DOOMguy is seen walking around the city his BFG, skipping and just being joyful, while human heads and other body parts are all around him

Text Bubble from person in peril off panel:

Help Meeeeeee!!!

Panel 7:

DOOMguy starts sprinting and now has a tactical knife in hand, while his BFG is on his back. He is clearly insane

Text bubble from DOOMguy:

My gun needs a reloading, and these demon’s asses need a whooping!


|Page 3|

Panel 1:

Two cacodemons flying a bit above a woman sitting on the sidewalk curled up, with a baby in her arms.

Text bubble from woman whispering:

Please forgive me for my sins, God. May this not be my final days, alone, and scared. 

Panel 2:

The two cacodemons are seen with bullet wounds all throughout their bodies, and their blue blood comes spewing all over the sidewalk. The woman is still in the same position.

Action word:


Panel 3:

The Caco corpses are now dead on the sidewalk, the woman is now looking up, and getting ready to stand up.

Text Bubble from woman:

Thank you, Lord! I knew you had a heart!

Panel 4:

Circular panel over the huge 5th panel. DOOMguy over a red background, which is now the sky. He looks at the woman confused on why she didn’t thank him.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Did God just kill two marinated meatballs with the world’s biggest friggin’ gun?

Panel 5:

Huge panel with skyline hardly seen. The woman comes running up to DOOMguy, going in for a hug. Behind DOOMguy are hundreds of giblets of Demons, and his knife sticks out of one of them. His BFG is mounted on his shoulder in front of him.

Text Bubble from woman:

Oh, thank you! You are my savior! How can I ever repay you?

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

By staying with the others. 


|Page 4| 

Splash page with hundreds of people in a crowd with weapons of their own, while the city behind them melts with fire, and demon ships flying through the red sky. The dead Giblets are still evident, zombie heads decapitated. In the front of the line is a tan bunny, holding a mini plasma gun, and wearing a little collar that says DAISY. The woman’s jaw is dropped in amazement.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

It’s okay, there are enough weapons for both you and your baby.  


|Page 5| 

Panel 1:

Long panel in width, it is clearly night and the refugees are all walking behind DOOMguy, who is petting Daisy.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

This is one fraggin’ cute bunny. 

Text Bubble from townsperson in the back:

I’m sorry, but where are we heading? And what is happening?

Panel 2:

DOOMguy has his knife up to the townsperson’s throat. The man is awfully scared, and Daisy is perched on DOOMguy’s shoulder with its mini Plasma gun pointed right at the man.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Don’t ask any questions! I am in charge here, and I demand that you stay shut-uped before I make you!

Text Bubble from man:


Panel 3:

The team continuously walks forward, Daisy is licking DOOMguy’s neck.

Text bubble from DOOMguy:

You are just the most adorable thing. You rip and tear carrots and small vegetables, not demonic hell-razing monsters that want to consume your soul. You little bunny wabbit!

Panel 4:

DOOMguy holds out his arms (so does Daisy with her little paws) the whole camp behind him stops abruptly, with some people falling in the back.

Huge Text Bubble from DOOMguy:


Text bubble from DOOMguy:

We will camp here. Set up a tent and get some firewood.

Panel 5:

It is several hours later, and the camp has a fire in the middle with a red tent in back. The main focus on the tent, but the fire blows smoke from it

Text box in the top left corner in yellow:

That night… 


|page 6| 

Panel 1:

Same as the last panel, but a head is now sticking out of the tent. It is the man who was yelled at by DOOMguy earlier. This time, he does not have a weapon.

Text Bubble from man:

Thank god, they are all asleep. 

Panel 2:

The man is seen looking over a sleeping DOOMguy snuggling a sleeping Daisy. The man is reaching into his pocket for something.

Text Bubble from man: 

You deserve this, you earned it.

Panel 3:

The man takes out a cigarette. Daisy has flipped over onto her side. 

Text Bubble from man:

You deserve this cigarette, Augustus, you need it. I haven’t smoked in years, but I need it. 

Panel 4:

Long in width. In an Ultraviolet vision, the man is seen far away, smoking his cigarette. The picture is behind a few shrubs. 

Text Bubble from man:

Can’t let anyone see you Augustus, gotta stay clean! I can’t!

Action words:

AAGHH, SNARL, Rghghgh!

Panel 5:

Long in width. The Ultraviolet panel is close to the man, he looks down at it and is smiling. 

Text Bubble from man:

Hey, little bud, you don’t look like any doggy I’ve ever seen, but you sure as hell are cute. Here, let me pet you.

Action words:

Huhhhg, Rphmp, Rarrr

|Page seven|

Panel 1:

DOOMguy and Daisy are both awake, and both have an ouch face as over their head is a text bubble.

Text Bubble from man off panel:


Panel 2:

DOOMguy with Daisy walk over to a crowd of people huddled around smoke. DOOMguy has a gun (along with Daisy)

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

The hell is going on over here?!?

Panel 3:

Daisy and DOOMguy are looking down, which is at us, along with a bunch of other people. They all have that ouch face now, and the sky is a bright red.

Text Bubble from woman #1:

What happened?

Text Bubble from Man #2:

That thing looks fragged up.

Text Bubble from woman #3:

I cannot believe it. We took so much caution.

Panel 4:

under the heads of the people, you can see a crushed lost soul, still on fire, but the ground is destroyed surrounding it. 

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:
That there is a bugger. And buggers are suckers. 

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:
Who the hell did this to him?

Text Bubble from man off the panel, it is weak:

I did.

Panel 5:

A burnt man with a cigarette in his hand is standing in front of everyone. He looks wrinkly and hurt. Everyone else is seen from behind. In the back is the biggest Demon ship.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

I was kinda hoping you’d be dead by now. 

Text Bubble from burnt man:

Yeah, I am fine, thanks for asking!

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

How did you fend off this thing? Did you use Daisy's Plasma gun, because that's hers!

Text Bubble from burnt man:

I found this… 

Panel 6:

The man is holding up a black berserk pack. He is weak, and the Demon ship is now behind him, but blurred.

Text Bubble from man:
Why would you hide this stuff from us? It makes me feel mojo!

|page 8|

Panel 1:

DOOMguy is seen snatching the berserk pack from the burnt man. Daisy looks angrily at the man. The look of the burned man’s face reads c’mon! 

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Give me that! How did you get that?

Text Bubble from burnt man:

You left it out, my life was in danger.

Panel 2:

Spit flying from DOOMguy’s mouth (and Daisy’s) onto the burned man’s face. Veins pop out of his head. The spit turns into vapor as soon as it hits the burnt man’s head.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Goddammit! That thing could be killed by Daisy over here, and yet you waste it on a friggin’ skull!?!

Small Text Bubble from Daisy:

(Just a bunch of scribbles)!!!

Panel 3:

Long in height. DOOMguy is walking into the shadows, in front of the crowd of people.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

C’mon, there are still some demons to utterly demolish. 

Panel 4:

Long in height. Montage of DOOMguy and Daisy destroying demon hordes. Chainsaws and guns, and rockets, and even fists. DOOMguy now has a backpack

Action words:

RZZZZZRRRR, klic, klik, Blam!, CHA-Chzzzlll


|Page 9|

Panel 1:

DOOMguy is hitting an Imp in the face with a spine, while Daisy shoots a lost skull in the face. Daisy is mounted on DOOMguy’s face. DOOMguy still has his backpack on.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Looks like I got a great communication device, here. 

Action word:


Panel 2:

DOOMguy is standing in front of a broken spine. He is down to one last Baron of Hell and he holds his last gun, a BFG. all the guts of the other demons are behind him. The giant Demon ship is behind him. Daisy looks over to her left, our right.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

I’m fighting hellfire with hellfire, baby, and I ain’t stoppin’!

Action word:


Panel 3:

Over Daisy’s shoulder, we see she is looking at a carrot, behind that carrot is the giant demon ship. Daisy no longer has her little gun. Only DOOMguy’s shoulder is seen, but chunks of blood are flying through the air.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

My last shot got the bastard! Now that he’s dead, let’s let his siblings take over the family business. 

Action word coming from Daisy’s nose:


Panel 4:

Daisy jumps off of DOOMguy’s shoulder to the ground. DOOMguy is rummaging through his bloody backpack for something.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

I got a medkit in here somewhere. I probably shouldn’t have taken so many demon teeth.  

Action word:


Panel 5:

Daisy is at the carrot and munching on it. The shadow of a spider mastermind is over it.

Action words:

Mnnchhh!, Crrch, tcha!

Panel 6:

A giant robotic claw is clutching the helpless bunny. A bit of carrot is left. The bunny looks very sad, yet is very cute. The claws are sharp, yet they do not cut Daisy.

Action word: 



|page 10|

Panel 1:

DOOMguy is tending his wounds with bandages. He is laughing, and his backpack is still in front of him. The sky is dark with night. 

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

I think I dropped my phone in that Zombies’s heart! Ha, right, Daisy… right?

 Panel 2:

Over DOOMguy’s shoulder, we can see the Spider-mastermind! She is holding Daisy. DOOMguy is startled. She is walking into the giant demon ship. There are hundreds of demons in the ship.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

No, Daisy! I have a berserk pack in here somewhere, wait up!

Panel 3:

DOOMguy looks at the berserk in his hand with complete anger.

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

That goddamn Augustus had to use this Berserk which I so desperately need! I wish that lost soul did more than burn him! Luckily I don’t need no strength boost to take out a fraggin’ Spider!

Panel 4:

DOOMguy stands behind the Spider-mastermind and taps it on the shoulder. The spider-mastermind is right about to board the ship. 

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Hey bud, I’d like to introduce you to my fists.

Panel 5:

The Spider-Mastermind is now facing DOOMguy and she is shooting at him, while he flies through the air. She has an evil face, and DOOMguy’s face is as if he has gotten the wind knocked out of him.

Action word:

Budda, Budda, Budda!

Panel 6: 

Over DOOMguy’s shoulder, we see that the shuttle is now closed, and is ready to take off. He sticks out his hand, and from the small part of his face we see, he has tears trickling down it. 

Text Bubble from DOOMguy:

Daisy! Why! Why couldn’t you have taken the burnt man? WHY!!??

Edited by LiT_gam3r

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updated today.

also, it wasn't reread, I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in helping me with the project.

Edited by LiT_gam3r

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I don't have the skills to help with this (as I see you have read) but I have to wonder what HoE version of the comic would be. Or even a Heretic Comic. Not sure about a HeXen comic though, 30 pages of "Worship me, or die, Mortal" (or Korax otherwise ranting) would get a bit boring :p

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Updated to Five pages. 

Does anybody want to help with coming up for a name? anything is fine. It could even be an original.


image.png.a34bc62bde123ebb8b555f34a4bbf2fa.png (sorry, you can't quote on an edit) @Martin Howe how about a Chex Quest comic? LoL

Edited by LiT_gam3r

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Page 10 done! I hope you enjoy reading this! please post if you would like to help with this at all! Maybe help me write it, or edit! Any help would be great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to work on it, but I'm not the greatest writer. I am pretty good at drawing though, however, I'm assuming you're drawing it.

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19 hours ago, SergDoom said:

I'd love to work on it, but I'm not the greatest writer. I am pretty good at drawing though, however, I'm assuming you're drawing it.

Oh no, I am awful at drawing. I haven't worked on the script in a while, but there are only 7 pages left. I'm happy that you'd like to help!

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