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Pain Elemental shooting fireballs? How about the beta BFG, kinda of?

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Someone posted somewhere that they were having trouble making it shoot a projectile other than lost souls, but I can't find the topic now.


Here's an old dehacked patch I made in 1999 that should be of interest.




EDIT: reuploaded with two variant patches and after more testing:


Old patch dated from the year 1999, kept for posterity or some crap like that.


Juggled map id#'s of lost soul and dead lost soul, to put a restored lost soul back
in maps instead of having an inert blocking fireball.   Except since a bunch
of frames were used for the Pain Elemental's projectile, they have a new close attack
and no far attack or pain chance.


Pain Elemental's projectiles not subjected to gravity.


This patch does NOT work with doom2.exe v1.666.
With doom2.exe v1.7, 1.7a, or 1.9, the fireballs slide on the ground instead of bouncing.
with Ultimate doom.exe running doom2.wad, the fireballs bounce like in any source port.

Tested fine with ZDoom and Doom Legacy back when I originally made it.
More recently tested fine with Odamex.


Screenshot from 3/23/99 in either ZDoom or Legacy (notice the smoke puffs).   Original .bmp included in zip.


Edited by Gokuma

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