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That second screenshot reminds me of that later map from Evilution, though. The create warehouse with all the teleporters.

It looks great so far!

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Nice map. Don't see much resemblance to Doom 2's Entryway, though, but it's a good start map anyways.


JINX! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.


Not much resemblance to Doom2's style at all, to be honest. I mean your map does not instill nostalgia at all, if it's meant to. Far too fresh a take and far too much of your own style than Doom 2's style. Nothing "Doom 2"ish about it really. That said, you should continue working on your project because it will very likely be a lot of fun to play as this map had some excellent implementations like the crates and the jumping around to get places. But will it be like Doom 2? No, no no, no, no, no, no, it will most certainly not! But it might be better.

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17 minutes ago, Tetzlaff said:

Nice map. Don't see much resemblance to Doom 2's Entryway, but it's a good start map anyways.


Much appreciated.

Yes, as I mentioned I want to reimagine the maps or what they represent and put a personal spin on it.

I am not using Doom 2 maps as a base, but rather the ideas they represent.

The second map will be the Underbelly and will have similiar theme then the original.

And this is what I want to do with this project because in general I really like the progression of the game, not most of the maps though.

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Screenshots looks really good. I especially like the scale of the design in the first shot, very striking.

Edited by Uni

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I liked this level a lot! I'm not usually a fan of levels that try to act as a realistic structure, but this one was designed well, as well as having those doomcute flourishes (like that curved desk). Fun little opener, that I thought was going to be ridiculously long because of how huge the opening room is, but I was pleasantly surprised. Also: I like the idea of re-imagining the Doom 2 maps rather than remaking them (we already have too many projects like that). Anyway, cool stuff, can't wait to see what you do with the city maps (if you get there).

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3 hours ago, Hellbent said:

Not much resemblance to Doom2's style at all, to be honest. I mean your map does not instill nostalgia at all, if it's meant to. 

It isn't supposed to. it is a reimagining, not an exact copy. it is supposed to take the general idea about it and just expand upon it. his Gotcha! level might not even be a trollish level, rather a factory where some of the biggest demons and monsters get made (i don't know, just a thought, not a good one, but a thought) trying to have nostalgia is like looking at the layout of several maps, and dissecting each of them to get a general idea of what the Doom creators did to make the levels. 


I'm very excited to see what you do with the Wolfenstein levels! (please replace the cyberdemon with a spider-mastermind)

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1 hour ago, Egg Boy said:

Anyway, cool stuff, can't wait to see what you do with the city maps (if you get there).

Yup, city maps... in Doom2... I have SOME ideas, but I am not looking forward to those TBH. I will be doing some custom textures for those.


4 hours ago, Uni said:

Screenshots looks really good. I especially like the scale of the design in the first shot, very striking. 

Much appreciated.



It isn't supposed to. it is a reimagining, not an exact copy. it is supposed to take the general idea about it and just expand upon it. his Gotcha! level might not even be a trollish level, rather a factory where some of the biggest demons and monsters get made (i don't know, just a thought, not a good one, but a thought) trying to have nostalgia is like looking at the layout of several maps, and dissecting each of them to get a general idea of what the Doom creators did to make the levels. 


I'm very excited to see what you do with the Wolfenstein levels! (please replace the cyberdemon with a spider-mastermind)

I did think about all maps slightly before hand and yes, Gotcha! will probably some kind of demon lockdown facility, Trick and traps is planned to have some

silent teleporters shenanigans, Dead simple will probably be combat focus arena with a spawner and a timer...

I have no idea what to do with Wolfenstein levels yet.


And thank you all for your comments, they encourage me to go forward with this project.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(All info and download page will be updated in my 1st post as well.)


Finally after a long while map 02 is done and avaible as a single map download.

Map02 Underbelly


Map info:

New music: Not yet, will add some custom music with first demo release.

New graphics: Yes, a waterfall.

(Note, waterfall texture name is N_WFAL01 - 04 and I cannot find author name or wad I have extracted this from. So please let me know so I can credit the person.)

Map size: Small - Medium


Boom format map for a Boom format megawad.

Crouch/Jump: Disabled by default.

Mouse aim: Optional

Tested with: PrBoom+

                   GZdoom 4.3.3


Screenshots (Taken in GZdoom)




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  • 7 months later...

2021 update


I started working on this project again. Full info in the first post.


Just to summarize the wad:

  • All future updates will be single file only instead of multiple single map files
  • All added maps will have custom music from the start
  • Future maps will have more custom textures then previously planned
  • My other project was canned and maps from it will be coverted and edited for this project instead
  • Project is planned for continuous play with death exits, but will be doable pistol starting also.

Wad update:

  • Maps were merged into 1 file "Re-Doom2 Wip" (current version 16.1.2021)
  • Map07 was added
  • Music was added for all the maps
  • Title screen and episode intermission screen music was added

Screenshots for newest map (MAP07 - Undying)







Download - Please see first post.

Edited by Shawny
Screenshot were not showing

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  • 1 month later...

Update 18.2.2021

(Updated link)


Map03 was added.




Music: mist - Stewboy









Edited by Shawny

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Here you are, whenever processing completes! I really love the look of these - like others mentioned I'm not sure if they resemble the Doom 2 maps all that much, but that's no bad thing - it feels like a new WAD that maybe takes a couple of loose themes from the original levels. Your mapping style flows together so nicely, and the detailing is amazing... I'm looking forward to more though I know it'll be a challenge to keep up this level of detail in a solo project for 32 maps!



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@DavidN Hey, thank you for your playthrough, enjoyed that one a lot.

Thought... I am kinda sad that you didn´t notice map03 has 2 ways of playing. Taking the RL or SSG at the start.

The map plays a tiny bit different with each weapon... oh well.


And yeah, this is a reimagine project, in my mind that means that I want to take Doom2 overall progression and story, but remake it to my liking.

Resemblance with the original maps depends on how much I liked the original Doom2 maps.

Good example is map01 and 02. Never really liked Entryway so that map is changed a lot, not being really regognizable even.

On the contrary I really like Underhalls so that one is more inspired by the orginal than full on reimagination.


And yes, all textures (execpt waterfall - even though to this day I wonder why that never was a stock texture for doom2, probably having a rest

with all the other city textures that don´t exist) are stock. Though I am already gathering and putting together some nice stock-esk texture

that will be used in the future maps.


Next maps should be map 5 which is gonna be a remix and extended vesrion of previously released "speed-ish" map of mine.

Also before I had an idea for map07 (which I made suprisingly fast considering my mapping speed) I have already made layout for map09 so that may have

priority, even though my goal is to make maps01 - 07 ASAP to at least have one chapter of the project done.

Edited by Shawny

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I really like the map07 screenshots! And the others too. I'm not sure what's going on in that one room on map02, it's being overtaken by some kind of really persistent moss or mold? But it looks great. The places are not underdetailed or overdetailed, just the right amount, and you made them look unique with just the default textures.

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Sounds great Shawny :) If you find players consistently missing the super shotgun/rocket launcher choice, think about how you can make the choice clearer to them - in my case, I explored the initial area and then came downstairs to find a switch right in front of me - and when there's a switch right in front of you in Doom, you press it! Perhaps a route where the player can see both switches at the same time would help get across the idea that there's a choice to be made.

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@Scypek2 Much appreciated. I do like stock textures, I wish there were some more of them.


@DavidN The multiplayer starting positions overlook both choices, but are closed in a room until player 1 picks a route.

I could reconstruct whole starting area, or alternativelly, push both switches back, put bars in front of them and place open trigger

in a place where player can see both routes.


On the other hand both choices are viable and I should probably not care about what and how player made a decision so I will probably skip fixing this.

From my perspective just kinda sucks not seeing that pointed in the video is all. It may be even better for people to find that for themselvs.

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1 hour ago, Scypek2 said:

If you want more of the stock textures, maybe you'd like the texture pack made entirely from vanilla patches! Or make your own textures in the same way. Some of the unused/alpha textures could be a good fit as well.


I see. I am familiar with quite few of those due to other project I have been mapping for used good chunk of those I am pretty sure.

Those are neat (mostly). I will take another look though. Thanks for the suggestion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated (6.3.2021) link in the first post.


- Added few blocklines in map02.

- Some light textures were swapped around in map03.

- Added new shortcut switch in map03.

Map05 was added



Waste disposal

Music: Watching you - Jimmy


This is the converted, reconstructed and rebalanced Day 0 speedish map I have created for my personal (now) canned project Shallow world.

This is an extended version with updated visuals, slightly changed layout and theme with revamped combat.










Edited by Shawny
Added some info.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated (3.4.2021) download link in the first post.

(Only one more map to go for chapter 1, though with Skulltiverse community project on the way it may take a while)


- Small visual update in map01 - as noted by @FrancisT18

- Small changes in Map03 to hopefully fix bugs when running in ZDoom - found by @FrancisT18

  (not tested, too lazy to download and configure ZDoom, will do that next update)

WIP version from 6.3.2021 was tested on livestream by Francist218 on Twitch.

Archived on FrancisT Youtube channel.

Map04 was added



The Locus

Music: Underground Lake - Stewboy










Edited by Shawny
Added links

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  • 4 months later...

Updated (10.8.2021) link in the first post.

After 2 unsatisfying attempts at map06 I decided to complete map09 which I had already worked on before Skulltiverse
community mapping project was announced. Now that one is over, updates SHOULD be more regular.

- Changed geometry in map04 to fix a weird bug where silent crusher (?) sometimes missaligned textures in one room.

- Changed geometry in map07 at the end so there is no weird blocking lines to stop the player.

- Map09 was added



Music: Ledge - Stewboy










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  • 1 month later...

Played through first three maps on HNTR - should have done HMP, but wasn't sure if you'd also keep the difficulty pretty close to originals, as it seems you have done.  As expected based on your maps on Skulltiverse, creative and very good-looking techbases.  The layouts are damn fine, so complex in design and interconnected, not to mention non-linear to great extent, and only association that comes to me are deadwing's techbase-maps in Moonblood, even if the gameplay and texturing are totally different.  Also the thematic inspiration from each original map is clearly there.  Secrets are great, too.  Great concept - updating/improving the visuals and layouts of the original concepts, while keeping the gameplay actually pretty close to classic (at least so far.)  i haven't played a lot of Doom2 reimagining/reworkings like i've done with Doom1, but no matter, this is excellent stuff in itself!


Noticed only a couple of sleeping enemies who probably should awaken earlier, most notably a Cacodemon in an alcove with Imps in map02.

Edited by dei_eldren

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So I watched the your playthrough of what is currently available from the wad.
First of all I want to thank you for that, I got great feedback from the commentary and even just from watching how maps
play and look I was able to caught minor errors/issues (texture misalignments, inconsistent signposting in progression etc.).

Things I fixed or adjusted:

  • Fixed cacodemon/imp stuck on HNTR difficulty in MAP02
  • Changed geometry in few maps to make look maps nicer or play better
  • Added lights or other elements to few places for better signposting and clearer progression
    (ex MAP02 - Bars area in the hallway to the cistern is now much brighter to indicate point of interest)
  • Some revamped detailing in the oldest maps (MAP01, MAP02)
  • Added "doorstop" bars in MAP03 to teach player that is a "door" and changed
    all other unopenable barriers (that used this texture previously) to "silver1" texture.
    This should be consistent throughout the wad.
    (In case it is not, I forget to change it and will be fixed in the next update)
  • Wrong map names in PRBoom+ based ports due to (let´s be honest) lazy copy-pasting in Slade

EDIT: Forgot to mention - changes listed above will be implemented in the MAP06 update not in the current build.


Sadly MAP06 is not ready yet and it will take few weeks to complete I would guess.
Layout, gameplay idea and progression are pretty much done/unified. Geometry in some areas are also complete or close to.
In fact I have 2 really early screenshots from the editor to show. No lighting yet and second one also needs some additional detailing.
But at least some proof that stuff is being worked on.




Edited by Shawny
Update clarification

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1 hour ago, Shawny said:

So I watched the your playthrough of what is currently available from the wad.
First of all I want to thank you for that, I got great feedback from the commentary and even just from watching how maps
play and look I was able to caught minor errors/issues (texture misalignments, inconsistent signposting in progression etc.).


Really nice my humble playthrough was useful to you - appreciate the acknowledgment.  i just look forward to more of your work... :)

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  • 1 month later...

About 2 months late...

- Updated title and download link
- Fixes and adjustments mentioned earlier are now up (except "revamp" of map01).
- Map06 was added to the wad (Act1 is now complete - Map01-06)
- Added intermission/story screen


Due to "more advance" scripting that utilize conveyour belts some behavior or even some unforseen bugs may occure.
The map was tested in GZDoom 4.7.0, ZDoom 2.8.1 PRBoom+ and DSDA (I wish I knew what version that is).
Map worked proper in all of those, but knowing Doom and myself, something will go wrong eventually... probably...


The compactor

Music: Tech base by Stewboy










Edited by Shawny

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the hardest maps in the set so far, i think, the end fight was the hardest with the ammo starvation of pistol start (and i hadn't touched Doom for a month, so i really noticed how rusty i had become) - but really good design, highly consistent style and very enjoyable.  As usual, very complex going in blind, but in the end comes together to make perfect sense.  i found, after the video was cut for shortage of HD space, 3/4 secrets - the blursphere, megasphere, and mega armour.  As before, i'm really loving this set!


The video is of my second attempt, HNTR pistol start.



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@dei_eldren Thank you for playing/playtesting. I am happy you are back, I was kinda worried when I haven´t seen you in a while.
I need to add some impassable lines to scenery and I have spotted a wrong texture in the last room.
I may also need to move some switches around, some are not completely obvious as what they do.
Really nice to see a playtesting video, especially on HNTR, so that I can ACTUALLY balance the maps on that difficulty.
You and FrancisT are really helping me with these vids and I seriously appreciate that.

Fun fact (or just fact) - The ammo balance need to be super tight in this map due to feature/gimmick in which if you kill
             Mastermind early (before you start the crusher or roughly at the same time, depending on "script" timing)

             bunch of arachnotrons are released to the map. (If you start the crusher first, they will just get crushed and doors never open.)
             This is mostly supposed to be a pistol start/continuous gimmick that I really wanted to implement.

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11 minutes ago, Shawny said:

@dei_eldren Thank you for playing/playtesting. I am happy you are back, I was kinda worried when I haven´t seen you in a while.
I need to add some impassable lines to scenery and I have spotted a wrong texture in the last room.
I may also need to move some switches around, some are not completely obvious as what they do.
Really nice to see a playtesting video, especially on HNTR, so that I can ACTUALLY balance the maps on that difficulty.
You and FrancisT are really helping me with these vids and I seriously appreciate that.

Fun fact (or just fact) - The ammo balance need to be super tight in this map due to feature/gimmick in which if you kill
             Mastermind early (before you start the crusher or roughly at the same time, depending on "script" timing)

             bunch of arachnotrons are released to the map. (If you start the crusher first, they will just get crushed and doors never open.)
             This is mostly supposed to be a pistol start/continuous gimmick that I really wanted to implement.


Hey Shawny - my absence was due to some personal issues, so thank you.  And you are very welcome!


There was a couple of moments in the map i didn't know exactly where to go/what to do but they resolved themselves quickly enough for my taste.  As for ammo, there was no real shortage, but on a blind run, for example just an extra pack of shells would've made the end fight a bit less dependent, as i felt it was, on luck.  Health/armor was quite sufficient.  And i imagine the fourth secret would have a plasma gun, so when the final version is released and i play this again (then i'll do it on HMP as knowing what to expect will make things a bit easier) i'll make sure to find it :D  On a sidenote, getting the RL was funny as hell!  Also, i haven't played a lot of modern mapsets, but there were some clever details implemented, like the timer used for providing cover and trapping in the hallway with the crossfire from zombies/imps and the SMM.

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