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🍦 BIG Vanilla Doom Wad Pack! REV. 16 - May 24th, 2022 [Maximum Doom the way 'Kid Did]


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Also, I have a vanilla-compatible dehacked patch for Akeldama.wad, as the integrated lump was designed for at least Crispy Doom.

This does abridge a few automap level names and intermission texts, but the only significant changes would be to the secret and super-secret texts.


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On 1/16/2021 at 5:02 AM, punch you in the face man said:

For the next update, Eternal Doom requires a patch in order to run from the Eternal Shell in DosBox, just replace ESHELL.EXE with ESHELL.BOX (renaming it from box to exe of course). Love this pack btw.


Thank you very much for this, I appreciate it.


On 1/16/2021 at 5:12 AM, SilverMiner said:

lol what


Hey man, it’s hard keeping track of this many wads.. (Will be fixed in next update)

Edited by Doomkid

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Hooray, a new build! SO much content added since the previous revision!


This is not an exhaustive list, but here are many additions since the last revision.


New EXEs:

  • The new build of DeHackEd by xttl (supports all Doom versions!)
  • The latest version of FastDoom by viti95

New DOOM wads:

  • Back to 1994
  • Beta Labs 1 & 2
  • Doom: Damnation
  • EQUINO-X - The Lost Worlds
  • The Far Side of Phobos
  • SIGIL by John Romero

New DOOM 2 wads:

  • Blood Foundry
  • CPD
  • DOOM 87: The Lost World (Beta)
  • DE-GRINDER (Reduces enemy health)
  • Eternal Doom + All updates & fixes
  • GottaGoFast (Beta)
  • MarioDoom Vanilla Edition
  • Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP!

Final DOOM wads:

  • 32 Hours in Pain
  • TNT_Goes_BooM

..and much more! If you haven't updated since a much earlier revision, compare your WADLIST.TXT to the current one using a site such as text-compare.com to see all the new content that's been added since.



Edited by Doomkid

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Just post here if you have any trouble! Me or another helpful community member will surely be glad to assist you if there’s any hiccups.

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6 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Just post here if you have any trouble! Me or another helpful community member will surely be glad to assist you if there’s any hiccups.


Thanks! :)

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glad to see more stuff added to this! Though, I do want to note, Blood Foundry is chocolate compatible, not sure if there's something keeping it from complete DOS/vanilla compatibility, but it was tested in chocolate.

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On 1/21/2021 at 2:50 PM, Doomkid said:

Hooray, a new build! SO much content added since the previous revision!


New EXEs:

  • The final version of FastDoom by viti95

Appreciate the new build DoomKid! One nitpick: Viti95 isn't saying its the final build of FastDoom - Just the final build of FastDoom 0.7. His changelog shows 142 new commits since that release with the latest activity on January 22.

Ive also tagged you for something else and soonish (i hope) i can add something new to your package that surely is beneficial for Doom 2.

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This just keeps getting better and better.

Since you included Sigil, it might be cool to add Tech Gone Bad, Phobos Mission Control, and the pc versions of both Sewers, as well as Betray.

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Egg Boy, just for future reference, if it runs in Chocolate it will also run in Vanilla. If -merge and/or -deh is required then Vanilla will need the external tools DEUSF and DeHackEd respectively (Choco just emulates them natively for ease), but it’ll still work.


Red, thanks for letting me know about FastDoom receiving further updates - I’ll correct the post to say “latest” rather than “final” (also happy to include any beneficial tools/utils as they pop up!)


Adamast0r, great suggestions for the next update, will be sure to include them all.

Edited by Doomkid

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I'd recommend adding Kick Attack! .It's weirdness really fits the bill IMO.



This is a brand new WAD produced to celebrate Kick, the Hardcore Psycho Nitro
Drink in a Can. Not a total conversion, but we've put a bit of work into this
baby - hope you like it!  It's been produced with permission from ID Software -
thanks guys. . . Give Kick a try, after this level, we think you'll agree it
does a little more for you than Alpine Spew. . .


You're a veteran Quality Control Manager at a Kick bottling plant.  Your
world is one of suits and ties, tests and reports, but above all making sure
that every bottle of Kick that hits the streets is a brain-mashing brew of
nitro-driven fizz.


You are not having a good day.


The line has been shut down and you pulled the cord.  You didn't need a
spectrometer to know that something was wrong - this batch was weak, it did
nothing for mouth or mind.  It lacked, well. . . Kick.


So you, with loosened tie and your jacket on a hook were crawling through
passageways trying to find the problem.  Storage tanks, feeder pipes, filling
nozzles, just what you expected. . .but wait.  What's that?  Out of a newly cut
scar on the side of an otherwise pristine wall came a crudely fashioned pipe.  
Clumsily welded to a major feeder main, it disappeared into the darkness.


Punching a small hole in the pipe with a screwdriver, the liquid that dripped
to the ground confirmed what you already feared  - it was Alpine Spew. Someone
was using Alpine Spew to take the kick out of Kick!  You could already hear
them echoing up from below:  Surfer Mutants with Flattops shouting "Hey Dude!"
The screams of flying two liter bottles with teeth so sharp they'd tear you
apart faster than the Spew itself.  And most chilling, the taunts of a musty
old lounge singer: "C'mere baby. . ."  It sounded like he wanted your career
to be over too.


Something had to be done and you were the man to do it.  Tie off, armed only
with the pistol from your desk and a can of Kick you crawled into the inky
abyss.  It was time to Kick some Alpine ass. . .





Edited by xvertigox

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For the sake of completeness and as historical curiosity, original releases of Kick Attack! (no need of using DeuSF). I did take the liberty of removing the SFX stub (zip -J [name of file]) whilst not repacking them though, as doomshack.org does not allow executable files.





Last official version of DeuTex for DOS, without the infuriating forced resampling of sound effects.





  * Sound: new option -rate to specify what DeuTex should do when
    including sound files whose sample rate is not exactly 11025 Hz. The
    choices are :

                 consider it a fatal error and exit immediately with a
                 non-zero exit code.

                 emit a warning and force it to 11025 Hz by resampling
                 up or down.

                 emit a warning but include it as is anyway.

                 silently include it as is.

    Previously, the default (and only option) used to be "force". It's
    now "warn".

    Thanks to Matthew W. Miller for telling me about this issue (which
    he did in 1999 ; the six-year delay is mine, all mine).




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All great suggestions - I’ll have all of these added and a new version  poster after work on Bourgeois DM is finished, since I’ll also be including it in the next update. Thanks a lot, and I hope to hear some more suggestions before then!

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Doomkid: Would it be possible to integrate this in such a way as to make it vanilla compatible: UDEP4FIX_5-3-2018.ZIP?

I got it from here: 

I think it's cool to have correct par-times and a title pic for Thy Flesh Consumed but, unfortunately, I only got it to work with Z based ports, for now.


Edited by Adamast0r

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I'm cleaning up my Doom folder and won't be browsing those wads one by one anymore. Could someone please drop the names of a few possible vanilla must-plays before I remove this wad pack folder? Except the most popular ones, like BTSX, NEIS or Doomkid's creations.

Edited by <<Rewind

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On 2/16/2021 at 7:53 PM, <

Besides my previous post, which was more of a question as to it's feasibility, I also suggest adding SINERGY, which i don't think is included yet: 


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14 hours ago, Adamast0r said:

Besides my previous post, which was more of a question as to it's feasibility, I also suggest adding SINERGY, which i don't think is included yet: 


Great suggestion, and to answer your question, unfortunately I’m not sure if the E4 title screen mod could be made to work.. I’ll have to check it out a bit more thoroughly though!

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29 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Great suggestion, and to answer your question, unfortunately I’m not sure if the E4 title screen mod could be made to work.. I’ll have to check it out a bit more thoroughly though!

i was checking it the other day.

I thought it would be cool to have it kinda officialized for the Doomnity port, but it doesn't work as i was wishing for.

Don't know from where i had the idea that the E4 intermission screen has all the ''You are here'' and ''bloodsplats'' as transparents lumps.

I was wrong. There are no transparent lumps at all inside Ultimate Doom wad :(

Best thing it could be done is change the backdrop, but it will not be animated nor had the bloodsplats and you are here arrows.

Still, its kinda better to the Doom 2 intermission screen ripoff :P

Edited by P41R47

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Whoops, I said title screen but I meant intermission screen! I do agree, a new backdrop would still be perfectly sufficient and a big step up from the Doom2 intermission we've all seen a million times by now.

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Oh yeah, BourgDM is definitely getting added in. I was thinking about adding it under just the DM section, but the wad is so small that I might just have it in both. I don't want people missing out on the SP part of the wad!

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  • 1 month later...

...Been a few months, so it's time for an update!


Download the April 6th revision HERE:




New Doom WADs since last revision:


  • DDAMN10.wad - Doom: Damnation (updated version)
  • KICK1 - Kick Attack!
  • SINERGY - A Vanilla Ultimate Doom Megawad
  • SOD100.WAD - Sewers of DOOM v1.00


New Doom 2 WADs:


  • BITESIZE - Bite-Sized Threat - a very simple vanilla gameplay mod
  • BOURGDM - Bourgeois Megawad (30 maps)
  • KICK2 - Kick Attack! Doom 2 version
  • MIDTWID2 - .MID the way id did  -  32 MIDIs for Doom 2!
  • Und_rats.wad - The Underground Rats
  • WestVirg.wad - The West Virginia Anomaly, short vanilla compatible map
  • WICKED_0.WAD - By the Pricking of My Thumbs ...
  • Yatbrl.wad - You Are the Big Rocket Launcher (And I'm Just the Shot Gun)
  • BLUDBATH.WAD (for Deathmatch only)


..There's also been some fancy updates to the various included utilities:


  • The final version of DEUTEX is now present, no more distorted SFX
  • entryway's VPO explorer for DOS is now present under the SHOW_VPO directory
  • xttl's DeHackEd upgrade is now present (was only in 1 of 2 dirs before)


(If you have an outdated version of this pack, please use a site like text-compare.com and compare your WADLIST.TXT against the current one!)


Well, what are you waiting for? Download now and get fraggin'!



As always, if there's some great vanilla wads missing, feel free to recommend them :)

Edited by Doomkid

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