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humiliating the cyberdemon

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On 5/29/2020 at 2:17 PM, seed said:

Two-shooting the Cyber with the BFG or berserking him to death.


I would agree that those would be the easiest, most humiliating, ways for the cyberdemon to die. (Especially the berserk. Can you imagine being a cyberdemon and having a person punch you to death?)


Of course, neither of those methods apply in E2M8. At that point, the most efficient ways would be either the rocket launcher or the plasma rifle. According to the Doom wiki, the rocket launcher takes, on average, ~45 rockets, while the plasma rifle takes, on average, ~179 shots. Either way, you'd have to stay away from walls and learn to dodge the trio of rockets.


Given the two options, I'd think the plasma rifle might be slightly preferable due to the rate of fire. The plasma rifle fires over 6 times faster than the rocket launcher, meaning that you'd probably have a better chance of stunning the cyberdemon via pain chance just based on the number of shots hitting it.


From an esoteric, what might the monster be thinking, type of outlook, it might be more humiliating to die to the rocket launcher. After all, it shoots rockets, so how humiliating would it be to lose to its own weapon? But maybe I'm wrong, maybe it would respect the power of the rocket and be OK dying to it, while the shiny little blue ball of plasma would be worse.


Ultimately, if you ignore ease and ammo, the way to humiliate the cyberdemon the worst would probably be either the pistol or the regular fist.

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24 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

Given the two options, I'd think the plasma rifle might be slightly preferable due to the rate of fire. The plasma rifle fires over 6 times faster than the rocket launcher, meaning that you'd probably have a better chance of stunning the cyberdemon via pain chance just based on the number of shots hitting it.


And also because the boss-tier enemies of Doom do not take splash damage from the rockets, which automatically makes the Plasma superior/preferable to the RL in 95% of the use cases.

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On 5/31/2020 at 3:39 PM, seed said:

Now berserking a Cyber... that one is hard, not as much as it is for timing since if you can two-shoot a cyber you can do this too, usually, but because you're almost guaranteed to take a rocket to the face when you do it, eventually. It's much riskier.

I wanna clear a few things there.


Firstly, it's not actually hard to punch a cyberdemon to death without ever getting hit. The reason I get hit in the demo is because A) I wanna kill it fast B) in a less than convenient environment, and C) I could afford to catch a rocket with the health I've had at the time.


If you land one punch between the cyber's second and third rocket, and you don't try going in for a follow-up hit or you don't attack from a less than optimal angle... Simply put if you play it 100% safe, you're not getting hit. That's why I could tyson that cyberdemon on the very same map, on nightmare difficulty, without even taking splash damage.



All I'm saying is, if you're not doing this for hours on end, or rush things, it's gonna be fine.

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  • 7 months later...
On 5/31/2020 at 8:39 PM, seed said:


Now berserking a Cyber... that one is hard, not as much as it is for timing since if you can two-shoot a cyber you can do this too, usually, but because you're almost guaranteed to take a rocket to the face when you do it, eventually. It's much riskier. Suffice to say I only ever do it with saves and very rare instances, it isn't much fun otherwise. Here's how it looks like when it works in your favor:


I don't understand, why would punching a Cyberdemon with a Berserk pack be harder than without when a Berserker Pack increases the damage you do? 


Was also wondering how many punches it takes to kill a Cyberdemon with and without a Berserker pack?

Edited by Havok

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On 2/7/2021 at 2:45 AM, Havok said:

Was also wondering how many punches it takes to kill a Cyberdemon with and without a Berserker pack?

Fist deals between 2-20 damage, Cyberdemon has 4000 health. So between 200-2000 punches are required.

Berserk increases fist damage by 10x, so 20-200 punches are needed to put it down.

Edited by Andromeda

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I still dont know why i still have trouble with cyberdemons! i shriek [internally] like a little girl every time I see or hear one

plasmaeing them are one of the only ways i have killed them efficiently, in open rooms... I still cant BFG one that well yet though...

AGH screw it! im playing cyberdreams!

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/10/2021 at 7:01 PM, Andromeda said:

Fist deals between 2-20 damage, Cyberdemon has 4000 health. So between 200-2000 punches are required.

Berserk increases fist damage by 10x, so 20-200 punches are needed to put it down.

ok so don't fist

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Plasma Gun or BFG from close range are pretty much the best choices if they're available.

If you're tight on energy cells then shotguns also work wonders even if they're a bit slow of a method. Rocket launcher is honestly kinda.. eh against the Cyberdemon.

You can also weaken the Cyberdemon through infighting then finish him off yourself.

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On 2/6/2021 at 8:45 PM, Havok said:


I don't understand, why would punching a Cyberdemon with a Berserk pack be harder than without when a Berserker Pack increases the damage you do? 


The post you quoted doesn't appear to say that it's harder to punch a cyberdemon with a berserk pack vs without one. Or did I miss something in @seed's post?


It seems as though he's comparing punching to BFG 2-shotting - that it's more challenging to berserk a cyberdemon down than it is to BFG 2-shot said cybie. @seed, is that a correct assessment of what you wrote?

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6 hours ago, Rytrik said:

The post you quoted doesn't appear to say that it's harder to punch a cyberdemon with a berserk pack vs without one. Or did I miss something in @seed's post?


It seems as though he's comparing punching to BFG 2-shotting - that it's more challenging to berserk a cyberdemon down than it is to BFG 2-shot said cybie. @seed, is that a correct assessment of what you wrote?


No, I have made no mention of non powered fist versus Berserk anywhere in my post. No idea where that comes from.

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10-20 friendly chaingunners. But make sure you freeze the game and shoot each chaingunner with a pistol so it winces in pain, unfreeze and all chaingunners will react immediately and send the cyberdemon to an agonizing death.

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On 4/5/2021 at 7:51 AM, pcorf said:

10-20 friendly chaingunners. But make sure you freeze the game and shoot each chaingunner with a pistol so it winces in pain, unfreeze and all chaingunners will react immediately and send the cyberdemon to an agonizing death.

so glitch the matrix

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