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Fury's Sky - Resting these Wings... (GZDoom flight game)

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I'm still working on MAP13 for Fury's Sky, but it's unlikely I will continue development on this iteration of Fury's Sky after it drops. While I am proud of the project and how far I was able to take it, there are still a number of glaring internal issues that prevent me from fully capitalizing on the concept: 

1. This game is rife with spaghetti code and antipatterns, so much so that a full-on refactor is impossible. This can be excused by the fact that I was an extreme novice when I made this, so I don't feel any guilt for writing such jank. Nevertheless, as I am trying to grow and improve as a programmer, working on code that is too far gone to be saved just doesn't fit with my overall goals. 

2. The tone and texture of this game is schizophrenic as. I can't decide if I'm trying to be serious or stylized at times and it hurts the quality of the product. In the future, I need to pick a more consistent tone and stick with it. I'm leaning more towards stylized myself. 

3. My modeling and design skills have only improved over time, and I'd like a new canvas to show what I can do. Working on an old project limited to using old assets is counterintuitive here. 


So while I pull the plug on Fury's Sky the IWAD, this is far from the end of Fury's Sky as a concept. Oh no....



In fact, we're just getting started...


So long my friends. But don't despair! We'll take to the skies again soon...

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