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Does anyone know why Ultimate Doom could be crashing/freezing on me?

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Since I don't know whether it's a mod problem or a source port issue, I feel like this is the best place to ask for solutions for it. Lately, since I went back to playing Brutal Doom from Project Brutality, my game's been crashing mostly in the test map. Mostly, it happens when I die in the test map and try to resurrect. Brutal Doom never crashed on me when I played it, and neither did Project Brutality, so I'm not sure what's wrong. I put a screenshot of what I have listed below in the ZDL launcher, so maybe that can help.


As for the sourceport, it's the most recent GZDoom and it doesn't matter whether I use Vulkan or OpenGL, it still crashes.

Screenshot (1).png

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Well, it appears you have PWADs in your IWAD list, 4 of them being music wads, one being Sigil (a mapset).

Also it looks like in your PWAD list (external files section to the left), you have all those same music wads (intended to be used with the iwads they are referencing), brutal doom, along with both versions of Sigil. I'm a little baffled as to how it is even loading up for you, tbh. 

I imagine you have a legit copy of Ultimate Doom or Doom 2, you want that doom.wad or doom2.wad to be set up as an IWAD in zdl, you might wanna trim down some of those music wads as I'm sure they are conflicting with each other. 

I'm curious as to whether you understand that you are cuing up all of these files to load simultaneously, which is likely one of the issues. The other, arguably more important one, being that you do not have an IWAD available to play from.

here's a quick and dirty example of what you likely want your zdl launcher to look like before running gzdoom

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Edited by kwc

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  On 6/3/2020 at 2:33 AM, kwc said:

Well, it appears you have PWADs in your IWAD list, 4 of them being music wads, one being Sigil (a mapset).

Also it looks like in your PWAD list (external files section to the left), you have all those same music wads (intended to be used with the iwads they are referencing), brutal doom, along with both versions of Sigil. I'm a little baffled as to how it is even loading up for you, tbh. 

I imagine you have a legit copy of Ultimate Doom or Doom 2, you want that doom.wad or doom2.wad to be set up as an IWAD in zdl, you might wanna trim down some of those music wads as I'm sure they are conflicting with each other. 

I'm curious as to whether you understand that you are cuing up all of these files to load simultaneously, which is likely one of the issues. The other, arguably more important one, being that you do not have an IWAD available to play from.

here's a quick and dirty example of what you likely want your zdl launcher to look like before running gzdoom

  Reveal hidden contents





So, IWAD's on the right and everything else on the left?  And as for the music WAD's, how do I "trim them down"?

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  On 6/3/2020 at 2:56 AM, DangerousDave said:


So, IWAD's on the right and everything else on the left? 


Yep, make sure you go into settings and add your Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 IWADs.
Load your PWADs (everything else) on the left, but only the ones which you want to play.

I'm not too-too familiar with Brutal Doom but I imagine that you would want to put that one last in the load order.


  On 6/3/2020 at 2:56 AM, DangerousDave said:

And as for the music WAD's, how do I "trim them down"?


Well what I am saying is that I don't think having 4 different music wads cued up is going to do you much good.
At worst it's going to cause a crash (not certain, haven't tried loading that many music mods), at best it's just going to load one of them anyway. Plus Sigil has it's own very cool soundtrack already! :)

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  On 6/3/2020 at 3:03 AM, kwc said:

Yep, make sure you go into settings and add your Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 IWADs.
Load your PWADs (everything else) on the left, but only the ones which you want to play.

I'm not too-too familiar with Brutal Doom but I imagine that you would want to put that one last in the load order.


Well what I am saying is that I don't think having 4 different music wads cued up is going to do you much good.
At worst it's going to cause a crash (not certain, haven't tried loading that many music mods), at best it's just going to load one of them anyway. Plus Sigil has it's own very cool soundtrack already! :)



Regarding the music WAD's, what WAD's do you prefer using and how should they be organized? And under "Sourceports", what should be there (just GZDoom)?

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  On 6/3/2020 at 3:08 AM, DangerousDave said:

Regarding the music WAD's, what WAD's do you prefer using and how should they be organized?


I don't usually use music wads so I can't be much help, but I will point you to Jimmy's Jukebox. Lots of really good tunes in there, not-so-coincidentally put together by the same fella who did the midi's for Sigil ;)


  On 6/3/2020 at 3:08 AM, DangerousDave said:

And under "Sourceports", what should be there (just GZDoom)?


if all you have at the moment is GZDoom, then yes. 

edit: fixed link

Edited by kwc

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  On 6/3/2020 at 3:14 AM, kwc said:

I don't usually use music wads so I can't be much help, but I will point you to Jimmy's Jukebox. Lots of really good tunes in there, not-so-coincidentally put together by the same fella who did the midi's for Sigil ;)


if all you have at the moment is GZDoom, then yes. 



Unfortunately, the link provided in the Jimmy's Jukebox thread doesn't work, but I can probably find it elsewhere if I have to. And this is my mod order so far, though I'm gonna try to find and download the JJ music:

Screenshot (3).png

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Almost there! You don't need to have SIGIL_COMPAT_v1_21.wad loaded up if you're using gzdoom.
I fixed the link as well, click it again!

for those mood4doom wads, try and pick just one that you would like to listen to, i'd suggest you choose the very first one you have loaded there, and just put it after your sigil wad in the load order.

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  On 6/3/2020 at 3:23 AM, kwc said:

Almost there! You don't need to have SIGIL_COMPAT_v1_21.wad loaded up if you're using gzdoom.
I fixed the link as well, click it again!

for those mood4doom wads, try and pick just one that you would like to listen to, i'd suggest you choose the very first one you have loaded there, and just put it after your sigil wad in the load order.



I think I've got the load order like you described:

Screenshot (4).png

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Bingo, now just make sure you have The Ultimate Doom V1.9 selected before you press launch and I think you'll be golden. 

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  On 6/3/2020 at 3:28 AM, kwc said:

Bingo, now just make sure you have The Ultimate Doom V1.9 selected before you press launch and I think you'll be golden. 



It seems to work now, I tested it in the Brutal Doom test map and it doesn't freeze when I try to revive anymore. Though the revive time is faster in a legitimate Doom episode mission for some odd reason. Thank you for all the advice/help!

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  On 6/3/2020 at 4:13 AM, DangerousDave said:


It seems to work now, I tested it in the Brutal Doom test map and it doesn't freeze when I try to revive anymore. Though the revive time is faster in a legitimate Doom episode mission for some odd reason. Thank you for all the advice/help!


Any sort of mod that adds extra scripting and stuff (like Brutal Doom) is going to take extra time to process its own stuff before it gets to the normal game respawn stuff. The base game with no mods will thus always restart the level faster than any sort of mod.

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  On 6/3/2020 at 4:25 AM, Dark Pulse said:

Any sort of mod that adds extra scripting and stuff (like Brutal Doom) is going to take extra time to process its own stuff before it gets to the normal game respawn stuff. The base game with no mods will thus always restart the level faster than any sort of mod.



I was referring to respawn time with E1M1 with Brutal Doom and the mods I have, and the respawn time with the test map it comes with. Which is unusual, since the last time I had Brutal Doom "installed", the respawn time was the same as E1M1's.


Though I do realize now that when I used to play vanilla on Doomsday Engine, the load/respawn time was pretty good. Which makes sense, considering your explanation of modded vs base game respawns.

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