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(challenge) can you beat it?

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Well I beat it (didn't record it though) and it was pretty easy. You put a bit too many ammo pickups at the beginning and the revenants in the tight hallway sucked ass, but besides that it was fine. It had misaligned textures and what not. Still pretty easy.

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I didn't record either. Played it three times; the first time, I got stuck in the pit near the spider mastermind and had to restart. The second time, the level suddenly ended when I had 85% kills and I don't know why. Same happened on the third run. Both runs were less than 50 seconds long. I have to agree that it's easy, and the revenants were just RNG, though they never did kill me. Also, in case anyone's wondering, it doesn't work in GLBoom+, but it does work in GZDoom as far as I can tell.

Edited by Pseudonaut

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Yeah this is kinda a joke in terms of difficulty. I mean, it's so easy I completed it on my first attempt without dying once. ._.

I think the biggest problem here is, it's way to short and the only hard part is the revenants in the tight hallway and the sector constantly trying to push you towards the spider mastermind room... which is just stupid.


In fact I did record it and the WHOLE video is barely over 2 minutes long. (I'd link it but bitchute is being a spaz right now :l)

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oh and im gonna make a whole map thats just one hallway with the most annoying enemies since you guys hated the revenants

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1 minute ago, instagib said:

lol i made it in 5 minutes and its my worst map

Evil maniac! where the Hell are you from in Hell?!>!>!>!>

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23 minutes ago, instagib said:

thx for the idea

You don't have to make seperate posts for every comment you make within the same minute. Please edit your original post instead.

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2 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

You don't have to make seperate posts for every comment you make within the same minute. Please edit your original post instead.

I second this.


I usually see instagib threads and in ALL he/she just posts one sentence...

18 hours ago, instagib said:


... or sometimes even just words.


I thought this was an strategy to get a quick way toraise his/her content count number without much effort, but who knows, maybe he/she just doesn't knows.

Anyways, I agree with Redneckerz: please, try making posts with some minimum quality content and effort instead of making it a texting application chat.

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4 minutes ago, SirJuicyLemon said:


what if they don't identify as being a he or a she? 


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30 minutes ago, SirJuicyLemon said:

I second this.


I usually see instagib threads and in ALL he/she just posts one sentence...

... or sometimes even just words.


I thought this was an strategy to get a quick way toraise his/her content count number without much effort, but who knows, maybe he/she just doesn't knows.

Anyways, I agree with Redneckerz: please, try making posts with some minimum quality content and effort instead of making it a texting application chat.

hey thanks, youre helping me act like a normal person and not like an idiot. i dont usually use social things because for a long time ive just done things on pc by myself so im kinda dumb when it comes to talking with people online. (its he btw)

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