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Great Examples of Monster Effectiveness

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Every monster type plays a different role within the various maps made throughout doom history. Chaingun snipers, shotgun ambushes, Mancubus blockage, etc.


What WADs do you think are built in such a way to utilize a certain monster's ability to the maximum? An example of this utilization would be the Archviles in Map 29 of Sunlust (you know the room).

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You know the map in Eviternity where you had to activate switched to let the walls around the exit drop down? yeah, that one. The map gives you just enough shells to get to the part with the fountain, which gives you rockets and bullets. So when you go to the crates area where the PE's are you won't have enough shells or cells to deal with them so you have to use the chaingun or rocket launcher. Problem is, you only get 100 bullets but more than enough rockets. THEN you remember that these are PE's so rockets will be blocked by the lost souls. If you don't deal with them fast enough, you will probably blow yourself up more than once.

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Some examples off the top of my head:

  • A Mancubus blocking you at the start of a map in Speed of Doom (UV only, forgot which map - although I recall it being a mid-late game one.) and you are given a berserk pack.
  • Any maps that ultilize the Archvile-Ghost bug (Hell2Pay's map14/map22)
  • Hell Revealed's Everything Dies' 4 pain elementals at the start.
  • The Cyberdemon in Ancient Aliens' map01.
  • The Mancubus in Valiant map07 - you are forced to protect it or you will die. (ultilizing the 666/667 tag)
  • Also the final boss and the kamikazes of the wad.
  • And of course Plutonia 1.

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I like when the level kills enemies in an area beforehand so archviles can resurrect them later, it's a simple, yet nice effect that i don't see too often.

Edited by pc234

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I really like Idea of "Infinite" turret monsters in Disturbia.


Also , a monster which acts like a pain elemental but stay always static instead (the nests in Beesong , the custom Monster in nazi-themed doomerboard's project)


I recommand to play all Death-destiny's maps in order to improve the art of deadly ambushes with fast teleporting enemies too.

Edited by Roofi

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Those arachnotrons in the center in map03 of ancient aliens that are often in line of sight of you as your traveling around the map

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An archvile's role is usually to create a point in the gameplay where you restart/reload and rehearse firing your rocket launcher/bfg at the spot where you know the archvile will appear. Not something I enjoy.


However, I love a good double-archvile setpiece battle, preferably in an area you've previously filled with corpses. No matter how quickly you dispatch the first one, the second one is going to get up to some mischief, quite possibly making for a very tense and dynamic battle.


It's a formulation I see quite frequently in recent years. There are a number of good double-archvile battles in Eviternity.

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