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(RELEASED) WADdle Plot: DOOM wadfile level plotter

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UPDATE: Tool Released for Windows

WADdle Plot Command Line Version:



Source Code(for curious programmers)




This tool came about as I was learning Python. I've always been curious about the structure of wadfiles.


The code is a mess and would take some tlc before posting on GitHub. 


It currently works for all IWADS and most PWADS. 


When finished it would have a TK GUI with lots of configuration options. Slow plotting, fast plotting, instant display, change line colors, e.t.c.


This is planned to be part of WADdle, a set of wadfile tools. Eventually to include a basic map viewer/editor. Implemented in Python, cross-platform.


I would love to collaborate with any who are experienced in Python and TKinter. Honestly, I need some assistance with the project.


A command-line version will be released soon along with the source code. 


Here it is in action:



Edited by ChAoS PsYcHe
Tool Released

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57 minutes ago, Kool Belzero said:

Cool stuff, will it be a normal executable or do you need Python installed to run it?


I'm going to release it as a normal executable so it's accessible as possible. 

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It's in the wild. Click the download button on the top right on that GitHub page. It's a 7zip archive, standalone executable for Windows...


Some maps will draw slightly off centered. Some, not many. 


If any programmers know how to scale/center a plot within a window correctly, please help a coder out...

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38 minutes ago, ChAoS PsYcHe said:

If any programmers know how to scale/center a plot within a window correctly, please help a coder out...

You want to use an equation like this (for X coords) when drawing: win_x = (map_x - minimum_x) * scale


So you need to compute the minimum X coordinate and the maximum X coordinate over the whole map.  Then you can compute the scale like this: scale = win_width / (maximum_x - minimum_x)


Same idea applies to Y coordinate, but you may need to invert things because map coordinates increase in the "north" (up) direction but screen Y coordinates typically increase in the down direction.

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6 hours ago, andrewj said:

You want to use an equation like this (for X coords) when drawing: win_x = (map_x - minimum_x) * scale


So you need to compute the minimum X coordinate and the maximum X coordinate over the whole map.  Then you can compute the scale like this: scale = win_width / (maximum_x - minimum_x)


Same idea applies to Y coordinate, but you may need to invert things because map coordinates increase in the "north" (up) direction but screen Y coordinates typically increase in the down direction.

Interesting. I'll see if I can implement this...

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