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What is the BEST Doom Wad you've played?

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What made those wads so fun? Why did some of them frighten you? Why was it so memorable? Why was it such an eye-candy?

Whatever i see (that i haven't played) i will try to finish and may do a review. doom_cover.jpg                             I'll be waiting ;)

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The most engrossing experiences for me are the single-author megawads, because I'm following the thread of their thought and watching specific gameplay ideas be explored thoroughly and in different ways. They have their own language, so to speak. I've had a good time with Resurgence, and everything by Skillsaw and Eternal.


I also enjoy big team masterworks like BTSX, Eviternity, and the Community Chests, but the single-author experiences make the most lasting impression on me.

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There is a thread where people post their favorite wads and divide 55 points between 10-20 WADs. I haven't voted yet, I still need to play a lot of wads to decide a top 10.


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Doomcenter maybe, Zombie Horde? hard to choose just one, there's a lot of wads I really liked.

Edited by sluggard

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Eugh, it's literally impossible for me to name only one best wad I've ever played. But if I were to put together a Top 5, chances are it'd look something like this (in no particular order):

  1. Stronghold: On the Edge of Chaos
  2. Eviternity
  3. Ancient Aliens
  4. Back to Saturn X E1
  5. Doom the Way id Did

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Sigil 1.1 wad.  Even with all these 666 stuff splattered all over it.  I just thought of it as new content and nothing more.


Seriously... It seems like sigil just came and wen't on these doomworld forums, I miss the hype in that one thread where almost everybody was dying for an update. 

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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