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Unpopular Doom Opinions

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15 hours ago, Smouths said:


My interest starts to seriously dwindle at the 15 minute mark tbh.

If it’s longer than the longest map in DooM 2, it’s too long.


Other unpopular opinions I have:

E2M4 is the worst map in all of the Doom.

E3M5 (Unholy Cathedral) is the best map in E3 and one of the best maps in the game.

The city episode of Doom II is best of the three, with Map 13 Downtown being the highlight.

Mt Pain in TNT is one of its best maps.

Edited by Faceman2000

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2 hours ago, rehelekretep said:

where did you pull 5.8 from?!

I actually give everything in 0.1 intervals. Of course, it's just my opinion and I usually compare to some WAD to give points. I do admit that I'm biased to some of the WADs due to their historical influence or whatever it is. In the end, it's a personal rating, and it's subjective, heh.

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33 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

I actually give everything in 0.1 intervals.

I think rehelketepek is impressed by the fact you can rate things with 100 degrees instead of 5/10/20. :D

Edited by dmslr

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1 hour ago, Faceman2000 said:

E2M5 (Unholy Cathedral)


imo, the least favorite map of Doom 1.

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7 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:


imo, the least favorite map of Doom 1.

Good catch, thanks.


yeah, a lot of people hate that map. I don’t understand it. I don’t find the layout particularly confusing - the correct teleporter is the one that’s glowing haha - and I love the atmosphere of it and they way different parts of the map and encounters open as you do different things.

Edited by Faceman2000

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15 minutes ago, dmslr said:

I think rehelketepek is immersed by the fact you can rate things with 100 degrees instead of 5/10/20. :D

Hahaha, it is. Talking about this, it's rather strange that rating things like 0, 0.5, 1, ..., 4.5, 5 stars is actually just 0~10 or 0~100 in a 10 intervals or something. The time I am looking at my spreadsheet which records my rating and difficulty, I did feel really strange that I rate how much I like the WAD in 0~10 in 0.1 interval, and I rate how difficult the WAD is in 0~5 in 0.1 interval. Probably I'm just someone who likes to contradict myself :P

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I have another one but it’s for Doom 3: Doom 3 wasn’t hated by everyone forever. It’s become more and more of a trend to hate that game in recent years.

Yes, there have always been critics but I’m starting to feel like it’s just a trendy hate train and some of the complaints sound like they come from people who didn’t even play the game.

I’m not saying it’s the best Doom or even one of the best, but it definitely wasn’t nearly as bad as some people try to pretend it was, and if you are old enough to remember... it was the first new Doom game in a long time for many of us long before Doom 2016. 

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1 hour ago, TriTT said:

I have another one but it’s for Doom 3: Doom 3 wasn’t hated by everyone forever. It’s become more and more of a trend to hate that game in recent years.

Yes, there have always been critics but I’m starting to feel like it’s just a trendy hate train and some of the complaints sound like they come from people who didn’t even play the game.

I’m not saying it’s the best Doom or even one of the best, but it definitely wasn’t nearly as bad as some people try to pretend it was, and if you are old enough to remember... it was the first new Doom game in a long time for many of us long before Doom 2016. 

I think a big part of the issue is just that the game has aged poorly. I don’t know how it was received back in the day so much, as I only got into Doom in 2010. However, when I finally tried Doom 3 out in 2018, nothing really held up. It seems a lot of the appeal was the graphics and shadows and stuff, which isn’t impressive anymore, but the shooting just feels like a clunkier, cramped Half-Life 2 (which already has pretty clunky shooting) but the game was built around it whereas Half-Life 2 had a lot more going on.


I guess what I’m trying to say is yeah, I totally believe that haha.

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The shotgun is really overrated, outside of KDITD and levels with a similar design.  It takes ages to kill anything stronger than a Pinky.  Even Imps in large hordes can take a painfully long time to chew through.  I wouldn't call it very reliable either, because the damage spread feels more noticeable on it than on other weapons.  An Imp has a chance to survive all 7 pellets, Pinkies may take 3 shots or 2, and Chaingunners only die in 1 hit if you're lucky, which is a gamble no one enjoys taking.

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On 7/21/2020 at 7:08 AM, D. Whiskey said:

The shotgun is really overrated, outside of KDITD and levels with a similar design.  It takes ages to kill anything stronger than a Pinky.  Even Imps in large hordes can take a painfully long time to chew through.  I wouldn't call it very reliable either, because the damage spread feels more noticeable on it than on other weapons.  An Imp has a chance to survive all 7 pellets, Pinkies may take 3 shots or 2, and Chaingunners only die in 1 hit if you're lucky, which is a gamble no one enjoys taking.

No, the SSG is overrated. It may have more pellets per shell, but it it doesn't work at all in medium ranges, but the shotgun does. SG also has a high rate of fire, and can be used to stun someone, not fully but it still helps.

SSG is way too overrated, for every quality it has, the shotgun has a counter-quality too.

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8 minutes ago, Good-Old said:

SSG is way too overrated, for every quality it has, the shotgun has a counter-quality too.

With a single SSG blast, you can take out:

*2-3 simutanous imps

*1 demon

*1 lost soul

*4-6 zombies


SSG is more suitable for CQC, while shotgun is a bootleg tool for sniping enemies.

Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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Shotgun is for killing isolated imps and zombies and for taking down groups of lost souls (if you don’t have the plasma gun), plus anything at a medium distance. SSG is for pinkies and up or large groups of imps and zombies.

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5 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

With a single SSG blast, you can take out:

*2-3 simutanous imps

*1 demon

*1 lost soul

*4-6 zombies


SSG is more suitable for CQC, while shotgun is a bootleg tool for sniping enemies.


But not suitable for arch viles.

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2 hours ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:


But not suitable for arch viles.

The Super Shotgun is best for Archviles because it increases the likely hood of a  pain state.

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2 hours ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:


But not suitable for arch viles.


The SSG is highly effective against Archviles. The only time I don't use it against them is if there's more than 2, but even then it depends where you're fighting them and what kind of cover you have available.


The Shotgun is the workhorse of Doom. Decent accuracy, rate of fire and range. The SSG is a more specialised weapon you deploy against the meatier monsters like Barons and Archviles at close range. A lot of it depends on the area you're in but the SSG itself is a very effective weapon against the Archvile.


Edited by Final Verdict

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Barons are piece of cake.


Arc vile doesnt only attack you badly but also gives life to dead enemies.


And there is no time to waste. SSG is way too slow. If there is a place that I can use to avoid his attacks but if the area is open, it's gonna kill me with its flame attacks before I can kill it with SSG.


Also when you have a place to avoid its flames but there are dead enemies on the ground, you gotta be fast and SSG sucks in those moments as well.


Give me the rocket launcher please.

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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30 minutes ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:

but if the area is open, it's gonna kill me with its flame attacks before I can kill it with SSG.



If an archvile catches you out in the open with any weapon that is the BFG you are dead anyway.

So i dont see your point

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Better rely with the SSG if you want that precious pain chance against the viles........if you are lucky.

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27 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

If an archvile catches you out in the open with any weapon that is the BFG you are dead anyway.

So i dont see your point


Nope. Rocket launcher kills the arc vile easily. It is not only stronger but also faster. You see?


SSG is a very overrated weapon. I dont get why it is that overrated.


Rocket luncher is a hell lot better for an arch vile. A hell lot.


SSG is way too slow. Too slow.  Just too slow.

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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Hunted (map 11 of Plutonia) will make you regret using the rocket launcher in favor of the SSG. Which that makes quite a particular situation.


Also, unpopular opinion from me...Going Down is overrated and didn't liked it much.

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3 hours ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:


Nope. Rocket launcher kills the arc vile easily. It is not only stronger but also faster. You see?


SSG is a very overrated weapon. I dont get why it is that overrated.


Rocket luncher is a hell lot better for an arch vile. A hell lot.


SSG is way too slow. Too slow.  Just too slow.

Try firing a rocket launcher on an arch vile at close range. Now use a SSG. See the results

You see? 


Also try shooting any monster at close range with a rocket launcher. You see?


The SSG does the same amount of damage as RL and is even more effective against cyberdemons and Masterminds. so no its not stronger either.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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17 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Try firing a rocket launcher on an arch vile at close range. Now use a SSG. See the results

You see? 


Also try shooting any monster at close range with a rocket launcher. You see?


The SSG does the same amount of damage as RL and is even more effective against cyberdemons and Masterminds. so no its not stronger either.

I'm new to the forums and can already tell this dude doesn't listen to logic. @jazzmaster9 you're completely right but I don't think nightmare will listen.

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Hitscanners aren't fun. Also, Archieboys are cool...if you use them in clever ways instead of brainlessly spamming them on every corner just because.

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6 hours ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Try firing a rocket launcher on an arch vile at close range. Now use a SSG. See the results

You see? 


Also try shooting any monster at close range with a rocket launcher. You see?


The SSG does the same amount of damage as RL and is even more effective against cyberdemons and Masterminds. so no its not stronger either.


At least it is far faster, which matter most.


RL is far effective because it is far faster.


Why can't you keep your distance while using RL?

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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I believe comparing the SSG to the RL is quite a non-sensical argument, not in the degrading sense mind you, just saying that both have very different purposes. At the end of the day I doubt anyone would use the SSG to snipe a Revenant at the other side of the room and I doubt even more that anyone would use a RL to blast Demons up close, both guns have different uses, RL is for sniping and the SSG is for close quarters and medium range if the enemy has a large hitbox

Edited by lwks

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1 hour ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:


Why can't you keep your distance while using RL?

Because tight space Exists. ever heard of Tight corridors?

I give up, you just refused to use logic and actual gameplay.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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27 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Because tight space Exists. ever heard of Tight corridors?

I give up, you just refused to use logic and actual gameplay.


Places, which are not tight, also exist. Same.


In Scythe and Scythe 2, when I am out of BFG 9000, Rocket Launcher does rest of the job.


What would I do with a SSG in those conditions? Nothing. 

Edited by Can't play on Nightmare

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3 hours ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:


Places, which are not tight, also exist. Same.


In Scythe and Scythe 2, when I am out of BFG 9000, Rocket Launcher does rest of the job.


What would I do with a SSG in those conditions? Nothing. 

What would you do with a RL in a tight area with little escape?  Nothing. Try Again


Again, think about it before you comment.

you DONT get it do you? RL and SSG have equal usefulness there is NO overrated weapon like you seem to believe. 


But i give up im done replying to someone who cant get a hint.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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