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Rearranged Midi files to modern sound.

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Hey dear Marines.

I often listened the songs while playing and had some Favourites. Well from the Story telling screen i also found this interresting and decided to Re-Arrange it
I was stunned about the Depth the songs had with modern Synthesizers. But listen by your self. =)



Well i had serious problems with the Drums and Percussion in my DAW (FL-Studio) Changing it from 4/4 to 3/4 also affected the whole Timing of the Project.
So i didnt figure out yet how to recreate them and decided to keep the original Doom-Drums. I apologize if its not Perfect.


Most Hard are the Hard-rock based midis and simulating a Electric Guitar on a Computer with satisfying results can be really pain in the ass

But im not sure. Shall i keep the Original or change some styles?


Well..... Feedback and Suggestions are highly apreciated =)


Kind Regards from Germany.


Edited by Faustrecht

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