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Help PLEASE!, LZDOOM v3.85 is not working (Mac OS X Catalina)

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I have been trying to get LZDOOM to work for the last 3 hours and I have gotten as far as getting to a screen that says I need to go to my Application Support and go to LZDOOM but there is no LZDOOM nor is there a zdoom.ini in preferences. I've downloaded it and watched multiple tutorials. Please Help.

Edited by Goopymonster

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But i have no idea, i don't own a Mac and just know it compiles thanks to Travis CI. Same for linux since my linux desktop died.

Someone else made the package and _mental_ is the mac guy. May be he's not in this forum anymore.

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Tested it on my MacBook Pro and it seems to be working fine. It's a little tricky to setup because you have to navigate to the '~/Library/Application Support' directory, which is normally hidden in Finder.


To get it working, open the 'Terminal' app and input the following commands to make the required 'lzdoom' folder, and then open it in finder:

mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/lzdoom
open ~/Library/Application\ Support/lzdoom

Copy any IWADS (DOOM2.WAD etc.) into the folder now showing in the open Finder window and LZDoom should be able to detect them.


Also, if you want to show the 'Library' folder permanently and be able to click into it (along with other hidden folders on MacOS) you can enter the terminal commands shown in this guide:

https://setapp.com/how-to/show-hidden-files-on-mac#:~:text=See hidden files on Mac via Finder&text=In Finder%2C open up your,2 to hide them again!


Hope that helps.

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