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Hardest Doom Level?

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Having just played through E4 on UV for the first time, I think E4M1's difficulty is very overstated.  It is hard in the context of Doom 1/Doom 2 levels and REALLY hard in the context of starting maps, but it's quite short and the difficulty is entirely in reaction time.  Corner creeping the teleports that come into the starting room will get you through as long as you have good shoot and strafe.  If you survive the first 30 seconds you've beat the map.


Getting 100% is a lot harder if you don't cheese it because of ammo scarcity but if you're just playing through, I really think it's quite a bit easier than E4M2 and pistol start E4M6 in the same episode.  E4's difficulty curve as a whole is really thrown off by E4M2 and E4M3 if you're playing continuous through because the second half of M2 gives you a healthy serving of plasma ammo and E4M3 has like, over 100 rockets to pick up, so you're pretty much loaded for the rest of the episode.

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46 minutes ago, Mitchfork said:

Having just played through E4 on UV for the first time, I think E4M1's difficulty is very overstated....


IMO, Ep4 is kind of like a prototype community project. It's strangely ordered since you know, E4M4... Therefore, you probably should expect some strange things here and there. E4M1 is definitely a semi busted map in my opinion because the design is totally not friendly, and ammo is very limited to get all kills. Also, I would probably say human tend to remember harsh moments they face too much even there are harder maps later in for example, Doom 2 or Plutonia, they still always pick E4M1 because it is also not very nicely designed and becomes an easy target.


38 minutes ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:

Without it?


Then play more, complain less and git gud.

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On 6/21/2020 at 10:16 AM, seed said:

E4M1 or Go to It.


I still cannot 100% E4M1. I cannot kill all of the barrons on UV. Not even on HMP. 


I do think E4M2 is pretty damn hard too, especially on UV. 


In general i just hate how that episode order is laid out. It should start out easy and then get hard. Not the other way around. It's all over the place imo. Someone should make a custom order tbh.


I think E4M4 Unruly Evil should maybe be the first level, that is if E4M9 Fear wasn't the secret level. I find those two to be the easiest imo.


I know the new episode was supposed to start off by hitting you hard because it was something new to play for Doom 1 but damn...E4M1 really is a bitch.



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E4M1 is really not that hard unless you try to go for 100% kills / secrets. 4 of the 5 bullet sponges can be avoided.

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GO2IT on Nightmare. I guess I just suck at rushing towards multiple cyberdemons to shove a bfg up their ass without getting turned into red paste.

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