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A fun challenge for those that are bored with Doom 1

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I've had this idea and this challenge is something pretty interesting to say the least. Welcome to the Barrel Challenge! Here is what you'ill need for this challenge:

-Doom 1

-A port that can bind a key to summon an explosive barrel


Now what is the barrel challenge? Very simple. You must complete every level of Doom 1 (Except E2M8 and E3M8) with at least 75% kills on Hurt me Plenty! or higher. Now you cannot fight the monsters directly however. Then how do you kill them? Very simple. The barrels. You can summon as many barrels as you want to so that the demons (or zombies or whatever) blow up. One more rule however: You are not allowed to trigger your own barrels by any means other than by leading an enemy's projectile/hitscan making it blow up (Or if another barrel explodes near it). You are allowed to blow up already placed barrels, however.

Do you think you are up for the challenge? If so, go try it out.

Edited by Roebloz

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Legitimately quite a cool idea. 25% seems a bit low though, I've seen pacifist speedrunners complete levels with more than 25% kills just using infighting alone. 75% would probably be much more ideal as a challenge

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  On 6/22/2020 at 4:48 AM, ChAoS PsYcHe said:

Which port can bind in-game cli commands to keys? How?



It's at least possible in ZDoom and derivative ports. Not sure if any other ports do.

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If this was a mod, it could be named Ultimate Doom: Bomberman Edition




Side note, i love this challenge! :D

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I don't know. Given my mentality, I'd probably just run around filling the entire map with explosive barrels. Would be epic with a script like a in Brutal Doom where more barrels exploding in proximity yields bigger explosions. I'd end up nuking the entire map.

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  On 6/22/2020 at 1:32 PM, Roebloz said:

On ZDoom open the console then type this: bind (Pick any key you want) "summon ExplosiveBarrel"



Sick! I'll play around with this for hours!!!


Edit: ZDoom has a "Summon friend"...This is wild.

Edited by ChAoS PsYcHe

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  On 6/22/2020 at 4:48 AM, ChAoS PsYcHe said:

Which port can bind in-game cli commands to keys? How?



the bind command can be used from the console, for example:


bind p "toggle vid_fps" 


(The quotes are part of that command and are mandatory).


If you press P, you will enable the on-screen FPS counter.  If you press P again, it will disable the FPS counter. 

Edited by Master O

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  On 6/23/2020 at 5:39 AM, ChAoS PsYcHe said:


Sick! I'll play around with this for hours!!!


Edit: ZDoom has a "Summon friend"...This is wild.


Aww thank you all for the support on this challenge! I'll be starting a playthrough of it myself.

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I'd love a barrel launcher that fires barrels that explode on impact (or! can be right clicked like a remote rocket).

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