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Which difficulty do you usually play on?

Which difficulty do you usually play on?  

153 members have voted

  1. 1. Which difficulty do you usually play on?

    • I'm Too Young To Die (ITYTD)
    • Hey Not Too Rough (HNTR)
    • Hurt Me Plenty (HMP)
    • Ultra-Violence (UV)

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So yeah, a pretty simple poll, just pick the one that you play on the most (you can talk about exceptions etc in your post). I'm just interested to see the 'difficulty distribution' amongst Doomworld members.


Personally, I usually start playing Doom wads on UV, and adjust down to HMP or HNTR if the map(set) gets too hard. I've not played on ITYTD yet, but if I ever start playing Sunder, I will definitely be using that difficulty then.


And no, I'm not going to add the meme difficulty :P

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Nice poll. But just wondering, who in the hell even plays on I'm Too Young To Die? If one of the people who are reading this does, what are you? A monster? Honestly, if I saw someone who plays on I'm Too Young To Die I would stay, far far the fuck away from them. Those people are terrifying.

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2 minutes ago, Rackevin said:

Nice poll. But just wondering, who in the hell even plays on I'm Too Young To Die? If one of the people who are reading this does, what are you? A monster? Honestly, if I saw someone who plays on I'm Too Young To Die I would stay, far far the fuck away from them. Those people are terrifying.

Calm down dude, @LiT_gam3r plays on that difficulty. Don't know if he's serious.

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Pretty much UV and most normal wads. I usally select HMP if I KNOW that specific wad is going to be a pain in the ass.

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Ultra-Violence. There's no other way, unless it's Doom 64 then it would be called Watch Me Die! But it's the same thing really. To me, levels feel "empty" on any other setting.

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14 votes and it's still 100% UV. Maybe the meme difficulty should've been included after all. There's at least as much reason to include it as there is for ITYTD.


In my case, my second-most played difficulty is probably HNTR. I like seeing what the easiest thing-placement is, and having some brainless fun with it.

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I start the vast majority of maps on UV. I'm a Doom Masochist, so a map has to be pretty corrosive before I change to a lower setting. I personally don't consider a map hard unless it kills me 10 times, but I typically won't bend my knee until my death count is north of 30. When I do relent, I drop down to HNTR instead of HMP, and as a general rule, I find that HNTR gives me all I want in those situations. As a result, I almost never play on HMP. :D


There are certain mappers that I only play on HNTR unless I have advance knowledge that the map will be easier than I expect; for example, if it's part of a community project. Those mappers include, but are not limited to;




dobu gabu maru



I will also generally play slaughtermaps on HNTR, though not always. Some slaughtermaps are surprisingly easy, usually because the mapper is fairly new to the game. 


I did use ITYTD for Stardate 20x6 by Ribbiks several years ago. I would use it again for Sunder, methinks. ;)

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25 minutes ago, ‹rd› said:


People sometimes use ITYTD for slaughter mapsets like Sunder that didn't implement difficulty settings (HNTR/HMP/UV are the same, but ITYTD halves damage and doubles ammo). Some people use it on the rare map where even HNTR is pretty tough by community standards.


People who prefer ITYTD definitely exist though. "ITYTD usually play" has numerous search results even here, and I'm guessing that would be even more common outside the community -- among people who play infrequently or who tend to prefer games in general on "tourist mode"-like settings.   


Not a good idea to shame people, especially in a poll thread. Non-UV players are valid too. 

Makes sense. Maybe I should've kept in mind that doom mods are a thing. I was thinking more so vanilla doom. Pretty nifty.

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Ultra Violence. I say I want a challenge but that also means I die a bazillion times before completing a level generally.

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Since I am not too good player and I prefer slow progress through the map, looking around for architecture, etc. I prefer HMP. 
But when I test my own maps, I definitely need to test it also on UV.

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Because I haven't played the game in 20 years and never played it properly as a kiddiewink (always had the God mode cheat on) I feel like I'm really playing classic Doom for the first time. I'm not an FPS scrub though since it's my favourite genre, so I currently play on HMP and we'll just have to wait and see how long it takes for me to graduate to UV.

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My difficulty of preference is HMP for the IWADs and HNTR for PWADs. I may occasionally try wads I've previously beaten on HMP, just to see how much the difficulty shifts between HNTR and HMP. Whether I finish a PWAD on HMP or not is another story.

Edited by MFG38

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I used to play on HMP but many years ago I started playing UV and it's pretty rare that I'll not use UV, unless like others said, the map I'm playing is a bit too hard. As for slaughter maps, I tend not to play those very often.

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HMP mostly, UV if the wad is easy, and HNTR if whatever I'm playing is hard as balls anyway, like some of the Ribbiks wads.


Very unsurprising to see the results of the poll. Also nice elitism in the second post I see, now I know who I need to stay the fuck away from, thanks!

Edited by seed

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My first playthrough of any map/WAD is always on HNTR just so I can learn the layouts and general premise quick and easy, afterwards I usually upgrade straight to UV as long as the maps are not of the ridiculous challenge gameplay sort. I almost never play ITYTD because it makes survival way too easy and I almost never play HMP because it's very rarely notably different from both HNTR and UV.

Outside pool answers - UV with -fast or -respawn parameter gives some medium difficulty maps an interesting spin. But Nightmare difficulty that combines both is a little too ridiculous for me and something I've never bothered to try outside Doom 1 and 2.

Not voting because in the end "it depends".

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I usually only play Doom Multiplayer using ZDaemon and most of the survival and coop servers have UV as the difficulty. So Ultra Violence it is for me.

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I default to Ultra-Violence and avoid overly difficult map sets.


My reasoning for this is three-fold:

  1. I have been playing this game for over 20 years, and know what I do and don't like. I expect to feel good at the game by now, and am very happy to not be challenged by a map as long as it's well made or fun. Conversely, a map that is really mean-spirited or highly demanding, even if it's gorgeous or whatever, isn't any fun and I therefore won't bother with it.
  2. Generally speaking, most probably thanks to how map editors work, Ultra-Violence is the difficulty people make their maps for. This is partially because of how the difficulty filters work (and how they're all checked by default) and partially because a mapper should be testing that their own maps are beatable on all (non-Nightmare) difficulties, so logically they (or their tester) should be beating Ultra-Violence as well.
  3. Most mappers (very much myself included) put the most monsters on UV, which gives it an air of being "the full experience", which is something I usually want to have.

As far as I'm concerned, if a map is built to cater to niche tastes in difficulty or is deliberately sadistic, I'm not missing out, as I'm a "mainstream" or "casual" player.



Saying all of that, I do mess around with the other difficulties and am not too proud to drop difficulty settings if I really want to play something but am struggling with it.

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8 hours ago, Rackevin said:

Nice poll. But just wondering, who in the hell even plays on I'm Too Young To Die? If one of the people who are reading this does, what are you? A monster? Honestly, if I saw someone who plays on I'm Too Young To Die I would stay, far far the fuck away from them. Those people are terrifying.


What does it even matter how somebody else plays the game? The difficulty options are there so people can play the way they want to. Hell, I know somebody who played through Doom and Doom 2 in god mode. I thought it was silly at the time but whatever, they had fun with it.

Edited by Doom_Dude

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Usually UV, but if a wad recommends that people play on HMP, I have no problem taking that advice.


Also, for wads of more than one map, UV pistol start tends to be somewhat-to-much harder than UV continuous. I prefer continuous, but I'll go pistol starts if a map is too easy that way, or it relies on combat puzzles or whatever that don't work if you carry over your weapons from the last map.


For people that usually play on HNTR or ITYDY: what kinds of maps do you like? What kinds of things do you like/dislike in a map?

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I tend to play all kinds of games on moderate / medium difficulty setting (when they give me the option to choose difficulty level that is) so HMP has always been my go-to difficulty option for classic Doom because I always thought it's like "medium difficulty" option of the game.


As for PWADs, I haven't really played a lot of those, most of the ones I played are ones I stumbled upon on servers that were running on UV with fast projectiles on, I guess custom levels aren't really my thing (minus the ones I made lol)


For Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal I picked UV because it seemed like that game's medium difficulty option (with NM and UNM below it) I don't worry too much about difficulty settings in games, I just want them to be fun but not mind-numbingly easy.

Edited by sluggard

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9 hours ago, Rackevin said:

inb4 @LiT_gam3r gets arrested for possession of 300 different illegal firearms

Woah! Are you bringing me into this! LoL! Just kidding! I started out playing on easy (as I do with most games) but now I play on HMP. I wouldn't consider ITYTD a meme difficulty like NM. I like to get a look at the environment, and then I play it for real. 

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UV only.

9 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Sad that there's not an option for our fellow Can't play on Nightmare.

He would not choose Nightmare anyway, since he can't play on it.

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