Can't play on Nightmare Posted June 23, 2020 (edited) On 6/23/2020 at 2:04 PM, Loud Silence said: UV only. He would not choose Nightmare anyway, since he can't play on it. Expand But I chould have chosen UV Fast, if it had existed in the opinion. Anyway, normal UV has been the difficulty that I played Doom most of the time. I started UV Fast this year and loved it. It reminds me of Heretic on the hardest difficulty, which I love playing on. But Speaking for Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. They should be played on UV Fast. Final Doom is harder than Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. Edited June 23, 2020 by Can't play on Nightmare 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
random_soldier1337 Posted June 23, 2020 UV usually unless its a particularly difficult mapset with very evil, relentless traps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cross3yed0ni Posted June 23, 2020 I start on HMP. If i like the wad enough, I'll do it again on UV. Then I try UV pistol starts and see how far I get before getting fed up. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted June 23, 2020 On 6/23/2020 at 1:01 PM, Doom_Dude said: What does it even matter how somebody else plays the game? Expand So that you can shame them and artificially inflate your insecure ego for being better at a video game than a "filthy casual", of course! 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
Can't play on Nightmare Posted June 23, 2020 (edited) If I am playing megawads, I play at low difficulty. The reason is I never played them and my first aim would be to learn how the maps are finished without focusing on enemies. And I wont be able to finish those megawads because I cannot find the way to the exist without watching youtube videos about it. So first I must learn them with no monster concern. It takes time. I will choose UV at my second playing and if the megawads are not so hard like Final Doom, then I will do an UV Fast playing the next. I wont use Nightmare difficulty except for Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. The reason is, I always wanted to finish Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 on Nightmare since the long time ago. But Nightmare is too hard. Edited June 23, 2020 by Can't play on Nightmare 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
P41R47 Posted June 23, 2020 On 6/23/2020 at 1:10 PM, plums said: For people that usually play on HNTR or ITYDY: what kinds of maps do you like? What kinds of things do you like/dislike in a map? Expand I usually play on HNTR on most pwads, and up to HMP when i feel them too easy, and sometimes not even that, as i like to take a look around for details, check how the skies mesh with the rest of the map, search for beautiful viewpoints (better with scattered corpses, so no -nomonsters run), but also the gratification of completing the map. When i was younger, around ten years ago, my 20s, i always played on UV using the IDDQD cheat for healing myself only. But now, i found that playing that way put me in a state of anxiety and hyper alert, and thats not what i'm seeking on my life at this moment. Today, after playing this game since it come out, i reached a point that i don't care about my skills at playing or my level of gaming, i just want to play and have fun while stressing out. Strangely enough is that this game doesn't awakes on me a competitive impulse or the urgency to be better, as i seen in some other members. Instead, this truly gives me the urge to search for innovative ways of storytelling, using the atmosphere, music, environmental narrative, things like that. And when i found a mapset that combines good gameplay and good storytelling, that when i feel this as a true expression of art. That why i love megawads like Osiris, Revolution! Mars War, Fragport, Doom 404, HACX, Hell2Pay Doom Zero, Going Down, team TNT mapsets, Vile Flesh, and also Kama Sutra, that funny enough i found in it an implicite/explicite narrative that really makes me laugh everytime. So probably, if i start mapping, my maps will be rather easy and unamuzing, as i seek in map things that are not much liked at all hahaha! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Andromeda Posted June 23, 2020 If playing casually I pick HNTR, when I'm speedrunning it's UV or NM. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
P41R47 Posted June 23, 2020 On 6/23/2020 at 3:45 PM, Can't play on Nightmare said: If I am playing megawads, I play at low difficulty. The reason is I never played them and my first aim would be to learn how the maps are finished without focusing on enemies. And I wont be able to finish those megawads because I cannot find the way to the exist without watching youtube videos about it. So first I must learn them with no monster concern. It takes time. Expand Try to play them yourself on HNTR or HMP, pal! There is no bigger happines than completing a map blind and with your own efforts. Watching videos of pwads is like receiving a giftbox but somebody told you what is inside. There is no surprise at all!!! Just watch the videos if you are stuck on a level or so. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zolgia108 Posted June 23, 2020 only uv for me, not even tried other difficulties (i think) since i started playing, and i started more or less 20 years ago. I still suck at this game and i save spam, i die a lot but i like that! i am a masochist i guess :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rackevin Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/23/2020 at 4:44 AM, Rackevin said: Nice poll. But just wondering, who in the hell even plays on I'm Too Young To Die? If one of the people who are reading this does, what are you? A monster? Honestly, if I saw someone who plays on I'm Too Young To Die I would stay, far far the fuck away from them. Those people are terrifying. Expand Made my previous reply yesterday thinking of it as a little harmless joke, now I look back at it again and I see it sounds pretty toxic. Yikes. My apologies, lads. I'm gonna try not to make a dumbass comment whilst I'm tired next time. My bad on this one. Hope y'all can understand, lol 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyberDreams Posted June 24, 2020 I usually try to default to UV but if i'm having trouble then i'll gladly turn it down to HMP or even lower if necessary. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Can't play on Nightmare Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 5:10 AM, Maximum Matt said: UV or GTFO. Expand What is GTFO? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Good-Old Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 7:06 AM, Can't play on Nightmare said: What is GTFO? Expand Ever heard of a search engine? It's "Get the f*** out" DON'T FURTHER DERAIL THIS TOPIC. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Can't play on Nightmare Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 7:27 AM, Good-Old said: Ever heard of a search engine? It's "Get the f*** out" DON'T FURTHER DERAIL THIS TOPIC. Expand I thought it was an unofficial difficulty such as UV Fast. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Good-Old Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 7:34 AM, Can't play on Nightmare said: I thought it was an unofficial difficulty such as UV Fast. Expand I understand, I became a bit angry so sorry 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zulk RS Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 7:06 AM, Can't play on Nightmare said: What is GTFO? Expand Get The Fuck Out. As for me, I tend to play on HMP when I'm playing IWADs and some PWADs. I play UV when I want to challenge myself with something (Like I've recently started doing a course of UAC Ultra -> Ancient Aliens -> Valiant -> Alien Vendetta -> Sunlust as doom challenge). Recently however, I've been playing more on UV because it feels like that is what is considered "Default" for most WADs and playing on HMP makes me feel like I'm missing out. I want to get out of this mindset and start playing more things on HMP though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
frag enabler Posted June 24, 2020 (edited) HMP on my very first PT, when I was like ten or eleven. UV unless it becomes obvious the WAD relies more on frustrating the player rather than on testing their skill. Edited June 24, 2020 by SuperchargedEuthanasiaDiv 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ChAoS PsYcHe Posted June 24, 2020 (edited) On 6/24/2020 at 1:40 AM, Rackevin said: Made my previous reply yesterday thinking of it as a little harmless joke, now I look back at it again and I see it sounds pretty toxic. Yikes. My apologies, lads. I'm gonna try not to make a dumbass comment whilst I'm tired next time. My bad on this one. Hope y'all can understand, lol Expand You know, not to go off topic but I just gotta... Why do you feel the need to apologize? Your comment offended an earlier poster so they lay a guilt trip on you. So what, who cares. It happens all over the world, every day. If someone is offended, oh well! Politics has infested every aspect of human activity. It's a cancerous disease. It's also perpetuated as an aspect of "Divide and Conquer". So yeah...a lil rant..... 😊 Edited June 24, 2020 by ChAoS PsYcHe clarity 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
leodoom85 Posted June 24, 2020 I started playing on easier difficulties for 2 years and changed to UV since 1999 and never stopped using that difficulty (however, there are times that I play with lower skills, like testing my maps or from others). Although, there's no shame to use lesser difficulties to see how differently it know, it might be interesting. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tango Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 6:08 PM, ChAoS PsYcHe said: Politics has infested every aspect of human activity. Expand I don't really understand how apologizing for being inconsiderate is political 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
ChAoS PsYcHe Posted June 24, 2020 (edited) On 6/24/2020 at 6:58 PM, Tango said: I don't really understand how apologizing for being inconsiderate is political Expand Apologizing for being inconsiderate is fine. I can provide no further articulation in the interest of not derailing the thread. lol I play on what ever difficulty I'm in the mood for. I rarely play on the first two. I mostly play on HMP. I play on UV sometimes when I'm feeling hyper alert and energetic and REALLY crave combat... Edited June 24, 2020 by ChAoS PsYcHe 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
magicsofa Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 6:58 PM, Tango said: I don't really understand how apologizing for being inconsiderate is political Expand Some snowflakes are so fragile, they melt at the hint of any emotion at all. Anyway, I always play on GTFO. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Bauul Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/23/2020 at 4:44 AM, Rackevin said: But just wondering, who in the hell even plays on I'm Too Young To Die? Expand To add another POV, I'm currently playing through the 1K Lines 2 beta on ITYTD. At the moment I only have a little bit of time with which to disconnect and play Doom undistracted each night, but I'd very much like to experience the whole wad. So I'm using ITYTD almost as a "tourist" mode - I get to enjoy playing through the wad without facing any kind of real challenge or difficulty. I can knock out a handful of maps in 30 minutes and feel good in the process. ITYTD definitely has its uses. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
lwks Posted June 24, 2020 UV or I don't even play lol Playing on anything lower than that would be a shame for my entire family, I'd rather stop playing the WAD altogether than lower the difficulty ~ cries in Sunlust ~ Btw what is the meme difficulty option you guys are talking about? Is it Nightmare? What's the deal with it? I think if ITYTD is in the pool so should be Nightmare! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Can't play on Nightmare Posted June 24, 2020 (edited) I am suprised that there is no hardcore nightmare players on the forum. I was expecting some members who can't play unless the difficulty is nightmare. Edited June 24, 2020 by Can't play on Nightmare 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
lwks Posted June 24, 2020 I think it's not that surprising, Nightmare is basically a difficulty that encorages speedrunning because as long as you rush throught everything as fast as possible respawning enemies won't be much of a theory of course. (In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Horus Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 8:54 PM, lwks said: UV or I don't even play lol Playing on anything lower than that would be a shame for my entire family, I'd rather stop playing the WAD altogether than lower the difficulty ~ cries in Sunlust ~ Btw what is the meme difficulty option you guys are talking about? Is it Nightmare? What's the deal with it? I think if ITYTD is in the pool so should be Nightmare! Expand Yes, the meme difficulty is Nightmare. I had actually considered only giving the poll 3 options initially (combining ITYTD and HNTR into Easy; and UV and Nightmare into Hard), since really my interest in this thread is more from a mapping perspective, I am more interested in when I add difficulty settings to my maps, how much of the player base am I catering for. It seems like generally speaking although most players default to UV, a lot of them are also flexible to lowering the difficulty. So to me it signals the importance of signalling the difficulty level of your maps, something which I perhaps didn't do sufficiently in my most recent solo release. To those who aren't flexible, I do think they are missing out to an extent - to give a recent example, two of death-destiny's maps were played in the DWminiwad Club recently, and I originally had no intention of playing them since death-destiny's maps are notorious for their high difficulty. In the end I played them both on HNTR and much to my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Can't play on Nightmare Posted June 24, 2020 (edited) On 6/24/2020 at 10:35 PM, Horus said: Yes, the meme difficulty is Nightmare. I had actually considered only giving the poll 3 options initially (combining ITYTD and HNTR into Easy; and UV and Nightmare into Hard), since really my interest in this thread is more from a mapping perspective, I am more interested in when I add difficulty settings to my maps, how much of the player base am I catering for. It seems like generally speaking although most players default to UV, a lot of them are also flexible to lowering the difficulty. So to me it signals the importance of signalling the difficulty level of your maps, something which I perhaps didn't do sufficiently in my most recent solo release. To those who aren't flexible, I do think they are missing out to an extent - to give a recent example, two of death-destiny's maps were played in the DWminiwad Club recently, and I originally had no intention of playing them since death-destiny's maps are notorious for their high difficulty. In the end I played them both on HNTR and much to my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. Expand I believe UV is made as a hard difficulty back then. Nightmare is just Nightmare. It is not a hard difficulty. It is a NIGHTMARE difficulty. I am sure the purpose of this difficulty was to be Nightmare, not Hard. Also the difference between Nightmare and UV is as big as the difference between I am too young to die and UV. So you cannot put UV and Nightmare into the same category. It is like putting I am too young to die and Ultra Violence into the same category. Edited June 24, 2020 by Can't play on Nightmare 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Horus Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/24/2020 at 10:49 PM, Can't play on Nightmare said: I believe UV is made as a hard difficulty back then. Nightmare is just Nightmare. It is not a hard difficulty. It is a NIGHTMARE difficulty. I am sure the purpose of this difficulty was to be Nightmare, not Hard. Expand When you create a new map in Ultimate Doom Builder in the Doom or Boom format and start placing things, there are in fact only three difficulty options: Easy, Medium and Hard. This is because ITYTD is exactly the same as HNTR except with changed health/ammo parameters, and also Nightmare is exactly the same as UV except for the ammo, fast and respawn parameters. The monster placement is exactly the same. That's when I'm referring to when I say 'Easy' or 'Hard' difficulty. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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