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Which mapping format do you spend most of your time on?


Which mapping format do you spend most of your time on?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Which mapping format do you spend most of your time on?

    • Doom
    • Boom
    • UDMF
    • Hexen

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Following on from the difficulty poll thread, here's another poll except this time on mapping format. Basically, which mapping format do you use most often.


For me, it's Boom as it provides a nice balance between flexibility (such as through the generalized actions etc that Doom format lacks) without feeling overwhelmed with the huge array of menus and options of UDMF.

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I made a few boom maps but most of my work is vanilla or limit-removing.

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Most of my maps have been made for (G)ZDoom, in either Doom or Hexen format. I am pretty sure that 80% of my maps are essentially "vanilla" format, even though ZDoom has been the sole target port in most cases. My only Boom-format map so far is part of the Isolation community project, and my latest personal mapping project was made in UDMF, which was my first deep dive into that format as well.

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I think I've done more Doom format  than anything else - particularly limit-removing (mostly thanks to all of the Community Projects I've been in), but also Vanilla to an extent. I'll count ZDoom (Doom in Doom) format as Boom, as it's almost exactly the same, bar a few notable additions, and that'll probably put "Boom" in second place, for me, although it's very close with HeXen format (I did a lot of ZDoom mapping before UDMF was a thing). UDMF adoption is a slow burner for me, but I'll be getting more use out of it the longer I map, as it's demonstrably superior to any other form of ZDoom mapping, and that's what I want to get back to.

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I was always a vanilla / doom mapper leaning well into limit-removing, but in recent years I've been playing with UDMF and I switched my largest megawad project to UDMF along with some other maps I'm working on. I really like the format and combined with using Ultimate Doom Builder, it's really great. My shift to UDMF started when I made a Doom map with a Quake-ish theme a couple years ago and went with the Doom in HeXen format and eventually converted it to UDMF. I should finish that map as all I have to do is work on the end part. I still like mapping for vanilla Doom, tho I find I prefer limit-removing. Having to fight with visplanes isn't fun. lol

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  On 6/23/2020 at 10:11 AM, Doom_Dude said:

I was always a vanilla / doom mapper leaning well into limit-removing, but in recent years I've been playing with UDMF and I switched my largest megawad project to UDMF along with some other maps I'm working on. I really like the format and combined with using Ultimate Doom Builder, it's really great. My shift to UDMF started when I made a Doom map with a Quake-ish theme a couple years ago and went with the Doom in HeXen format and eventually converted it to UDMF. I should finish that map as all I have to do is work on the end part. I still like mapping for vanilla Doom, tho I find I prefer limit-removing. Having to fight with visplanes isn't fun. lol


I too started with Doom format and got along fine but once I experimented with UDMF and made my first 3D sector/floor and learned how to slope sectors I switched everything to UDMF and haven't looked back. I like experimenting and pushing what the engine can offer which is far beyond what you can do with vanilla.

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I said I made a lots of stuff for vanilla doom / boom-compatible maps all kinda balanced, but I never gave a look on how much I use a certain format in mapping...

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I mostly map between boom and eternity in udmf. Both have their strength and weakness, preferences might change later, but for this day I like those two mentioned mapping formats. 

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    All my serious projects (beyond just throwing a few rooms together to test things) are in BooM. I do want to do UMDF stuff and stuff involving ZScript, but that's going to take some time. ZScript documentation in particular is kind of lacking.

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To be completely honest, I've never used any format other than vanilla for the vast majority of my maps.


I have made a tiny handful of maps that require ZDoom, but I was kind of cheating - I'd do the whole damn map in pure vanilla format, then convert it to ZDoom: Doom in Hexen format (which in turn can be easily converted to UDMF these days) using WinZWadConv to add the final touches like transparent linedefs for glass or liquids, "thing bridges" and line horizons. They're the only features I've ever felt vanilla was lacking.. Well, there's also slopes, deep water and super-fast lifts which I think are excellent, but I've never actually implemented them in any of my maps.


I have also never once made a real Boom format map. My maps in THT: Threnody are only technically "Boom format" because Chris Hansen (iirc) helped my incompetent ass out by adding the sky transfers - a technique I have literally never once used before, like all Boom features sans translucent lines.


I'm just so used to the vanilla mapping/modding process at this point that it's easier to start from there, even in the rare case that I intend to add more advanced bits as well.

Edited by Doomkid

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I just started mapping for prboom (limit removing?) one day and never gave it much thought. It suffices for my needs, though I  am currently working on a vanilla limits map.

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I seem to bounce back and forth between vanilla, boom, and udmf almost constantly. I enjoy contributing to community projects, and they seem to run the gamut. Though, even with personal projects I tend to switch back and forth, just depending on the idea I'm trying to accomplish.

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My problem is I will start with Boom because it's what I'm familiar with and tends to work on most platforms. Then I will reach a point where I can't do what I want to with Boom-style scripting (i.e., conveyor belts and tripwires), and I end up in GZDoom format at the end.


If I am honest with myself, UDMF combines all the best qualities needed for modern mapping, and should be the recommended format. It's expandable, flexible, and allows easy use of newer (relatively speaking) features like colorful/dynamic lighting, 3D floors, vertex heights, etc.


But, I'm probably still going to use Boom format. :)

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In terms of spent hours, I probably have worked Doom format mostly, either limit-removing or vanilla. UDMF comes a close second.


I enjoy working all formats equally, though. Boom is good middle ground for Doom-y gameplay, with more options for interesting mechanics, and most likely any bigger personal projects in the future will be aimed for that format (though I have been considering doing a big Eternity map at some point). I also like participating in community projects, mostly for the same reason as RJD explained above. I feel that working with different projects and various formats has given me a better picture of the Doom modding scene as a whole, since you get multiple perspectives on what people think constitutes a fun Doom map. This in turn has helped me shape my own ideas, and I constantly try to educate myself on the stuff that's out there to have as large a pool of inspiration as possible.


Personally, I'd most likely get bored or burnt out if I worked the same format all the time.

Edited by Aurelius

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It's really pretty close between vanilla and Boom. I'm not sure which one I would say I actually spend more time on. A fair amount of the time, even if I set out to make something limit-removing, it ends up being vanilla-compatible.

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UDMF, although I also made a few vanilla and D64EX maps, I think I'm just too used to some of UDMFs features and conveniences that going back to an older format feels strange to me.

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