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What's the most annoying thing in the classic HERETIC nad HEXEN games?

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@Printz: Yes, I do. The highest skill level makes nitrogolems much more annoying but not really dangerous. E5M1 is the only exception but even then if you are methodical you will survive every time.

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14 hours ago, dr_st said:

Hexen has no secrets, because the entire game is basically mandatory secret-hunting.

Incorrect, there is optional secret levels and you don't have to do them.

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I disagree with most of what's been said in this thread. I've beaten Hexen on the highest difficulty multiple times with all three classes and I wish there were more vanilla-style hubs for me to play that didn't add mechanics like experience points.


I do agree that the firemace is lame. I have nothing good to say about it.


I have two serious complaints, however:


- The inventory system is very difficult to use by default. When you bind quick-use keys to most of the items, it completely transforms the game.

- If you are searching the levels carefully and have a good supply of powerful items, the bosses are entirely trivial.

Edited by Aaron Blain

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On 6/26/2020 at 3:00 AM, dr_st said:

I actually realized just now after reading this thread, that I really hate the concept of inventory in these games. It is just bad and annoying. In fact it's useless in every FPS I've seen it in (like Quake II). The skill progression system like in Daikatana, and Doom (2016) tends to get more heat, but I find it works much better than an inventory, where half of the items are useless junk and the other half can be hoarded to eliminate any form of challenge from the game.


The inventory in Duke3D / Shadow Warrior, limited to specific items that you might want to use in particular points and can actually toggle on/off to avoid using them all up at once, does work.

I remember my first play through of quake 2 I had practically every inventory item I picked up through out by end game. 

I was so reluctant to use anything.

In Heretic and Hexen  you get into frantic mode and start pounding enter and suddenly you waste something really good. But then you survive the encounter. There's always that urge save scum your way through areas to minimize the amount of consumables you waste. 

Being able to take your licks move forward is the way to go. 


As far as the switch hunts: If there was an older title that needed "This way dumbass" check markers Hexen would be on that list. There's nothing romantic or nostalgic about running back and forth through those level hubs cluelessly. 

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I dunno if it's an annoyance, but in Hexen I never liked to face off against the truly AI opponents you faced, namely the Fighter / Cleric / Mage bosses who were basically your superiors. Even back in the day with just 8Mb of RAM, the game would crash in the middle of such battles. I was never sure if I could proceed from then on, but if I remember, I managed to.


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If we're talking about the vanilla games, then definitely the lack of control customization for the usage of artifacts. They would be much more fun and effective to use if I could bind some of them to keys like in the Build engine games. Other than that I'm ok with everything in the games personally.


EDIT: Hexen actually has a few binded artifacts and Heretic has the Tome of Power, but still.

Edited by unerxai

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