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you're going to need a bigger boat

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In 2011, an edgy metalhead kid who just discovered WadAuthor was dreaming about making her very own full-fledged 32-level megawad in ZDoom, full of lore, furry OCs, and loads of custom content. It's 2020 now, and guess what?


This is not it. This is a 1-level, vanilla-textured, hell-themed map for Doom 2, in Boom format. No difficulty settings implemented, it's all UV. Tested in PrBoom+ with cl9. Enjoy at your own risk.

Feedback and critique is appreciated but please be nice, I tend to take things badly and it put me off from mapping for a good long while.


ps: sorry IPD it's not orange


Screenshots taken without monsters to not spoil the fun:






(btw, I am working on a ZDoom megawad full of lore, furry OCs and loads of custom content, but thats a topic for another time)

Edited by 129thVisplane

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Hey this was a great map! I recorded an FDA (do people still do those?), watch it only if you want to. Didn't finish in the demo, I died right before the exit because I was dumb trying to get some infighting going at the end, but I went back and finished afterwards. Also died once earlier, just when I was thinking "this map is kind of easy" and then suddenly it got harder! I like the balance of encounters and difficulties in here, othen than the punching spectres bit at the start which was a bit unnecessary/uninteresting IMO.


If I had one suggestion it's that there's a couple of spots where you could reuse space/paths that you've been to before which might be neat? It's not necessary at all, but things like going back through the starting pathway a second time to find new stuff was cool, and you could have played with that more. Anyhow fun map overall!


I don't have much advice about not reacting badly to negative criticism, and maybe you don't want any anyhow, but I think if you like mapping you should keep at it.



Edited by plums

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I played this with GZDooM. Very nice hell themed classic map with pretty tough (may I say even slaughterfest like) fights. I played this twice because at first run it was too brutal for my skills :) I was constantly out of ammo after the blue key but it was manageable especially on the second time.


You can get stuck in this edge of the map lava pit if you run here from the blue key:




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Thanks for the feedback y'all <3 I made some minor adjustments (tweaked the stuckable area and slightly reduced spectre spam cuz frankly it annoyed me during playtesting as well), and updated the link in the first post. Might mess around with the revisiting areas suggestion later but right now I'm a bit burnt out after binge-working on this over the past few days.

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woo congrats on releasing this! the screenshots look awesome. I particularly like the look of that last scree shot - that space looks really cool :D

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23 hours ago, 129thVisplane said:

Might mess around with the revisiting areas suggestion later but right now I'm a bit burnt out after binge-working on this over the past few days.

I don't think it's really necessary, more like something to keep in mind for later maps. Same with the spectres: there's a lot you could do to make that area more exciting (e.g. remove chokepoints and have to fight on small clumps of land with lava around them), but just taking some of them out is fine enough for here.


edit: I totally get being "done" with something and wanting to move on. In general, as long as any critical bugs are fixed, I think it's OK to call a map "finished" and go to whatever you want to work on next, even if it isn't perfect. (Looking at you, BTSX...)

Edited by plums

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Nice map. Progression was pretty clear, I always knew where to go. I can see that players could stumble at the shoot switch in the blue key room (especially when playing on a low resolution), but I don't think it's much of a problem. Difficulty was fine, died a couple times (to my own stupidity).


I'm not sure what's the intended way to beat the last section is. Ammo was rather scarce, so what I did was to let the Cyberdemon and Revenants handle to monsters, by dipping my head in and out of the cave. That was made pretty easy by the monster blocking line, but also kind of boring.

Not a fan of having to run over 20% damaging floors. The first time it was impossible for me to reach the switch on the Hell Knight island, because I only had 25% health left (stupidity, see above). The 20% floor are also inconsistent with the rest of the maps, where the lava only does 10% damage.

I didn't kill the Cyberdemon in the end (I don't think I had enough ammo, anyways).


On 6/26/2020 at 1:37 PM, 129thVisplane said:

Might mess around with the revisiting areas suggestion later but right now I'm a bit burnt out after binge-working on this over the past few days.


I don't recommend lingering too long on the same map. No map is ever perfect. Sooner or later you'll have to come to a point where you say "it's good enough", and IMO that point is better reached sooner than later.


Some suggestions (for the future):


You could give the map a bit more of an organic flow by reducing the reliance on teleporting the player. For example instead of using a teleporter to get up to the blue key you could instead let the player walk up there using a stair on the outside, like this:




The distance between the teleporter to the red key room is also very short, the player could have simply walked there through an additional section.

The distance between the teleporter to the blue key room is quite big, so I guess it's ok to use a teleporter there. Without a teleporter the path to the blue key room could loop around the lava area (with some nice views into it, and a view of the potential stair leading to the blue key. But that'd obviously increase the map size considerably.


Some technical stuff:


  • Sector 76 (hidden Soulsphere) isn't set as secret. Is that intentional?
  • Some doors have SR actions instead of DR actions. Is that intentional? The difference pretty much comes down to the player not being able to operate the door while it's moving.
Edited by boris

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Phew, that was a rough one (for me). Got through it though. Loved the detail and layout of the map. I'm not sure if the switches at the end were red herrings, but I found another way after much dying and restarting. Solid level with a decent challenge. 

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This was a pretty great map. For me it was difficult, but more in the way I was forced to think about what weapons I use and how I approach encounters which is great! I also loved the detail where the Cyberdemon from the start of the map is waiting for you at the very end. This is definitely one those maps where you gotta use quick-saves on your first run, though now that I've played it once I might go back later and try to single segment if I feel masochistic later.

A few things...
1) Ammo was very scare (Though this feels intentional so don't worry about it unless it's unintentional)

2) The damaging floor at the very end with hell knight island isn't consistent with the others, also puts players who are stuck below a certain amount of health in a soft-lock.

3) Archvilles felt very fair on this map. (Which is a rarer occurrence in maps then I'd like lol)


Overall a great map, and good luck with that furry-oc megawad

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This was hard as nails, but I had fun. I'm not a mapper so I can't say much on that front other than I thought the layout and level progression was quite interesting. During my playthrough, I got a little lost at one point, but I managed to figure my way through eventually. You had me scratching my head for a bit before I finally noticed the hidden shoot-able buttons. Things got rather slaughter-mappy at the end there, which caused me to die a significant amount of times which was a little frustrating, but I don't know if it was because of the Ultra-Violence difficulty setting or an extra sprinkling of enemies on your part. I'm still in the HMP class currently, so it might just be me being a noob. :P


Here's my playthrough so you can watch me bumble around like an idiot and giggling to myself.

running on GZDoom + Hellrider




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