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List scary or otherwise unsettling mods/maps

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I'm especially curious if there are mods adding more classical demonic/supernatural random behavior. Especially since E1 of the first Doom or the first few levels of Doom 2 may as well be the start to a exorcist style movie before jumping into direct hell and all the Doom Slayer and pseudo-lovecraft stuff starting, if you want to be particular about lore.


It'd be so cool if there was a random chance for a prop to attack you or otherwise do something totally unexpected. Like the mod is literally a list of tropes implemented into the game. Doomguy vs. The multiverse. Literally where the environment itself also attacks you or tries to throw you off.


EDIT: This is probably one mod that sort of follows my ideas: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=47975&start=15


Too bad it hasn't been update in forever.

Edited by random_soldier1337

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  • 1993.wad - based on the Creepypasta with the same name. Still, might worth a playthrough.
  • Ghoul's Forest series - Defend yourself with basic weaponry in a haunted forest. 4 is shit though, don't waste your time with it.
  • Ghosted 2 - Slenderman The 8 Pages Doom adaptation.
  • Maskim Xul - A Lovecraft-themed miniwad with many interesting, innovative mapping mechanics.
  • Unloved - Creepy stuff. Got transitioned into a KF-styled FPS.
  • dead.air - You are someone trying to escape an abandoned continent. Or some guy who has been taking too much drugs. I think.
  • Lasting Light - You are stripped of weaponry, your vision is gloomy as fuck and you only have a damn oil lamp to protect yourself. Thankfully, only 3 enemies. (a mod)
Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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10 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:
  • 1993.wad - based on the Creepypasta with the same name. Still, might worth a playthrough.
  • Ghoul's Forest series - Defend yourself with basic weaponry in a haunted forest. 4 is shit though, don't waste your time with it.
  • Ghosted 2 - Slenderman The 8 Pages Doom adaptation.
  • Maskim Xul - A Lovecraft-themed miniwad with many interesting, innovative mapping mechanics.
  • Unloved - Creepy stuff. Got transitioned into a KF-styled FPS.
  • dead.air - You are someone trying to escape an abandoned continent. Or some guy who has been taking too much drugs. I think.
  • Lasting Light - You are stripped of weaponry, your vision is gloomy as fuck and you only have a damn oil lamp to protect yourself. Thankfully, only 3 enemies. (a mod)

I was about to list a few of these, but you beat me to it. I think dead.air has a sequel as well doesn't it?


also Atmosfear and Happy Time Circus 1 and 2. City of the Damned 2 has a narrative-driven gameplay that manages to be pretty spooky, especially if you turn the music off.


I recently made one called The Cronus Camp for Wayward Boys where you play a young kid at a weird camp who has to run and hide from monsters. It's a little rough around the edges, but might scratch that itch as well.

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Just now, Impie said:

dead.air has a sequel as well

Yes, dead.wire I think.

Your megawad, Strange Aeons can be considered as unsettling as well - Any Lovecraftian WADs are creepy to me.

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Shadow of the Nightmare Realms is pretty damn cool and has some interesting gimmicks on it.

For a mod, Total Chaos, a fully FULLY TC mod that makes Doom into some horror Dead Space/Fear/Silent Hill game.

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Shadows from the Nightmare Realm and dead.air are the best horror-themed wads I've played so far.

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I am probably going to be adding a lot to my own thread for future reference lol. Here goes.


11 hours ago, doomsucksass said:


I donn't know how to make monster replacer/adder/randomiser.


11 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:
  • 1993.wad - based on the Creepypasta with the same name. Still, might worth a playthrough.
  • Ghoul's Forest series - Defend yourself with basic weaponry in a haunted forest. 4 is shit though, don't waste your time with it.
  • Ghosted 2 - Slenderman The 8 Pages Doom adaptation.
  • Maskim Xul - A Lovecraft-themed miniwad with many interesting, innovative mapping mechanics.
  • Unloved - Creepy stuff. Got transitioned into a KF-styled FPS.
  • dead.air - You are someone trying to escape an abandoned continent. Or some guy who has been taking too much drugs. I think.
  • Lasting Light - You are stripped of weaponry, your vision is gloomy as fuck and you only have a damn oil lamp to protect yourself. Thankfully, only 3 enemies. (a mod)


Played Unloved. Loved (lol) it. Shame it didn't get a sequel and just got transformed into its own thing. I wish the creator success however.


1993 and Ghoul's Forest I don't care for. I'm not a fan of jumpscares, especially when they are obnoxiously loud or are trying too hard to be disturbing or edgy like in the case of Ghoul's Forest with the fast Yurei death snuff porn slideshow. Same goes for Lasting light.


I wanted to like Maskim Xul but it seems to drag on with a lot of quiet moments where you literally have no idea how to progress. It can seem a little too expansive.


Brigandine isn't as strongly oppressive or suggestive as something like Maskim Xul but the architecture really reminds me of Quake which was more obviously borrowing elements from Lovecraft. Especially the end.


10 hours ago, Impie said:

I was about to list a few of these, but you beat me to it. I think dead.air has a sequel as well doesn't it?


also Atmosfear and Happy Time Circus 1 and 2. City of the Damned 2 has a narrative-driven gameplay that manages to be pretty spooky, especially if you turn the music off.


I recently made one called The Cronus Camp for Wayward Boys where you play a young kid at a weird camp who has to run and hide from monsters. It's a little rough around the edges, but might scratch that itch as well.


I'll try out the others but I hate Atmosfear solely for the jumpscare at the end. Can you tell yet that I loathe loud screamy try hard disturbing jumpscares?


10 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Yes, dead.wire I think.

Your megawad, Strange Aeons can be considered as unsettling as well - Any Lovecraftian WADs are creepy to me.


God I love Strange Aeons. The music, the art, the design. It's not HR Giger levels of art but for some reason it still makes me feel dirty and want to barf sometimes, in a good way. Especially the earlier episodes. Sort of like watching a train wreck. You should recoil but you have morbid interest.


There is also Ryalyeh.wad. Early levels seem tame enough but the later levels really make you feel like you are going through a giant subterranean cavern of a bedroom for some Lovecraftian entity.


I don't properly remember the details but there is a mod/map by the name of Syataqwah or something that is Lovecraft themed that I saw a while back while browsing. At least I think I did.


There's the DBP series with 'Dead but Dreaming' which just got a thread recently for its release, which is also Lovecraft themed.


10 hours ago, Endless said:

Shadow of the Nightmare Realms is pretty damn cool and has some interesting gimmicks on it.

For a mod, Total Chaos, a fully FULLY TC mod that makes Doom into some horror Dead Space/Fear/Silent Hill game.


Gotta love SOTNR. How someone made something so colorful so creepy is a little hard to put your finger on. The music probably has a big role to play. The music is very overbearing.


Didn't it also get a sequel?


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4 hours ago, random_soldier1337 said:

There is also Ryalyeh.wad. Early levels seem tame enough but the later levels really make you feel like you are going through a giant subterranean cavern of a bedroom for some Lovecraftian entity.

Rylayeh has more of a traditional doom vibe to it, but it really does make you feel like you're lost in alien geometry sometimes.


EDIT: I completely forgot Foreverhood. It might qualify since it has an evocative spooky atmosphere.



Edited by Impie

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I know the first part of unhinged by Darsycho is definitely some scary stuff when you go in blind, from the peeks of the faces seeing you in crevices to the transition into the first part of "happy hell" its pretty scary for someone who didn't know what was coming to them. 


Only thing that sucks is that it becomes more action oriented later on and loses its charm it had but those first 20 mins are definitely peak spooky doom stuff.  

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