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Just a few notes... There are still bugs in it, but I just wanted to get it out there. The bugs are mainly midtexture alignment issues, intermission screens looking ugly and fonts being slow. The occasional wall is drawn in the wrong spot, too.

Anyway, there's no dynamic lighting, md2 support, mirrors or skyboxes in this and ZDoom style hires textures don't load properly. But it's pretty solid and runs most wads no problem at all.

I just wanted to get this out asap because I'm going to Orlando for a week (going to the big military tradeshow, I/ITSEC) on Saturday, so I won't be able to work on it for a little while.

Anyway, have fun and go easy on those bugreports! Also, remember to submit your processor speed and video card model when you report a bug.

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Runs Blau.wad (my project) with no problems, so I'm happy. and i not sure what’s meant to be wrong with the skyboxes, they seem fine to me... I'm now off to test the smeg out of ZdoomGL. Thanks Timmie!!

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Ok, I just tried it out, and it's really nice. Some things I noticed though:

- the crosshair is not in the middle of the screen (it's too far to the right
- trying to set "vid_fps 1" in the console crashes the game (it just closes itself without a message)
- it switches the graphics mode for 4 times before actually displaying anything. That's really annoying

Anyways, nice work. Gotta go test Vrack2 now :D

some things I forgot:
- the end-level status screen is fucked up (blinking and the numbers do not get displayed properly)
- does it not save the config to a .cfg file anymore? I used to use this cfg file to set the path to my IWADs.

Vrack2 is running pretty good. Slowing down on some parts, but I guess every port does that :)

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It probably saves to zdoom.ini in your profiles directory like the recent ZDoom's.

c:\documents and settings\username\application data\

I think

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  Arioch said:

It probably saves to zdoom.ini in your profiles directory like the recent ZDoom's.

c:\documents and settings\username\application data\

I think


Yeah, you're right. Thanks.

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I tried it, and heres some stuff I've noticed:
-Menus some menus are garbled (try looking in the "SAVE GAME" menu
-Menu TEXT is semi-garbled
-It flickers about 5 times before loading up

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  boris said:

- the crosshair is not in the middle of the screen (it's too far to the right


This is most probably becuase of a bug with setting the screen size too small using the + and - keys.

  Ct_red_pants said:

Something I noticed, the AV.wad menu is now invisible, instead of just unaligned, and some sprites from one of my projects are full of holes...


Hmm, the AV menu shows up fine for me (although it isn't aligned properly, and the Player Setup menu fux0rs it).

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the console doesnt lift up with the same "console-key" (º)
I had to lift it up with the "esc" key.
And what you mean no md2?!?!?!?!?!
Please! When´s it goin to support them?!?!?!?!?!?

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