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How to kill a hell knight by blood punch?


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I couldn't figure out how to do that properly. Right now it seems kinda ramdom to me:

  • My first try was to weaken him by attacking with weapons first and then blood punch him. Result: He was killed, +1 achievement counted.
  • Second try was the same but for some reason, he was not killed but staggered
  • Next try was to stagger him, wait until he recovers and then blood punch him. Again he was not killed but staggered.
  • Next I tried blood punching him together with a dash, didn't kill him.
  • ...

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I usually just hit them with a 3 rocket barrage and it kills them. Reason being you can replenish that ammo with one chainsaw of a fodder, and two blood punches require some glory kills, and not just 2.

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its completely random, I recommend just charging up 2 blood punches, spamming E next to him and hoping for the best.

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You can complete weekly events while cheats are enabled.  A fully upgraded Slayer can one-shot a Hell Knight with a blood punch and the Onslaught power-up.

Edited by KainXavier

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Didn't think of using Onsalught.   I turned on one-hit stagger and one-hit kill when staggered and make sure glory kill from farther rune is NOT selected.   Then I would hit them with something to stagger and blood punch an enemy nearby so the shockwave kills them and it counts.

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1 Missile + Flame Hook and close SSG + 2 to 1 Bloodpunch does the trick. Tho I recommend saving bloodpunch for Mancubus and Pinkies.

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