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Favorite DOOM Demon (that's not actually in the game)


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I've been thinking about this one a lot, now. There are so many demons not actually in the DOOM games that all of us love. I want to know which custom enemy from what mod or WAD you love? this also includes enemies from other games. So if there is like a WolfenDOOM mod you like where there are mutants from WOLF3D that you really love, you can include those. What you can't include are just reworked sprites, like a Cacodemon reworked to look like a ghost, with all the same attacks and moves. I haven't played too many WADs, so the one I'm going to choose I just saw in a video, but I still really like them. I'm talking about Doomguy's with like plasma guns and stuff from maps where you play as the demon. 

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There's so many to chose from but off the top of my head I like the Overlord (I think it won a cacoward), Ghoul Revenant (toxic gas), Blind Pinky (roams around, does not attack on sight until it hears you) and a few others I can't remember at the moment. Recently I've been trying out the Horned Imp by Stop Signal. It has this insane evil laugh that just fits the sprite and behaviour so well.


I generally like my custom monsters to do something unusual, different mechanics etc. Otherwise I'm just adding stuff when Dooms monsters already fill that role. However, sometimes I'll use the basic custom monsters for visual variety even if they do nothing different mechanically. Like the green demon variant in Eviternity, it doesn't do anything different to a normal pinky (faster/tougher but that's it). However, the sprite work is amazing.


Depending on my mood sometimes I use custom stuff and sometimes I don't so it's about 30/70. It did inspire me to try my hand at it. Honestly though, my efforts are amateurish and look about as good as you think. I'm no pixel artist.  But it can be a lot of fun messing around with decorate.


For example I made a teleporting fast revenant that killed you in 1 slap, with the sole purpose of vexing my brother (a worthy endeavour for any self-respecting sibling). I stuck it in a map I made and asked him to test the map for me, the result was better than intended.


He genuinely thought it was some kind of boss and must have died about 12 times before he finally figured it out. I suppose it didn't help that I kept encouraging him with 'you can do this bro, you almost killed it last time!'. Then he would hear the dreaded teleport sound and I would see his frantic expression as he struggled against the inevitable slap of death. Pure gold. To be fair though, he was slightly impaired (drunk).


Don't judge me, this is what passes for fun amongst man-child siblings (I'm 37, he's 49).


Fun fact: The chittering irritant I created was known simply as "Final Verdict". Hence my forum name.


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