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Should Doom 64 get its own category in the forums?

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Although I've never played Doom 64, Doom 64 is not a basic Doom port, it's a new addition to the series of games. Some ports might have different levels or graphics, but Doom 64 is a completely different game. Should it get it's own category or sub-category? If not, why?


Edit @Boaby Kenobi, I've seen people play the game, it's obviously different from the classic Doom games.

Edited by AtticTelephone

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11 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Doom 64 is not a basic Doom port, it's a new addition to the series of games. Some ports might have different levels or graphics, but Doom 64 is a completely different game


Why would you presume that people on this site don't already know this? Also, if you've never played Doom 64 then how do you know that?

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@AtticTelephone I'm sorry if what I said came across as disrespectful, I honestly didn't mean it that way.


Doom 64 is closer in tone and gameplay to PSX Doom. It's ultimately the same game just with different visuals and sounds. It's actually my favourite Doom game of the 90s. You can get it pretty cheaply on Steam, PSN, Live, etc so I recommend you get it and experience it for yourself.

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it would be interesting to have proper mods and wads for Doom64 on the new port by Nightdive.

I remember that Doom64 Ex has mod support and so Community Chest 64 was made.

So yes, i think that it should have a separate entry like Doom 3 Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal subforums.

But also, Doom 64 is still Doom, so it doesn't hurt anybody to see topics about it along the rest as it is much the same as there are topics that are specifically for Ultimate Doom, Final Doom, and so.

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I think it still counts as classic DOOM like DOOM (1993)/DOOM 2/Final DOOM. DOOM 3, DOOM 2016 and Eternal were kind of reboots with new technics and new gameplay. I don't think the reboots each deserve a whole category, but it works! Freedoom got its own category, and it does get updated often, but not too often. I feel like the same might happen to DOOM 64. including it with classic DOOM works fine, I think. Even though I've only been on the forums for a few months, I used to just browse them often, and didn't really see a lot, or really any talk about DOOM 64 until the rerelease. It is probably my favorite DOOM game, but I don't know if it deserves a whole sub-forum dedicated to it.

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I don't think there are enough threads about it for it to be worth it. Even this forum (Console Doom) doesn't get that many threads.

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Console Doom is the best spot for talks about it. As Fraggle said, not enough threads being made/spoken to designate a content separation.

Wads and Mods is open for EX levels, not just for Doom 1 and 2. While you could put them here in Console Doom, the attention would quickly dissipate.


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25 minutes ago, Mithral_Demon said:

Console Doom is the best spot for talks about it. As Fraggle said, not enough threads being made/spoken to designate a content separation.

Wads and Mods is open for EX levels, not just for Doom 1 and 2. While you could put them here in Console Doom, the attention would quickly dissipate.

Now, it is for all modern consoles and PC. I think Console DOOM would be the topic to post it in maybe like 6 months ago, but now, it is an actual DOOM game that is canon. I think DOOM General is a better place to post it, IMO. 

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3 hours ago, Boaby Kenobi said:

@AtticTelephone I'm sorry if what I said came across as disrespectful, I honestly didn't mean it that way.


Doom 64 is closer in tone and gameplay to PSX Doom. It's ultimately the same game just with different visuals and sounds.

No it's not the same game, it also has its own levels and new features

Edited by Avoozl

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On 7/8/2020 at 4:19 PM, Boaby Kenobi said:


Why would you presume that people on this site don't already know this? Also, if you've never played Doom 64 then how do you know that?

He's making an argument, not trying to enlighten you that Doom 64 is a thing that exists.

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6 hours ago, Marn said:

He's making an argument, not trying to enlighten you that Doom 64 is a thing that exists.


It can come across as incredibly condescending though, especially on a site like this that has existed for decades. I don't think anyone here on DW doesn't know what Doom 64 is.

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Alright, I was playing Doom 64 EX, and it made me feel that Doom 64 definitely deserves a category. Doom 64 has so much, like the Unmaker. It's an incredible game similar to the classic doom games, and it is not a console port at all. It's not just a new coat of paint, it's a new whole building.

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It depends on what your first experience of Doom is. If you first played Doom on PSX then Doom 64 is more of the same, but if you're used to the PC original then I can see how D64 seems vastly different.


@AtticTelephone If you have a modern console I suggest getting the remaster of Doom 64. I can't speak for Xbox or Switch but on PS4 it's excellent. Really great port of a classic. Controls are tight and it runs so smoothly.

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it seems like DOOM 64 was going to not be a Nintendo 64 game only on its first release. According to the DOOM Wiki and the DOOM 64 Wikipedia page, the team working on it originally called it DOOM: The Absolution in its prototype phase, which ended up being the last level's name, but the team working on DOOM 64 planned to have a sequel again called DOOM: Absolution, which was supposed to be a Deathmatch game, it was quickly scrapped. Since it ended up on Nintendo 64 only, the team changed the name to DOOM 64, like Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64. Despite the fact that games coming out only on Nintendo 64 that year had not usually used the 64 title, other than Star Fox 64 (I'm sure there are other games, I just found this one, though). they aimed for a release alongside the N64 console, but the game had been delayed. The game got very average reviews, and when I say average, I mean that basically every review was meh. there seems to be some inconsistencies on the Wiki's, like this right here,


Like the Playstation and Saturn ports, the Hell knight and baron of Hell can hurt each other with their projectiles, and infight as a result, unlike the PC version where there is a hard-coded exception for them.

the game wasn't ported to Saturn, so I assume they are talking about the original DOOM 2 game. I'm sure the other information is reliable, because the DOOM Wiki does state that DOOM 64 is an official game, meaning it is not a spin-off (as I previously thought). This makes sense in the re-release, since it has those extra levels that gives you a short story between DOOM 64 and Eternal. The Wikipedia page states that DOOM 64 has had a huge cult following over the years, and it has obviously rised in sales and popularity with the release of the remake. I change my original answer, as I think DOOM 64 deserves a subforum of its own

On 7/8/2020 at 11:13 PM, fraggle said:

I don't think there are enough threads about it for it to be worth it. Even this forum (Console Doom) doesn't get that many threads.

I'd imagine that if it was there, many people would post topics in it. Maybe they don't know where to post their topics about it, and end up never posting them. Maybe some Doomers don't even know that DOOM 64 exists, and when they see the topic about it, they do!

typing DOOM 64 as a keyword in the search bar on Doomworld comes up with over 400 pages of replies and topics. Typing it in as a just a topic title comes up with 21 pages of content, which isn't a lot, but the Eternity sub-forum has only 25 pages of content, and the last topic in that category was made in 2018, and started in 2002. DOOM 64 is still getting topics made till this day, with the earliest topic about it made in 2000. 

Freedoom has its own category. I had not heard about Freedoom until I became a member on Doomworld, while I had heard of and played DOOM 64. I don't know if the same is for everybody, but I'm not sure that Freedoom is more popular than DOOM 64. But look at Freedoom, it has more topics than DOOM Eternal (even though it has been here longer), and I could see DOOM 64 having more topics than Freedoom. I don't think making a category for it would be a bad idea, and I think AtticTelephone is onto something. 

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1 hour ago, LiT_gam3r said:

 there seems to be some inconsistencies on the Wiki's, like this right here:


 Like the Playstation and Saturn ports, the Hell knight and baron of Hell can hurt each other with their projectiles, and infight as a result, unlike the PC version where there is a hard-coded exception for them.


the game wasn't ported to Saturn, so I assume they are talking about the original DOOM 2 game


It wasn't ported to PlayStation either. That's referencing how the barons and knights can now infight in Doom 64, just like they did in PSX & Saturn Doom, but unlike in the PC original version of Doom.



1 hour ago, LiT_gam3r said:

Maybe some Doomers don't even know that DOOM 64 exists



Are you serious? Pretty much every Doom fan who is at least 30 years old knows what Doom 64 is. It's not as obscure as some think it is.

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A D64 section would definitely have its purpose and it's theoretically needed, however, there isn't that much interest in it versus classic Doom or the new Doom games, so I expect it would just be made and then enjoy stasis like Doom 3, with a new topic popping up occasionally but nothing more.


Maybe later.

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28 minutes ago, Boaby Kenobi said:


Are you serious? Pretty much every Doom fan who is at least 30 years old knows what Doom 64 is. It's not as obscure as some think it is.

Well, this might surprise you, but yes, i stumble with some people that didn't know at all about Doom 64 even by today. Can't play on names here, but i might say you could easily catch the pun.
Also, I didn't know it for a long time, too. And i have 31 years old.

It was in 2004 that i first played it on a friend house, and learned that Doom 64 wasn't a port as i thought, like the PSX or Saturn, but a completely new game with new maps.

Its not about how old you are, its just that, when Doom 64 was released, Doom was being ported (or tried to be ported) to every other console, and if one doesn't have the opportunity to play it by themselve, they would just think its another port, in this case for Nintendo 64.
It was a common practice of the time, for example Mortal Kombat 4 Gold is a port of the original Mortal Kombat 4 for Dreamcast, but it add new arenas, new characters, and act as a semi sequel somehow.

Much like Doom 64 did on its time

Edited by P41R47

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27 minutes ago, Boaby Kenobi said:

Are you serious? Pretty much every Doom fan who is at least 30 years old knows what Doom 64 is. It's not as obscure as some think it is.

I'm 13, and I'm not the youngest member here. I'm sure there are some people that don't know DOOM 64. I learned about it through some Youtube video. 

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@LiT_gam3r You said it yourself: "DOOM 64 has had a huge cult following over the years, and it has obviously rised in sales and popularity with the release of the remake" - More people know about Doom 64 than ever. A lot of people back in the late 90s thought the game was just another console port of the PC original but now with the link to Eternal it's a fairly well known entry in the series.



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1 hour ago, Boaby Kenobi said:

@LiT_gam3r You said it yourself: "DOOM 64 has had a huge cult following over the years, and it has obviously rised in sales and popularity with the release of the remake" - More people know about Doom 64 than ever. A lot of people back in the late 90s thought the game was just another console port of the PC original but now with the link to Eternal it's a fairly well known entry in the series.

alright, well disregarding that one single line, my point was that I believe DOOM 64 should get a category. I was just setting up my argument. Whenever I start something with, "Maybe it's because..." somebody believe that this is my belief to the answer, I'm just stating that it is a possibility, not that it it the answer. I'm not saying that people don't know about DOOM 64 because Will Smith used that forget thing on everybody from Men In Black and now nobody remembers the game. I am saying that it is possible for a big DOOM and DOOM 2 player to never know a game in the series. I used to love the Lego Star Wars games and never knew there was a third game in the series that I missed until I played it at a friends house a year or so later back in 2014. 

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13 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

Alright, I was playing Doom 64 EX, and it made me feel that Doom 64 definitely deserves a category.


On 7/9/2020 at 5:13 AM, fraggle said:

I don't think there are enough threads about it for it to be worth it. Even this forum (Console Doom) doesn't get that many threads.

If Console Doom had a lot of daily threads, then yes, that might be an idea. But the Console Doom subforum is not that overly active that it needs a special forum for Doom 64. Even when, yes, the game is its own entry in many ways.

Edited by Redneckerz

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@Redneckerz would DOOM 64 still be considered a Console DOOM? It is now ported to PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox. If there is any place to post your thoughts on DOOM 64, I would say it's DOOM General. This topic probably should have been posted in Everything else, though. 

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1 hour ago, LiT_gam3r said:

@Redneckerz would DOOM 64 still be considered a Console DOOM? It is now ported to PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox.

So one PC and 3 consoles. It originated as a console title, so i do not see why it should be elsewhere other than Console Doom.

1 hour ago, LiT_gam3r said:

If there is any place to post your thoughts on DOOM 64, I would say it's DOOM General. This topic probably should have been posted in Everything else, though. 

Can't remov this so pretend this part does not exist.

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13 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

it seems like DOOM 64 was going to not be a Nintendo 64 game only on its first release. According to the DOOM Wiki and the DOOM 64 Wikipedia page, the team working on it originally called it DOOM: The Absolution in its prototype phase, which ended up being the last level's name, but the team working on DOOM 64 planned to have a sequel again called DOOM: Absolution, which was supposed to be a Deathmatch game, it was quickly scrapped. Since it ended up on Nintendo 64 only, the team changed the name to DOOM 64, like Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64.



It was meant as an N64 exclusive title from the start. Midway and Doom was part of what Ninntendo called the "ultra64 dream team". That reaches back to when the N64 had his working name Project Reality.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes... after just completing this game, it should.  Whole different experience but a good one at that.  I'm really glad to have finished this, I had no idea what I was missing.


The original master mind was not in it but replaced with this floating monster.  But it was great, I mean it was hard and all but in the end I seemed to had lots and loads of fun with it.  DOOM 64 Absolution seemed different and much easier on the last level (Absolution) and if you are going to try this one out, go with DOOM 64 Retribution.  Never tried EX.


Or you can just get the vanilla one but they took off the fast stationary turning on that one, or maybe it was the emu I was using idk. 

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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