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Shawn 2 Restored and Shawnmap Textured

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This is a version of shawn2 from Doom 0.3 or E1M11 from Doom 0.4 

taken from this thread

However, I restored and changed some textures to match Doom 0.4

and added a few enemies as well and changed the barons to imps

I'm assuming that barons took the enemy number spot imps used to have


Screen Shot 2020-07-12 at 7.49.09 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-07-12 at 7.48.36 AM.png

Most likely vanilla compatible 

Works best with Doom Delta 

Edited by MLGari

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A completely textured version of shawnmap

Why was it untextured originally 

most likely an incompatible texture format from Doom 0.2/Raven Engine

or they stopped working on it mid-development and were planning on working on it later but then completely forgot about it 




also taken from this thread

Most likely vanilla compatible 


Edited by MLGari

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