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TTTS - The Thing That Slithers (Now an 8 map wad!) RELEASED

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Just in time for the weekend! Here's an update to The Thing That Slithers that contains 4 new maps! This WAD has got everything: Techbase, infested hell fortress, a cemetery, a spooky house, caves and more!


Whats' new:

  • 4 new maps (8 maps in total!)
  • Rebalanced encounters and gameplay
  • More story!
  • More varied use of textures
  • One cool boss at the end!


Would love to get your feedback and see your playthroughs!


The story so far...
You're a marine. As tough as they come. Stationed at a research station in the farthest corner of space, babysitting scientists, you feel like you've lost your edge.. You're out on patrol when suddenly you hear someone screaming, then gunshots. You run for the perimeter and find a guard mauled to death by claws. What kind of animal did this? You radio your commanding officer but you can't get through. In the distance you hear something howling. You take the safety off your gun and begin to hurry back. You hope everyone is alright back at base...



Gameplay time: 60-70 minutes (Maybe more if you want to find all secrets)

Freelook recommended,

No crouching or jumping

Tested in GZDOOM



MIDIs: http://jamespaddockmusic.com/doom/
Skyboxes: Eradrop


Thanks to everyone who played and gave feedback on the first 3 maps and Infested Citadel. You helped shape how the rest of the maps turned out!





Title                   : The Thing That Slithers
Filename                : TTTS.Wad
Release date            : 08/07/20
Author                  : DragonsForLunch
Other WADS By Author    : Concrete Terror, The Thing That Slithers p1,
													Infested Citadel

Additional Credits to   : Music by Jimmidis
* What is included *

New levels              : 8
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes, skyboxes
Other files required    : None

* Playstyle *

Freelook                : Recommended, not required
Crouching               : No
Jumping                 : No
Pistol-start            : Yes, but it will be difficult
Play time               : 60-70 minutes

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : MAP 01 - MAP 08
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Yes, but meant for UV

* Construction *

Base                    : From Scratch
Build Time              : 1 month days
Editor(s) used          : Slade3
Known Bugs              : None
Tested With             : GZDOOM







Post-play questions (Open this after you played this wad)


Any feedback and comments are welcome! To get you started here's a few questions I'd love to hear your answers to:


  • Did you finish the WAD? If not, what stopped you?
  • What was the most memorable experience in the WAD? Why?
  • Which map was your favourite? Why?
  • Which map was your least favourite? Why?
  • What's one thing I could change or add to this WAD to improve?
  • What's one thing in this WAD I definitely shouldn't change?


 V.1.2 update!


Based on feedback from the great @Austinado I updated this wad to V.12

- Map04 is now much harder. it's a tough cookie

- More ammo in Map06. 

- More teleporting enemies in Map06. For some reason they didn't teleport into the map in v.1.1

- Map07 is now also a tiny bit harder

- Player can't get soft-locked or stuck in nukage in map08

- Less ammo in map08 to incentivise killing the cyborg without using ammo

-  Lots of other smaller fixes!


Edited by DragonsForLunch
Changed link to v1.2 + changelog

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Decided to do a gameplay series on the Wad, Really love the 80's aesthetic the mod goes for, honestly a really good start for a wad, Hope to continue it soon!

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Phenomenal work, Mr Lunch. These are three very stellar maps filled with trickery, mean traps, cool progression and a fun challenge. Can't wait to see more from ya.


Gameplay footage:
UV | Running on GZDoom + Hellrider




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19 hours ago, Morpheus666 said:

Decided to do a gameplay series on the Wad, Really love the 80's aesthetic the mod goes for, honestly a really good start for a wad, Hope to continue it soon!


Thanks for playing mate! I'm glad you liked the choice of music. It really does give off that John Carpenter vibe!


Good job on finding the teleporter secret. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the series!


10 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Phenomenal work, Mr Lunch. These are three very stellar maps filled with trickery, mean traps, cool progression and a fun challenge. Can't wait to see more from ya.


Gameplay footage:
UV | Running on GZDoom + Hellrider

Thanks for playing! You played it a lot like I hope must players play it!


- Nice job on handling the Archvile in map02. He can be a b*tch! 

- Glad I could spring some cool traps on you! Seems like you enjoyed it though! The teleporter trap with the revenant and arachnotron on map03 felt like it was a bit too unfair when I watched your footage.

- Parts of Map2 and a bit more of Map3 was a bit too dark with your settings it seems. Can you confirm that adding more dynamic light sources (torches, lamps...) would make it brighter?



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So this video took me a very long time to finish, There are 2 different reasons why:

1. I have well over a hour of Deaths all recorded that i'd like to forget solely from the Archvile and Baron Ambush, (Though i played on UV so i guess i deserve that lol)

2. another thing was the final section of getting the rad suit, i even included a little joke about how many times i had to reload,

though i'm not too proud i had to resort to savescumming in order to get past some sections i love the wad so far, Caves was by far the most intense and entertaining level that shows some good use of monsters and mixing to amp up the difficulty, Overall i'm loving the Wad and should try the final Level soon!

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14 hours ago, Morpheus666 said:

So this video took me a very long time to finish, There are 2 different reasons why:

1. I have well over a hour of Deaths all recorded that i'd like to forget solely from the Archvile and Baron Ambush, (Though i played on UV so i guess i deserve that lol)

2. another thing was the final section of getting the rad suit, i even included a little joke about how many times i had to reload,

though i'm not too proud i had to resort to savescumming in order to get past some sections i love the wad so far, Caves was by far the most intense and entertaining level that shows some good use of monsters and mixing to amp up the difficulty, Overall i'm loving the Wad and should try the final Level soon!


Nice playthrough. That was some pretty creative escapes from the the baron and archvile rooms. I also liked how you used the support pillar near the end for cover. Looking forward to the last part!

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1 hour ago, Caleb13 said:

What's the deal with red door in MAP03? You actually don't need the key to open it.


Oops! That's a blunder on my side. Don't tell anyone ;)

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Saw up above too late lol so i ended up playing the map the way it was intended lol, 

Anyway it's great the final level was great, I finished it and did a bonus segment of me doing the BFG room as well, It was a very great map-pack i thoroughly enjoyed it very much, and cannot wait to play more levels you design in the future a solid 9/10


-1 point for the Arch-vile Trap in Map 2 But despite that it's still a really solid map-pack.

Edited by Morpheus666

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  • 3 weeks later...

I played maps 1-8. It was really fun to rush through these levels! I like the boss fight. Also I found some pro-speedrunner-skips in some maps, e.g you can strafe over the river in map 1, grab red key on map 2 without pressing the switch etc. I think I got lost only on map 3 because I didn't noticed a switch which lowers bars to teleporters. Hitscan was annoying as usual but it's ok


I recorded the video (it is processing now):



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On 8/7/2020 at 11:43 PM, el_inf said:

I played maps 1-8. It was really fun to rush through these levels! I like the boss fight. Also I found some pro-speedrunner-skips in some maps, e.g you can strafe over the river in map 1, grab red key on map 2 without pressing the switch etc. I think I got lost only on map 3 because I didn't noticed a switch which lowers bars to teleporters. Hitscan was annoying as usual but it's ok


I recorded the video (it is processing now):




Thanks for playing buddy! 


That was a lot of running past monsters :D! Glad you had fun


That sideways strafe-runnning trick is really crazy. I had no idea you could do that! I’m gonna fix it in Map01 but keep it in Map02 because tht was actually just really cool and you didn’t miss much. In the cemetary (map07) you missed the SSG because you avoided the door out from the first crypt but you managed anyway I guess.


The confusion in map03 was very understandable. The teleporter trick has a kind of “bug” in it that you unfortunately activated. I was less experienced mapper when I made that map.


I also noted down that there are a few different areas where I can create better hints as to how to continue.


PS: Yeah, the name of the last map is kind of dumb. But I thought it was just the right vibe for the silliness of the story. You didn’t read the text so I assume you don’t care much for it :D. 


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