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What doom 2 monster weapon is your favourite?

Favourite doom 2 weapon  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. More monster attacks

    • Revenant's guided rocket launcher
    • Mancubus' dual fire ball launcher
    • Arachnotron's plasma gun
    • Pain elemental spitting lost souls
    • Archvile's flame attack
    • Wolf SS's machine gun
    • Keen's doing nothing
    • Icon of sin's firing monster cubes
    • Zombieman's rifle
    • Shotgunner's shotgun
    • Imp's fireball
    • Cacodemon's weird ball
    • Demon/spectre's bite
    • Lost soul's attack
    • Baron of hell's weird slime ball or what ever that's supposed to be
    • Cyberdemon's rocket launcher
    • Spider mastermind's chaingun
    • Heavy weapon guy's chaingun

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What monster weapon is your favourite?


Mine is the cyberdemon's rocket launcher.

Edited by cambreaKer
tried to add player's weapons too but that didn't work

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I like how the Pinkie/Spectre's bite attack can still be dangerous even though they have to stop moving to do it, and even though it has basically no range. One pinkie in an open area is a joke, a pushover. A whole bunch of pinkies in a confined space is a problem.

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AV flame attack, Arachnotron plasma, Sergeant's Shotgun, Chaingunner's perforation, Mancubi cannons.

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I really dig the Baron/Hell Knight green hellfire ball, it's very fitting for one of the few monster that actually seems to come from hell itself.

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Keen's doing nothing is a quite unique way to torture players, Cyberdemon's Rocket launcher is good too.

Edited by sluggard

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My favorite personally is the Cacodemon lightning ball as it just looks cool (And I'm coocoo for Cacodemons like a lot of people) although if I had to choose which weapon I would like wielding more, the Spider Mastermind's Chaingun or the Cyberdemon's Rocket Launcher would be my choice, as they are the most dangerous ones.

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If the question is which enemy weapon I would like to have too - definitively Spider Mastermind's cannon. Should be pretty fun, maybe similar to Valiant's chaingun. Honorable mention goes to Mancubus fireballs, which would be a weaker but faster alternative to the BFG as a weapon able to kill several monsters at once. Cyberdemons rockets are perhaps one of the strongest enemy weapons, but they're already in my arsenal most of the time as they're identical to the RL rockets.


The most satisfying weapon to combat should be the Revenant's missiles, the required "dance" is cool once you learn it. Again, Mancubus is a close second.


And the coolest one? Here I'm tied between Baron's/HK's green projectile, Cacodemon's plasma ball and the Arch-Vile attack. All three come definitively directly out of hell, and they're not only simple fireballs but seem to employ some weird Hellish chemistry.


Edited by erzboesewicht

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Revenant's homing missiles, Mancubus' cannons, AV's flame attack, AV's resurrection, Chaingunner's hitscan hell.

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Heavy Weapon Dude - mostly due to the great sound.

Arachnotron - unrelenting salvo of plasma. The only flaw it has is that it doesn't have the same rate of fire as the player's Plasma.

Mancubus - what's not to like about spewing flame waves in ludicrous quantities?

Cyberdemon - rockets, rockets and more rockets. Did I mention rockets? Always fun to watch a Cyberdemon annihilate entire armies because a Zombieman looked at him funny.

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I won't say what I voted, but I'll give you an impression of my mind when I'm fired upon, so you can guess.



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I love the Arachnotron's plasma. I loved wads that changed your plasma to be green and yellow like theirs.

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19 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I love the Arachnotron's plasma. I loved wads that changed your plasma to be green and yellow like theirs.

Yeah me too. I also liked finding out that sprite was in doom 1 but unused

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Archie flame attack is so iconic and different compared to the other ones. It calls your attention not only because it looks cool but because once you see it its: ''Oh shit''. Also, I always like the Cyberdemon missiles. Most demons where pure flesh, yet the Cyberdemon feels so unique and his attack is one you MUST avoid with skill.

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I chose both the SS machine gun and the Arch-vile attack. Arch-vile shouldn't be allowed to reanimate demons, and the SS machine gun should be faster. Still, good. I like how you have Commander Keen on the list. LoL

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I voted for the Spiderdemon's Super Chaingun because of how powerful it is and how underutilized it is. It's the only instance in the game of a weapon being more powerful than the doomguy's counterpart, i. e. the Chaingun vs Super Chaingun.

Edited by Uni

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Archviles flame attack - such a unique attack!


On the other end though, I HATE the Revenant’s homing missiles with a burning passion (had to censor myself quite a lot while writing that X-D)!!!

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16 hours ago, erzboesewicht said:

Honorable mention goes to Mancubus fireballs, which would be a weaker but faster alternative to the BFG as a weapon able to kill several monsters at once. 

15 hours ago, idbeholdME said:

Mancubus - what's not to like about spewing flame waves in ludicrous quantities?

10 hours ago, Some Random Doom Noob said:

Mancubus' dual fire ball launcher is my favorite one.


Here ya' go, a crispy/retro DeHackEd mod replacing the BFG9000 with the Mancubus cannon.

It shoot's in volley's of two(as the original Mancubus does), each fireball deals double the damage of a plasma rifle ball, although it is highly inaccurate.



   |Download here|



I am considering polishing this up and recreating every enemies weapons for the player using Crispy and Retro.

Edited by Oppo1021

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1 hour ago, Good-Old said:

Is a severely nerfed shotgun that good?


Not when the die is cast and you get a casual 45 damage shot in your face or back.

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On 7/13/2020 at 11:14 PM, Lila Feuer said:

The Zombieman and the Lost Soul are in a corner right now. Crying.

At least they got offered as an option. Poor Hell Knight is nowhere to be seen. Well, his attack is the same as Baron's but he is not even mentioned :(

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On 7/13/2020 at 12:50 PM, NoXion said:

I like how the Pinkie/Spectre's bite attack can still be dangerous even though they have to stop moving to do it, and even though it has basically no range. One pinkie in an open area is a joke, a pushover. A whole bunch of pinkies in a confined space is a problem.

Episode 1 introducing pinkies in a way you can stun lock them with the shotgun, and the Ep2 and beyond having them be a real issue where they can easily get a bite into you quick is a good progression.

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