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I'd probably challenge her to a DM contest...if I won, I'd sex0r her up, and if she won, she'd get to sex0r me up....sound fair, katarhyne?

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Deathwarrior.You not that desperate...your more desperate.Check out my poll called why do you people obbses about Kat.Go vote.I think choice 5 is your selection.

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Hey deathwarrior, you dont even know what she looks like!

Not that im saying anything, but i would at least want to know what a chick looks like before i got in bed with er' (ntm: a few other things, like personality and if she likes me or not, or if she has any homicidal boyfriends).

Nah, for now id say that i'd just want to DM with her, I dont DM as much as i would like (but not in doom, in a more "enriched" DM environment like Q2).

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And dude, im still a V-guy, it's hard not to get excited about posts like this.

(btw: I would want to know if she had any STDs too, didn't even cross my mind last time - im not sex-active so these things dont cross my mind, at least not when im in bed with myself).

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