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On 5/30/2021 at 3:11 AM, Redneckerz said:

Does not matter! I am very surprised to see someone like you return to Doom!

That's exactly why i never understood it was not given its own name, haha. I think Kokak's version today is rather unique - There are plenty of current-day ports out that use ZDoom 1.22 as a base, but he was the first to mar it with a OpenGL renderer. Just not one that was very stable :P

ZDoomGL was half the performance of the equivalent GZDoom at the time (And i tested this recently, it holds up!) but your work had quite a lot of things going for it:

  • Your Quake 3-esque shader multitexture system in the later versions. Sadly nobody really picked up on it, but ill remain of the opinion that modifying and adding effects on fixed-function hardware remains interesting - even when shaders, which was at the time the thing you want to move to (with ZDoomGL 2.0) are infinitely more flexible.
  • ZDoomGL actually kept on existing for a long time in ports: Skulltag used it as the OpenGL renderer for a few versions, and ScoreDoomST kept it around till 2013 - Pretty impressive mileage for 2005 technology!
  • GZDoom took over where ZDoomGL left off, so despite being two completely different codebases, ZDoomGL provided a lot of the OpenGL experience we play today, where prior to that, people would be using JDoom hardware accelerated Doom or use them side by side.

I recall you have had this idea for a long time actually! Moving all the rendering over to computer shaders. So Rum and Raisin Doom, but fully on the GPU. Probably this would have a good basis in a GZDoom fork now that a lot of rendering lifting these days on that port is done through GPU. But it remains an enticing idea.


Like I said, it was originally intended to be a continuation of the original ZDoomGL, hence keeping the name and just making it a version bump ;)  Looking back it's amazing I was able to effectively work on it at all, I didn't use version control back then.  Just zip file backups of releases.  What a nightmare.  I remember hand integrating the renderer into new ZDoom versions.  Yikes.  So young and naïve back then!  I run a Perforce server for personal projects now (git really sucks for asset heavy things).


I do kind of wish more people tried out the shader system.  In hindsight the name "shader" was probably bad since it implied hardware shaders when really I took the name from the Quake3 shaders.  But it was kind of neat and really opened things up to do some interesting visual stuff.  Long ago I had put together a little demo wad for it that I mostly just used to test it out, I wonder if it's still around.


So far as I know, some of the ZDoomGL code still lives on in GZDoom.  Nothing too exciting, just the dynamic light definitions/actors and the clipper used for hidden surface removal (I can't speak as to the extent those things are used, just that they still exist in GitHub lol).  So that's kind of cool.  It's nice that Graf Zahl has kept my name in there, I'm kind of surprised the code still lives on.


Most of my philosophy when working on things back then was how can I add new eye candy features that are usable from a Doom modder point of view.  It wasn't so much about directly making things pretty for the end user, but giving modders tools to make mods to make things pretty.  I tried to keep things as easy to use as possible.  I'm glad the lightdefs thing has stuck around, I was pretty happy with how that turned out.  It's also were things like the hq2x/4x texture upscalers came from (got the code for that from someone working on snes9x I think back in the day) or the animated texture blending.


It always amazes me that the Doom community is still going strong and there's still interest in it.  The game and community really are pretty special.

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12 hours ago, _timmie_ said:

Like I said, it was originally intended to be a continuation of the original ZDoomGL, hence keeping the name and just making it a version bump ;)

That's all i needed to know to make the distinction better on the Wiki :)


12 hours ago, _timmie_ said:

I do kind of wish more people tried out the shader system.  In hindsight the name "shader" was probably bad since it implied hardware shaders when really I took the name from the Quake3 shaders.  But it was kind of neat and really opened things up to do some interesting visual stuff.

That to me was one of the more interesting bits about ZDoomGL - Its shader system modelled after Quake 3. The latter made shader like effects possible on OpenGL 1.x hardware, years before shaders were a thing, through shader scripts - Basically bits of code that revolved around multitexturing and blending to produce new effects, at the cost of having to re-render the entire scene (Full scene pass) for each blended effect. The GameCube and Wii's TEV (Texture Environment Unit) work in a similar fashion.


I think ZDoomGL's timing in introducing that was off. In 1999, this was a brilliant way to achieve new visual effects because the hardware for shaders was not there yet. But when ZDoomGL (v2 ;)) was around, 2002-2003, shader based hardware was plenty in existence, from high end to low end. Thus, producing effects through blending was not a showpiece feature any longer as the same effect could be done better and easier in a shader.


Nevertheless i agree: I really wish people would have experimented with the shader system, especially for lower end hardware.

12 hours ago, _timmie_ said:

Long ago I had put together a little demo wad for it that I mostly just used to test it out, I wonder if it's still around.

They are:

Perhaps they can be hosted at /idgames?

12 hours ago, _timmie_ said:

So far as I know, some of the ZDoomGL code still lives on in GZDoom.  Nothing too exciting, just the dynamic light definitions/actors and the clipper used for hidden surface removal (I can't speak as to the extent those things are used, just that they still exist in GitHub lol).  So that's kind of cool.  It's nice that Graf Zahl has kept my name in there, I'm kind of surprised the code still lives on.

ZDoomGL's parts were better than its sum, if that means anything. So its useful then, and it is useful now.

12 hours ago, _timmie_ said:

Most of my philosophy when working on things back then was how can I add new eye candy features that are usable from a Doom modder point of view.  It wasn't so much about directly making things pretty for the end user, but giving modders tools to make mods to make things pretty.  I tried to keep things as easy to use as possible. 

In that sense the Quake 3 system is a natural thought to have because it applies directly to the end-user for versatility. Maybe it deserves a restart? ;)\

And lightdefs is a great idea for any accelerated port. Hence why i say that ZGL's parts were better than its overal sum. And in that regard, it has been a influential line of work. So thank you for making one version of it :)

12 hours ago, _timmie_ said:

It always amazes me that the Doom community is still going strong and there's still interest in it.  The game and community really are pretty special.

Its hard to find a family of members with a longer lineage or expertise - and still discovering new stuff to go with the core assets whether engine wise, texture wise, mapping wise.


Basically, Doom is Dreams, but it was done in 1993.

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i finally beat scythe 2 after having given up on it a while ago :)


i played episodes 1-5 on uv, and then went down to hmp for episode 6. i will say that episode 6 felt a tad easy on hmp but still, i'm proud of myself regardless!!

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4 hours ago, N1ck said:

I got to map 30 of Scythe on UV in just a few hours. As for map 30, I have no idea how I'll ever beat it.

Rip and tear as usual. Get all keys. Kill the lonely icon of sin after destroying like a thousand demons because he's bored of waiting...

Edited by leodoom85

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1 hour ago, leodoom85 said:

Rip and tear as usual. Get all keys. Kill the lonely icon of sin after destroying like a thousand demons because he's bored of waiting...

Oh God, there's an Icon of Sin in the map?

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3 minutes ago, N1ck said:

Oh God, there's an Icon of Sin in the map?

Yes but, I think it doesn't spawn monsters. It's just there, waiting, at the end of the map.

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Holy shit. Not only is this the first 32 map megawad I've beaten, but the fact that I beat this on UV in only two days (with map 30 being the only reason for that) easily makes this my greatest Doom achievement yet. Also, this is my 666th post. Truly a special day.



Edited by N1ck

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/6/2021 at 5:49 PM, roadworx said:

i finally beat scythe 2 after having given up on it a while ago :)


i played episodes 1-5 on uv, and then went down to hmp for episode 6. i will say that episode 6 felt a tad easy on hmp but still, i'm proud of myself regardless!!


What do you mean Episode 6? Did you seperate levels as episodes for Scythe 2?


I got stuck in map 8 on UV but it is because I couldn't figure out where to go with all enemies being dead around.

Edited by Grandeur

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Finished Plutonia UV Pistol start no saves.

Except the level with th Chaungunner spawning next to you, I saved there.

I'm no madmen.


Finished Alien TC with keyboard only... I dunno if it is an achivement but e3m1 is so hard keyboard only on UV... I'm used to wasd + mouse.

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11 hours ago, JezChrist said:

Finished Plutonia UV Pistol start no saves.

Except the level with th Chaungunner spawning next to you, I saved there.

I'm no madmen.


Finished Alien TC with keyboard only... I dunno if it is an achivement but e3m1 is so hard keyboard only on UV... I'm used to wasd + mouse.


That's MAP10 Onslaught. Easily the hardest Plutonia level from a pistol start if you elect not to sequence break for the SSG early. I also completed Plutonia UV-Max saveless the other week, and I was sort of proud of it. Especially that I only had one death on Go 2 It, no practice at all.


After that, however, I've done Scythe maps 01-29 (Fire & Ice is an absolutely stupid difficulty jump, I haven't even finished gathering all practice saves yet) and been working on Rush in the meanwhile, but am fairly fucking stuck on MAP09 - The Lava Heart (I think). Best I've done is ~80% of all monsters. I do get this burning sensation in the back of my head and agonizing frustration tearing at every nerve, so I think it's because I'm attempting things that I'm just barely not capable of, so I guess I'm playing things that are just the right level of practice for me. :)


I do get fairly furious at BFG tracers not locating Arch-Viles like I tell them to, though. No matter the fondness of my embrace.


Just have to fight my urge to give up! I'm not exactly known for my patience, rather the lack thereof. I do want to attempt stuff like Sunlust, but I so easily forget that I've had ~20 years of on-and-off DOOM practice which got me to the level where I'm at now, so I shouldn't expect to clear hard stuff over a weekend, I s'pose. Thank the heavens that a couple of Rush' MIDIs are absolute bangers. They get me through a few attempts on their own.


Oh! But a thing I actually completed this week which I am super-giddily proud of is the Master Levels. What a shitshow of a map collection, but it wasn't fully as bad as I feared. Kind of like saying "that poop doesn't smell as bad as they said it would." With that and Plutonia in the bag I've completed all commercial DOOM maps with my "ruleset" which is kind of a cool milestone. :)


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...Only because I just complained about it. I have no idea whether or not this is considered a hard level or not, but I sure struggled with it more than any other Rush map so far. Feelin' good. ^^

(I left the Megasphere room for last because I usually got wrecked when climbing the "ladders" during practice)



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I beat the Ultimate Doom UV MAX single segment with a broken keyboard, and even made demos of these runs. And by broken I mean some inputs either get doubled, won't register at all or lock my inputs until I press the same key again.


I am not looking forward to beating Doom 2 UV MAX single segment (especially Map24) and Going Down with this garbage of a keyboard. Oh, I should mention I'm playing this on a laptop so I cannot fix this issue due to the keyboard being built in. Great stuff.

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9 hours ago, thiccyosh said:

I beat the Ultimate Doom UV MAX single segment with a broken keyboard, and even made demos of these runs. And by broken I mean some inputs either get doubled, won't register at all or lock my inputs until I press the same key again.


I am not looking forward to beating Doom 2 UV MAX single segment (especially Map24) and Going Down with this garbage of a keyboard. Oh, I should mention I'm playing this on a laptop so I cannot fix this issue due to the keyboard being built in. Great stuff.


For The Chasm you could use mouse movement for the narrow ledges. Not exactly ideal but if your keyboard is unreliable it might be the lesser of evils. It's been a while since I ran through DOOM 2 but I think you can clear the room(s) before attempting the ledges?

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2 hours ago, Cinnamon Killjoy said:


For The Chasm you could use mouse movement for the narrow ledges. Not exactly ideal but if your keyboard is unreliable it might be the lesser of evils. It's been a while since I ran through DOOM 2 but I think you can clear the room(s) before attempting the ledges?


I mean yeah I could practice with mouse movement though I think for me it's kinda janky but I'll take what I can get. It's not a speedrun of Doom 2 anyways however don't want to spend 50 minutes in a 4 hour playthrough in the Chasm because my W-key thought it would be a great idea to crap itself when I'm fighting Lost Souls over deadly kool-aid.


I guess I'll figure a route out that fits the best. Doesn't matter how I do it I still have to navigate the Ledges™.

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3 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:


I mean yeah I could practice with mouse movement though I think for me it's kinda janky but I'll take what I can get. It's not a speedrun of Doom 2 anyways however don't want to spend 50 minutes in a 4 hour playthrough in the Chasm because my W-key thought it would be a great idea to crap itself when I'm fighting Lost Souls over deadly kool-aid.


I guess I'll figure a route out that fits the best. Doesn't matter how I do it I still have to navigate the Ledges™.


Hehe yeah, it was just a thought. I happen to be one of those weirdos who actually likes The Chasm, but holy hell revealed I would not want to slog through it with a keyboard that's in a mood. :P


Also, unless you're a saveless puritan I would just save scum the last part of the stage. Inescapable pits are dumb as they are (exceptions may apply) but Sandy put it at the end of the level...

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Today, I reached 250+ played WADs. Most of them finished on UV, and some DM WADs here and there. I did the math and it's a whooping total of 2939 maps. Here's for 250 more!


May this journey never end.

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On 7/15/2020 at 3:08 PM, Labryx said:

Last month I finally somehow managed to complete Plutonia on UV, all pistol-starts.


*Civvie 11 reference goes here*

Go to quake con next year, find the hottest cosplayer girl there and say "I...I finish plutonia on UV with pistol start only", and BAM! she'll be on your dick.

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2 hours ago, Cinnamon Killjoy said:


Hehe yeah, it was just a thought. I happen to be one of those weirdos who actually likes The Chasm, but holy hell revealed I would not want to slog through it with a keyboard that's in a mood. :P


Also, unless you're a saveless puritan I would just save scum the last part of the stage. Inescapable pits are dumb as they are (exceptions may apply) but Sandy put it at the end of the level...


I will never save because I'm recording a demo of my run. Why? I dunno it's fun I guess. Can't get better at something if you don't challenge yourself?

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I managed to beat all of official classic doom pistol start, no save, on UV. What do I count as official classic doom?

Ultimate doom

Doom 2 

TNT evilution

The plutonia experiment

Master levels


And No rest for the living

Whoooo boy completing this was a hoot and a half but I freaking did it.

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Now I did do UV-max on all the levels I could but TNT dead zone and plutonia anti-christ stopped that wish. (I did try to kill that archvile in plu map 27 but sadly it didnt work.)

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I actually figured out how making a map works. I still need to get the hang of it, though...

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On 8/7/2020 at 7:45 PM, Ant1 said:

Nope, TFC is much harder.


I agree that TFC is harder than Doom 2. Especially with respawning enemies due to map 1, map 2 and map 6.


Couldn't beat it with respawning enemies. Furthest I could come was map 6 on UV Respawn. No need to try Nightmare.




However, TFC is easier than both TNT and Plutonia.

Edited by Grandeur

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