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Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

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MAP15 updated:


  • Added ammo, health, and other item pickups in few remaining places
  • Intentionally placed multiple ammo pickups in some spots in order to make that ton of ammo look more organized and clean
  • Blue Skull Key was lacking from the map so added that in kind of a suitable spot (map can now be exited with all six keys)
  • Some more monsters added in empty spaces
  • Monster invasions added to later parts of the map where player gets Blue & Red Skull Keys
  • A new secret containing the BFG9000.. Oh yes!




Really want to work on MAP18 next. Will hopefully make some edits today or in a day or two. Need to add monsters and items to some of the empty spaces of MAP12 as well. 

Edited by Rosh Fragger

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  On 7/24/2020 at 11:14 PM, Surreily said:

So I did a bit of experimenting this evening...


Thought it would be cool to have a map where you are in Doom Builder and have to fight your way out or something, but I think it's a bit too gimmicky for this project. Might do something like this for a secret area though.



  On 7/25/2020 at 6:51 PM, Obsidian Plague said:

I'm considering replacing cyberdemons with something else entirely. I'm thinking either Marauder or a Zombieman in a tank.



  On 8/5/2020 at 10:15 PM, Obsidian Plague said:


what's some other enemies I should add




  On 8/9/2020 at 10:44 AM, NiGHTMARE said:

Another monster concept


Don't forget that there are also new, non-replacing things. The main wad can have a stripped back DEH that adds these and nothing else, but what about the Imp/Super Imp? Should we just include a green version of the regular Doom Imp in the main wad?


There's also the question of the final boss, as AtticTelephone seemed quite insistent about including it. You also can't have that without the new lost souls. We'll have to see what (s)he thinks.


(Something else I'm planning to make for my own personal use is a wad which changes the final boss back to the Spider-Mastermind behaviour, and uses the sprites for Hell-Forged's Director. I'll share it on Google Drive for anyone else who wants it.)


Speaking of Hell-Forged, I had the idea of recolouring its Hellduke to make it more closely resemble the OG Cyberdemon, and was hoping it could be done without any manual editing. Unfortunately, its various accessories ended up recoloured as well, so a lot of copy'n'pasting would need to be done to make it look good. Here's a couple of concepts (bottom left is the normal Hellduke, and I've included the Cyberdemon for colour comparison.)




Just wanted to show some stuff. Maybe they could be used in Negative Two.

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I found it! Negative One 1.92!




Subject: Thomas "Doomdude" Blazkowicz

Position: Negative One Security Guard

Location: Negative One Major Starport, Arizona

Years after the events of the Plutonia Experiment, along with the UAC Io Labs Incident, humanity has regained it's power.
The UAC has gained a few major competitors, including the United Interplanetary Research Corporation, the Alpha Space Transport
Company, and Negative One. Negative One was one of the most popular competitor of the UAC, owning many research stations across
the world, mainly in Arizona and California. One day, Negative One started a project for a faster-than-light vehichle
for the military, which was named "Project Neptune" after the planet they were harvesting resources from. The vehichle,
named "Bullet", was made out of parts of an Arachnotron and a Cyberdemon stolen from a goverment storage facility.
The vehichle seemed to work, being able to move at a speed so high that you could only see it for a split second, however,
the test dummies seemed to have strange markings scratched onto them, this was ignored because Negative One was motivated
to complete the vehichle.

On November 1st, a scientist was chosen to test the effects that lightspeed had on humans, he entered the "Bullet" and
went across the mountains they were testing in. Suddenly, the sky flashed red for 5 seconds, and the vehichle dissapeared.
4 minutes later, the "Bullet" reappeared. It flew down to the base, and the doors opened, revealing the scientist. They
took him inside, asking what happened, suddenly, he started summoning demons to fight for him. Meanwhile, Blazkowicz
was in his personal room, playing Plutonia 9000 on his computer. A red, lizard-like demon then bursted into his room,
which he shot with his pistol. He then took his radio out and called for more security forces.

"This is Guard 15, a strange unknown animal just attacked me in my room, I am request-"


Blazkowicz's radio broke, so he got his suit on and left his room. This is Doom -1.


Doom -1 is a megawad made by the Doomworld community, and was started by AtticTelephone. There are 32 maps, from the
first base to the last fight.


That's what it says.

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I might not have gotten the chance to contribute, but I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm absolutely ecstatic that this project is turning out so well. I'm very excited to play the full thing on release.

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  On 10/1/2020 at 3:51 PM, AtticTelephone said:

Btw, can we fix the Yellow Key Wolfenstein Door texture? It just looks really weird.


Sorry xD

I will try to make some mix of the original wolf3D key door and the yellow key slot

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In my next release i will put them on the PWAD. Its only replacing some patches

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Release v5.20: MAP24 changes

  • As usual: fixed for deathmatch and difficulty settings implemented
  • Added some extra decorations to the map (some demonic machines on the lava and caco parts, etc)
  • Added the new Wolf3D key doors (i have to improve too much on my graphic production skills :/ )
  • Bugfixes (fixed some accidental double secret)


link: https://mega.nz/file/Lbw1gYLS#yAynZ7znHvTRVB5bnjLuJl0TLlZqQDx0OYz-D8n8sAE

Edited by URROVA

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v5.21 - map28


  • Added teleports out of the pits
  • Added skull keys - there's now a reason to explore the map
  • Moved teleporter into the black tower
  • Added Cyberdemons to fight


The map is still full of empty areas but I am all out of ideas here

Edited by Captain Toenail

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  On 10/1/2020 at 5:47 PM, Captain Toenail said:

v5.21 - map28


  • Added teleports out of the pits
  • Added skull keys - there's now a reason to explore the map
  • Moved teleporter into the black tower
  • Added Cyberdemons to fight


The map is still full of empty areas but I am all out of ideas here




Arachnotrons everywhere.

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Oh, hey there mate! It's alright, you don't need to feel bad for it, it's a decision, and it deserves to be respected like any other. You're a very nice forum member, and it's a joy to see you around!


Things are going well. Psst, they do talk about "deadlines", but I bet you they're just pretending and don't actually have one! :D

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  On 9/28/2020 at 10:01 PM, LiT_gam3r said:

or the GZDoom -1. That one looks noice. 


i will resurrect gzdoom-1 once doom-1 is done


and I have a bunch of 3d monsters, 3d props and other stuff that I will add too gzdoom-1


I have already begun releasing minipacks of 3d monsters... so far a pinky replacing space marine that favors unarmed melee and a twin assault cannon armed space marine hellfire dreadnought that replaces the spider mastermind

Edited by CBM

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Speaking of Arachnotrons...


Version v5.22


Map 10 (Arachno-rush) update!

- Revised the entire map except for the final exit room. I may do this tomorrow. Then Map 10 can be considered 'done'.

- 30+ Arachnotrons on hard difficulty!

- New outdoor landscape

- Updated the mini-techbase in the second half of the map

- A small archnotron cave has also been added to the second half of the map, which so far was rather empty space


Still needs testing to see if there is sufficient ammo



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  On 10/1/2020 at 7:43 PM, PinkFlamingo said:

- A small archnotron cave has also been added to the second half of the map, which so far was rather empty space



Mmm... I should say that doesnt dehack much more... And a small arachnotron requires smaller sprites, and for putting these sprites we will need extra states. Is not like normal/dark imp that is only a translation and a change of some properties, and most of their states are shared, so...


Sorry i understanded bad :/

Edited by URROVA

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Can we have October 29 as the final deadline? It's actually my birthday :P and I firmly believe there's still a lot of work left to do in the maps (detailing, items placement, bug fixing, play-testing etc) Just a suggestion :)

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  On 10/2/2020 at 10:09 AM, Rosh Fragger said:

Can we have October 29 as the final deadline? It's actually my birthday :P and I firmly believe there's still a lot of work left to do in the maps (detailing, items placement, bug fixing, play-testing etc) Just a suggestion :)


I feel 10/29 is a little much, maybe 10/17?

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  On 10/2/2020 at 10:09 AM, Rosh Fragger said:

Can we have October 29 as the final deadline? It's actually my birthday :P and I firmly believe there's still a lot of work left to do in the maps (detailing, items placement, bug fixing, play-testing etc) Just a suggestion :)




that will also give new arrivals a chance to help


btw just released a 3d spacemarine terminator for gzdoom in my zdoom resource thread on the zdoom forum


my third spacemarine release so far


the best one so far is the dreadnought


since the source material was very good indeed



Edited by CBM

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  On 10/2/2020 at 5:17 PM, AtticTelephone said:

It’s still going to be October 7th.



Shouldn't there be a consensus among everyone who worked on the project in some way instead of one person coming up with the deadline :P

I say we take votes! If most of the contributors agree on the current deadline, then 7th October it is.

Edited by Rosh Fragger

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  On 10/2/2020 at 6:29 PM, Rosh Fragger said:


Shouldn't there be a consensus among everyone who worked on the project in some way instead of one person coming up with the deadline :P

I say we take votes! If most of the contributors agree on the current deadline, then 7th October it is.


Dude, the first deadline was September 21’st.

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Update: version 5.23


- Map 10 is 99% finished now. Difficulty setting are fully implemented but it needs revision for deathmatch and perhaps some ammo tweaks. I could finish it on ultra-violence without significant problems.

- I replaced SKY1 and SKY3 with similar higher resolution skies (they look nicer IMO and fit better with some of the custom skies in earlier levels)




Map 10 Screenshots!

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by PinkFlamingo

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  On 10/2/2020 at 6:29 PM, Rosh Fragger said:


Shouldn't there be a consensus among everyone who worked on the project in some way instead of one person coming up with the deadline :P

I say we take votes! If most of the contributors agree on the current deadline, then 7th October it is.


...wasn't the deadline extended by 3 times???

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