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Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

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8 hours ago, NiGHTMARE said:

Unless the Unity ports add support for all of these, you'll need to use something else.

Actually, I think it would be easy to take away the MBF and BOOM features. I haven't played, but are they important parts of the Game? Revenant100 (as a joke) made a map I think for ZDoom Vanilla, so it wouldn't be that difficult to make it vanilla, even though you might have to lose some cool features. 

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10 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

Actually, I think it would be easy to take away the MBF and BOOM features. I haven't played, but are they important parts of the Game? Revenant100 (as a joke) made a map I think for ZDoom Vanilla, so it wouldn't be that difficult to make it vanilla, even though you might have to lose some cool features. 

yes, lots of maps haves vodoo scripts, that are composed by a vodoo doll in a dummy room with walkable-triggered linedefs, but the dummy room haves scrolling floor, a BooM feature. And some of these vodoo scripts are very important for the map progression. 


If we convert scrolling floor vodoo scripts to miko vodoo scripts? We lose compatibility with GZDoom :(


But, we can be like sigil and make a version for BooM, and another for vanilla/unity ports (i dont know if sigil compat is for vanilla but is an idea)

Edited by URROVA

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28 minutes ago, URROVA said:

we can be like sigil and make a version for BooM, and another for vanilla/unity ports

Oh, yes, that was what I meant. 

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The Unity Port allows for custom Episodes and Map Pools, so its possible to make it so only the non-boom maps are playable, you can say have map03 jump to map05, and have say map04 have an exit to map07 and a secret exit to map10 as examples. 


This wiki page explains it all


Edited by Rexen²

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10 minutes ago, Telemassacre said:

Added a second part to the level, added some additional secrets to the starting area, and am working on additional changes.


DOOM-1 .036.zip

??? What level? In what version youve based this version?

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1 hour ago, Rexen² said:

The Unity Port allows for custom Episodes and Map Pools, so its possible to make it so only the non-boom maps are playable, you can say have map03 jump to map05, and have say map04 have an exit to map07 and a secret exit to map10 as examples. 


This wiki page explains it all



That still wouldn't work, because as previously mentioned the DeHackEd patch uses BEX functions (for example the ability to have any codepointer on any frame).


EDIT: Even discounting the BEX features the first three levels all make use of gameplay-related lindef types, so really you'd have to start with MAP04. Then it'd be on to MAP07, MAP09-MAP14, MAP22, MAP26, MAP27, and MAP29... less than half the levels in the project.


Four of these maps would possibly also have to be dropped as they make use of translucent textures, which could cause gameplay related problems (due to not being able to see through a wall when it's intended that you should). 


You also wouldn't get the intended skies in MAP04 and MAP07 and one room in MAP13 but that's really just an aesthetic issue.


In case anyone's interested, here are the Boom features I found via DeePSea's error checker (I ran through this quite quickly, so could easily have missed some). Those with * are those which would have gameplay issues in non-Boom ports - in a couple of cases they use Boom exit types, so you wouldn't be able to finish the level even by cheating.



MAP01*: Sky transfers, Boom scrolling walls, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP02*: Sky transfers, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP03*: Sky transfers, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP04: Translucent textures, sky transfers

MAP05*: Translucent textures, sky transfers, transfer heights, Boom scrolling walls, conveyor belt, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP06*: Translucent textures, conveyor belts, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP07: Sky transfers

MAP08*: Translucent textures, transfer heights, Boom triggerable linedef types 

MAP10: Translucent textures

MAP13: Translucent textures, sky transfers

MAP15*: Translucent textures, sky transfers, transfer heights, conveyor belts, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP16*: Boom scrolling walls, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP17*: Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP18*: Translucent textures, conveyor belt, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP19*: Translucent textures, transfer heights, conveyor belt

MAP20*: Translucent textures, transfer lighting, conveyor belts

MAP21*: Translucent textures, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP23*: Translucent textures, transfer heights, sky transfers, conveyor belts

MAP24*: Translucent textures, sky transfers, transfer heights Boom scrolling walls, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP25*: Conveyor belts

MAP26: Translucent textures

MAP28*: Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP30*: Conveyor belt

MAP31*: Conveyor belts, Boom triggerable linedef types

MAP32*: Translucent textures, sky transfers, Boom scrolling walls, Boom triggerable linedef types



On a related note, I found a LOT of non-door triggerable lindef types without tags during this process, particularly G1 and GR types (at least one contributor obviously doesn't realise they're needed in non-ZDoom ports!). I'll do my best to get these fixed before the deadline.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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It's way too late to be changing the map formats again.Taking out the Boom features now would cripple the wad an generate too much work too close to the deadline.


45 minutes ago, Telemassacre said:

Added a second part to the level, added some additional secrets to the starting area, and am working on additional changes.


You've added this to the wrong version, but map31 still somewhat resembles the original map01 so maybe we could merge that there?


PinkFlamingo's v5.14 seems to be the latest version.

Edited by Captain Toenail

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I would also point out that nothing is preventing someone from starting their own vanilla or limit-removing project where anyone can edit anything.


CBM does have his GZDoom -1 project coming up, but I suspect the venn diagram of potential contributors for a vanilla-only project and those for a GZDoom-only project would consist of two very distant circles.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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40 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:


5 hours ago, Telemassacre said:

Map01. And the version that's on the original post.




Edited by Telemassacre

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@Telemassacre but the original post version was the very first one; it was edited a lot of times already! You need to edit the newest one instead. See @URROVA's post right above Attic's -- that's the latest version right now. Yeah.


On that, @AtticTelephone what the heck is with that misleading original post?! Negative One has become such an immense project, yet you would never figure that from a quick glance at page 1. PLEASE fix that.


Also, presing Use on @HitBoi64's mural in MAP32 kind of breaks the map after the door closes (bonus points if some of the sectors don't close because of the Lost Souls, which just makes it all look odd). To be fair, that is a weird map. Good, but weird.


EDIT: You can also get stuck forever in @dragon's influence's room if the door closes behind you before you exit it.

Edited by Gustavo6046

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On 9/28/2020 at 5:16 PM, NiGHTMARE said:

Also, when I was originally planning it in my mind MAP01-MAP11 were all set in the same tech base (with a quick trip to hell in MAP07), but now the episode includes an arctic outpost (MAP04), a skyscraper (MAP05), and even an alien planet (MAP06).


This was me :-) Should I transfer a different sky to every map?  We can keep the overall base-city-hell progression. I know it is just for looks but will make each individual map stand out. I can also make some background landscapes on maps that currently don't have any (map 11 for example is just a box right now)

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I think it's fine PinkFlamingo. They can be different space colonies and doomguy is teleporting between them. If you want to give each map a unique sky that could be cool but might be a headache with various sector tags? I won't stop you lol


The story seems to be


Doomguy in misc space techbases

Encounters outpost of Hell (map07)

Returns to Earth

Battles through underground tunnels to city area

Gets thrown in prison

Escapes and infiltrates Area51 type base

Steals alien saucer and flies into Hell

Battles through Hell and finally confronts Baphomet (dark wizard? evil sorcerer?)


It's quite a journey lol. Remember to change the intermission texts in Dehacked to match. I already wrote two deveral editions ago.


We could maybe shuffle the map order a bit too.


btw is map28 completable? I remember it being half finished still. Might take a look tonight.

Edited by Captain Toenail

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37 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

I think it's fine PinkFlamingo. They can be different space colonies and doomguy is teleporting between them. If you want to give each map a unique sky that could be cool but might be a headache with various sector tags? I won't stop you lol


The story seems to be


Doomguy in misc space techbases

Encounters outpost of Hell (map07)

Returns to Earth

Battles through underground tunnels to city area

Gets thrown in prison

Escapes and infiltrates Area51 type base

Steals alien saucer and flies into Hell

Battles through Hell and finally confronts Baphomet (dark wizard? evil sorcerer?)


It's quite a journey lol. Remember to change the intermission texts in Dehacked to match. I already wrote two deveral editions ago.


We could maybe shuffle the map order a bit too.


btw is map28 completable? I remember it being half finished still. Might take a look tonight.

I swear Attic made a story TXT but it was as quickly abandoned as it was introduced because nobody bothered keeping it

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reserving MAP24


Ok, since we are entering the last week of development, we should be entering the stage of not adding more big things and finishing polishing what we have done, right?

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Next version: 5.16




Map 10 update

- new sky

- expanded outdoor area

- re-textured and slightly edited a couple of the rooms to fit better with the overall theme


Yes, we shouldn't be adding too much anymore, I agree. Lets finish what is already there.



Edited by PinkFlamingo

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Version 5.17


Minor Fix in Map33 with the layout of the start of the map

-Added a starting platform for design

-Added 2 luigis (One part needed to be balanced with hanging luigis so yeah XD)

-Placement of starting weapons and megaspheres are also slightly arranged in order to be balanced and fit the level




Edited by Oldschoolgeek32

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9 hours ago, Obsidian Plague said:

I swear Attic made a story TXT


Attic wrote some story on page 8, it just needs added to the intermission texts.

Edited by Captain Toenail

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