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Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

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Version 5.41:




Map 06

- Changed the music track to "Postmodern Muck" by James Paddock.


Map 10

- Fixed one texture. This should not influence the demo, I hope. (edit: it does not :-) )


Map 11

- Added a simple outdoor area for scenery (not great, but better than a box).

- Added a simple shortcut from the red key area to the starting area to reduce tiresome backtracking.

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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Version 5.42






Map 03

- Sector tag 50 was removed from almost every outdoor sector (removing the yellow sky transfer). I think this was done by accident when Nightmare removed unnecessary tags in version 5.29.* I reverted this map now to version 5.28.


Map 07

- Added a few more sector tag 3's (the moving platforms)*

- Added sky transfer to all outdoor sectors


*EDIT: I understand what went wrong. On map 03 and map 07, there are a few teleporter linedefs (type 97) that point to a sector tag that occurs more than once. Only one sector has a teleport destination however, making the others look like "unnecessary". On map 03 for example there is a teleporter pointing to sector tag 50, but sector tag 50 is used 100 times for the sky transfer also. Only one of those sectors, however, has the teleport destination. On map 07, the same happens to sector tag 3 (it is used for moving platforms and as a single teleport destination)


Map 19

- Moved a few lamps in the starting room. They were bleeding into the walls.

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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The deadline is tomorrow guys, not today!







- Re-fixed an erroneous lift

- Changed the outdoor teleport destination to tag 10, and added a sky transfer linedef to match



- Added monsters to the pre-blue key door area

- Added some additional detail to the start

- Adjusted the heights of various sectors


(Apologies about MAP03 and MAP07, I forgot to add MBF's new linedef types to DeePSea's Boom config file so it wasn't recognizing the sky transfers as valid linedef types.)


EDIT: I did a quick playthrough of MAP25 on UV in god mode. Ammo is pretty tight up until you get to the higher level of the maze, but from then on it's fine. The only thing I noticed that needs to be fixed is that there are shells next to the rocket launcher (thing 12), when they should be rockets. I'll fix this tomorrow.


Obviously my test didn't show whether there's enough armour and health, so I'd appreciate if some more experienced players could play through MAP25 on UV and let me know. Thanks! :)


Edited by NiGHTMARE

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  • Fixed sky bleeding into floor
  • Added more bigger monsters
  • New secret lift in crate room
  • More items
  • Bonus Cyberdemons in coop
  • Changed damaging floors to nukage


  • Sprinkled in more enemies and items
  • Bonus Cyberdemons in coop



Question - the midi in Map17 is completely silent. Is this by design or a bug?

Edited by Captain Toenail

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Version 5.47




Map 11

- Graphical updates to the first quarter of the map and to the outdoor landscape (added torches and little buildings)


Updated credits (Map 06 sky texture was made by Eradrop)


31 minutes ago, URROVA said:

Fixed the sky (on PrBoom+ the sky tiles, i combined it with the RSKY2 patch)

The sky only tiles if you enable mouselook. I never noticed this because I have mouselook disabled. I also use GZDoom which does not have this problem. I guess I should have tested it in PrBoom+ :-) If I have time tomorrow (and the deadline is not passed) I will try to fix the sky textures in Gimp.

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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3 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

At 12:00, October 7th, Pacific, Doom -1 ends.




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Changes to MAP09- Made first warehouse area more open, new design for exit room, made thin hallways wider

Changes to MAP25- Retextured map, added 2 cyberdemons to maze

Edited GLDEFS to have correct light colors

Added DECALDEFS for BFG/Unmaker projectile




@Captain Toenail The midi must be bugged, it plays fine for me though.

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On 10/5/2020 at 4:06 AM, EpicTyphlosion said:

Speaking of MAP33, there's no keys or map title. Think I could fix that?

Go nuts


I added map 33 as a semi Secret joke map at Some point as a response to a joke request


It Should only be reachable by console by using

cheat codes


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CRUNCH TIME GUYS! What ever we're gonna do, better do it now!

Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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Reduced Hell Dragon health to 500 (it was just too tanky before) and reduced it's attack speed, changed pistol animation, fixed a softlock in MAP09, changed 4.11 sign in MAP01 to 5.5



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Eh, really sorry but I'm going to have to revert MAP25. It looked a lot better with the old texture scheme, and there are already a couple of cyberdemons in the arena at the end - the level doesn't need four of them!


I will keep some of the changed textures, though!

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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- Finally added the NWSHN2x and N_MTNV2x textures to the ANIMATED lump (both are used in MAP20)

- Increased the size of the the N_ASSTx textures to 256x128



- Reverted back to the old texture scheme, although keeping some of LoneAlpha2401's changes

- Replaced shells next to the rocket launcher with rockets

- Added additional detail and fixed some texture alignments in the blue key area

- Added additional detail and attempted to fix some cut-off textures in the arena

- Removed the blue key bars, and made the switch behind them require the blue key instead (also changed the look of this switch and the yellow switch)

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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Quick update Version 5.52


Map 09

- Re-textured/detailed the starting area with some waterfalls and vines

- Turned off some of the lights in the first part of the warehouse to make it look like it is low on power

- Added some dragons to accompany the Cyberdemon




Edited by PinkFlamingo

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Can someone strategically place a few turrets in MAP18? 


What's the thingID? :P


Edit: Reserving MAP18 for a short while. Need to somewhat implement difficulty levels.

Edited by Rosh Fragger

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In the text file, please can the following people be credited for textures (in addition to direct contributors to the project)


- abbuw

- ACE team

- Cage

- Esa Repo (aka Espi)

- Iikka Keranen (aka Fingers)

- Laz Rojas

- Martin Howe

- Nootrac4571

- Ola Björling (aka ukiro)

- Paul Fleschute (aka Moe)

- Raven Software

- Sarah Mancuso (aka esselfortium)

- Stephen Browning (aka Scuba Steve)

- Thomas Möller

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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